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版权声明(Copyright Notice)

本文翻译自Neon Labs为该项目撰写的技术文档,并已得到翻译授权。译者为@chainguys。转载请注明作者和译者。

Coptyright©2021 by Neon Labs, translated by @chainguys.


All content shown are for communication and learning purposes, cannot and should not be viewed as any form of Financial or Investment Advice.


Finally,please understand this is not an official Chinese doc released by Neon, but one maintained solely by Neon Maximalist @chainguys. In the event of conflicts or ambiguity between the English language version and translated versions, the English language versions and official interpretation shall prevail.Feel free to join Neon Official Discord server.

技术文档太冗长?那到这儿看看 whitepaper 吧!
Docs TL;DR?Check whitepaper here!