Sei 与 Axelar Network 合作,为 Cosmos 上的 DeFi 启用跨链消息传递 (Sei has partnered with Axelar Network to enable cross-chain messaging for DeFi on Cosmos)

Sei, the fastest Layer 1 optimized for DeFi, is partnering with Axelar to enable cross-chain messaging between DeFi on Cosmos and EVM chains. Axelar is the premier cross-chain infrastructure provider, and this partnership will open up novel possibilities for bridging, messaging, and execution across chains, programming languages, and virtual machines.

Sei 是针对 DeFi 优化的最快layer1,它正在与 Axelar 合作,进而实现 Cosmos 上 DeFi 和 EVM 链之间跨链消息传递。 Axelar 是首屈一指的跨链基础设施提供商,此次合作将为各主链,各编程语言和各虚拟机之间的的跨链、消息传递和执行开辟新的可能性。

One of the core bottlenecks for DeFi scalability is liquidity fragmentation across multiple ecosystems. Billions of dollars worth of crypto assets are locked, wrapped, minted, and burned each day, forcing every chain to compete for TVL in a zero-sum game. Inevitably, the success of DeFi protocols and their underlying chains are highly correlated.

DeFi 可扩展性的核心瓶颈之,就是存在于多个生态系统的流动性碎片。每天都有价值数十亿美元的加密资产被锁定、封装、铸造和烧毁,迫使每条链在零和游戏中争夺 TVL。不可避免地,DeFi 协议的成功与其底层链是高度相关的。

This partnership seeks to solve the issue of liquidity fragmentation by enabling interoperability and shared liquidity across IBC and EVM chains. At a high level, Sei expects to observe the following effects:

这场合作关系旨在通过跨 IBC 和 EVM 链实现可交互性和共享流动性来解决流动性分散问题。在较高的维度上,Sei 预计会观察到以下效果:

  1. Users will no longer be limited to interfacing with the “local” protocols (protocols built on the same chain as their wallets) and will not need to deal with the hassle of bridging to use “foreign” protocols (protocols on separate chains).

  2. Developers will be able to query data and utilize logic/smart contracts from other chains.

  3. Ecosystems will be able to attract and interact with liquidity from “foreign chains” through back-end integrations.

这种伙伴关系能带来什么?(What does this partnership enable?)

(IBC 和 EVM 链之间跨链消息传递) Cross-Chain Messaging between IBC and EVM chains

With this partnership, cross-chain communication goes beyond wrapping and locking assets. Instead, Axelar’s infrastructure can enable protocol on an EVM chain (ie. Avalanche) to utilize smart contract functionality and logic from Sei and vice versa. Cross-chain messaging opens up new use cases and possibilities, such as multi-chain liquidity pools, cross-chain lending, cross-chain swapping, and cross-chain arbitrage.

通过这种伙伴关系,跨链通信超越了封装和锁定资产。相反,Axelar 的基础设施可以启用 EVM 链(即 Avalanche)上的协议,以利用 Sei 的智能合约功能和逻辑,反之亦然。跨链消息传递开辟了新的用例和可能性,例如多链流动性池、跨链借贷、跨链交换和跨链套利。

结构化产品协议的跨链资金库 (Cross-Chain Vaults for Structured Product Protocols)

Cross-Chain Vaults will allow users to deposit assets into vault protocols and access unique strategies on any Axelar partnered chain. This would allow wallets on Ethereum to leverage novel derivative trading strategies on Sei without the complexity of bridging their assets or creating new crypto wallets. Users will have a simple “one-click” experience, interacting with any and all chains across Web3 with all the intricacies efficiently and securely abstracted from them.

跨链资金库将允许用户将资产存入资金库协议并访问任何 Axelar 合作链上的独特策略。这将允许以太坊上的钱包在 Sei 上利用新颖的衍生品交易策略,而无需跨链其资产或创建新的加密钱包的复杂性。用户将获得简单的“一键式”体验,与 Web3 上的任何和所有链进行交互,并有效且安全地从其中抽象出所有复杂性。

跨链合成 (Cross-Chain Synthetics)

This partnership will enable dApps building on Sei to securely query the prices and market conditions of various cross-chain assets and asset classes. This means that synthetics on Sei will not be limited to IBC assets but can span the entirety of Web2 and Web3. The ability to mint and maintain the peg for these novel synthetic assets will greatly democratize trading for all of crypto.

这种合作伙伴关系将使基于 Sei 的 dApp 能够安全地查询各种跨链资产和类别的价格和市场状况。这意味着 Sei 上的合成将不限于 IBC 资产,而是可以跨越整个 Web2 和 Web3。为这些新型合成资产铸造和维持锚定的能力,将极大地加速所有加密货币的交易民主化。

关于Axelar (About Axelar)

Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3. The infrastructure enables dApp users to interact with any asset or application, on any chain, with one click. Axelar is like Stripe for Web3. Axelar is backed by Binance, Coinbase Ventures, Dragonfly Capital, and Polychain Capital. Axelar is integrated with the Ethereum, Avalanche, Cosmos, and Polkadot ecosystems.

Axelar 为 Web3 提供安全的跨链通信。该基础设施使 dApp 用户可以一键与任何链的任何资产或应用进行交互。 Axelar 就像 Web3 的 Stripe。 Axelar 得到 Binance、Coinbase Ventures、Dragonfly Capital 和 Polychain Capital 的支持。 Axelar 与 Ethereum、Avalanche、Cosmos 和 Polkadot 生态系统集成。

关于Sei (About Sei)

Sei is the first layer 1 blockchain optimized for DeFi. Most layer 1’s fall into a barbell distribution: two extremes with general purpose chains on one end (e.g., Ethereum, Solana) and app-specific chains on the other (e.g., dYdX, Osmosis). Sei unlocks an entirely new design space between the two—not general-purpose nor app-specific, but DeFi-specific, which enables Sei to create an environment custom-built for DeFi applications. Sei features a built-in order matching engine, frontrunning protection, and the fastest finality of any chain (600 ms) currently in market. The combination of these optimizations make it possible for new types of financial products to emerge—everything ranging from live sports betting to complex options and futures.

大多数layer1属于杠铃分布:两个极端,一端是通用链(例如 Ethereum、Solana),另一端是应用专用链(例如 dYdX、Osmosis)。Sei 在两者之间开辟了一个全新的设计空间——既不是通用的也不是特定应用的,而是特定于 DeFi 的,这使 Sei 能够创建一个为 DeFi 应用定制的环境。 Sei 具有内置的订单匹配引擎、抢跑保护和目前市场上任何链中最快的最终确定性(600 毫秒)。这些优化的结合使新型金融产品的出现成为可能——从现场体育博彩到复杂的期权和期货,应有尽有。
