使用ERC-20代币 (Using ERC-20 Tokens)
When performing operations on tokens in the Neon EVM, it is important to know which token symbol or address can be used. Having a list of possible tokens available, you can easily navigate when choosing the token you need.
在 Neon EVM 中对代币执行操作时,知道哪个代币符号或地址可以使用十分重要。拥有可用代币列表,您可以在选择所需代币时轻松导航。
The list of tokens whose contracts are deployed in Neon EVM and which are available to you can be found in the token-list repository.
可以在代币列表存储库中找到其合约部署在 Neon EVM 中并且可供您使用的代币列表。