Akord协议—向所有构建者开源 (Akord protocol – open for builders)

Akord Builder Blog

The Akord protocol is now open source and available to all builders. In the coming weeks, we’ll be releasing details of new programs to incentivise builders working on the Akord protocol. But for now, let’s concentrate on the technology.

Akord 协议现在开源了,可供所有构建者使用。在接下来的几周内,我们将发布新计划的详细信息,来激励致力于 Akord 协议的构建者。但现在,让我们专注于技术。

互联网出版正在改变,又一次 (Internet publishing is changing, again)

We have seen the internet evolve from the early, read-only web1, to the dynamic read/write web2 that social media is built on.

我们已经看到互联网从早期的只读 web1 发展到构建社交媒体的动态读/写 web2。

Now we’re seeing how blockchains are enabling a new dimension to the web: ownership. Yet, for data ownership to be practical, we need data to persist just as an object in physical reality can.


Arweave enables that persistence, and true data ownership, by providing a public, global and permanent hard drive.

Arweave 通过提供公共、全球和永久的硬盘驱动器来实现这种持久性,和真正的数据所有权。

The Akord protocol, built on Arweave, will further advance true user ownership of data, which is the foundation of web3.

基于 Arweave 构建的 Akord 协议将进一步促进用户对数据真正的所有权,这是 web3 的基础。

用户自有存储是一种新范式 (User-owned storage is a new paradigm)

In the classic client–server model, the application must have direct access to the data, usually behind the same firewall. The ‘backend’ of the website needs direct access to your data before it can render a website.


However, this opens several issues that work against the user:


  • Privacy: most software-as-a-service providers, at a minimum, have a backdoor to customer data at rest, in transit or when processed.

  • Censorship: SaaS providers can revoke access to your data, especially if forced to by a government or legal authority.
    审查:SaaS 提供商可以撤销对您数据的访问权限,尤其是在政府或法律机构强制要求的情况下。

  • Lacking consent: your data is often bought and sold, analysed or traded, without your consent or compensation.

  • Surveillance: nefarious actors, governments and cyber criminals can exploit customers by hacking data storage providers.

To address these issues, we are introducing the Akord protocol, allowing developers to build applications on a new web3 decentralised architecture.
为了解决这些问题,我们引入了 Akord 协议,允许开发人员在新的 web3 去中心化架构上构建应用。

With Akord, users’ data is encrypted and audited by the protocol. This gives the users the ability to store personal, private or sensitive data in a private vault.
使用 Akord,用户的数据被协议加密和审计。这使用户能够将个人、隐私或敏感数据存储在私人保管库中。

Since users control the keys to the vault, they can consent to who accesses their data. Without a backdoor, backend services cannot have direct access to the data.


保管库 - 促进数据所有权的功能 (Vaults – features to facilitate data ownership)

Akord vaults have the functionality and properties needed for data ownership:

Akord 保管库具有数据所有权所需的功能和属性:

  • Privacy: secured by end-to-end encryption.
    隐私: 通过端到端加密保护。

  • Consent: access controlled by the user’s consent.

  • ZKP: containers for verifiable claims and zero knowledge proofs.

  • Composable and extendable protocol, enabling custom extensions.
    可组合和可扩展 协议,支持自定义扩展。

  • On-chain permanent storage for files and folders.
    链上 永久存储 ,可用于文件和文件夹。

  • File versioning and auditing.

  • Messaging and collaboration.

Vaults are multi-user. The owner can control who has access to the vault and the members who have access to contribute.


Inside the vault, we can store files, messages, images, structured or unstructured data, and much more. Auditing and file revisions are built-in features of the vault.

在保管库中,我们可以存储文件、消息、图像、结构化或非结构化数据等等。审核和文件修订是保管库 的内置功能。

Designed for composability, vaults enable developers to program functionality such as submitting a document for signature or storage.


目前协议的用例 (Protocol use cases, so far)

Here’s a short summary of the types of projects we’re helping to build on the Akord protocol:

以下是我们在 Akord 协议上,帮助构建的项目类型的简短摘要:

  • Web3: NFT projects, DAOs, funds, exclusive membership access.
    Web3: NFT 项目、DAO、基金、独家会员访问。

  • Public goods: reforestation data, historical archives, documenting art objects.

  • Enterprise: Health insurance data, genetic data, business archives.

For web3, the private vaults enable decentralised sharing of sensitive data.

对于 web3,私有保管库可以实现敏感数据的分散共享。

For public goods, vaults are enabling dynamic access control, as well as perpetual and open access to data from reforestation projects to historical archives.


For enterprise, our partners recognise the importance of having secure and permanent data. Health, genetic and personal information can be coordinated and shared with a user directly to their vaults, changing the relationship between company and user.


In all cases, the user becomes the owner of their data. Then the company seeks the consent of the user to access their data.


召集所有构建者:您的新工具包已经到来 (Calling all builders: your new toolkit has arrived)

We invite all builders to check out the following latest releases.


  • Akord protocol on Arweave mainnet
    Arweave 主网上的 Akord 协议

  • Akord-js to interact with vaults using javascript/typescript
    Akord-js 使用 javascript/typescript 与保管库交互

  • Akord-cli for scripting vaults from the command line
    Akord-cli 用于从命令行编写保管库脚本

  • API & App – new protocol version of the app is available at: v2.akord.com
    API 和应用程序 - 应用程序的新协议版本可在以下网址获得:v2.akord.com

  • DocsLitepaper and tutorials.
    文档轻皮书 和 指导.

We'll be releasing a migration tool that will enable users to transfer data from v1 version of the app to the new v2.akord.com, which will not cost users anything to migrate.

我们将发布一个迁移工具,使用户能够将数据从 v1 版本的应用转移到新的 v2.akord.com,这不会花费用户任何迁移费用。

现在,抓住你构建的东西 (Now, seize control of what you build)

These tools are just the first step. We need you to imagine the possibilities. A future, built on user-owned data, is still yet to be written.


We’re excited to help grow and support the developers and the dreamers who will take the Akord protocol to seize control of their data. We’ll soon be announcing details of the Akord Builders Grants to kickstart this journey.

我们很高兴能够帮助发展和支持将采用 Akord 协议来控制其数据的开发人员和梦想家。我们很快将公布 Akord开发者奖金(Akord Builders Grants) 的详细信息,来启动这一旅程。
