SeiNetwork长推-20221014 (SeiNetwork twitter threads-20221014)


1/ Minimizing latency is crucial. A thread on what that means and how Sei is making strides to have extremely fast time to finality through collocating validators.

最小化延迟至关重要。这篇长推将解释这意味着什么,以及 Sei 如何通过并置验证者来以极快的速度完成最终确定。

2/ What is "time to finality"? "Time to finality" describes the time between when blocks are committed to the blockchain. Sei has a strong focus on minimizing our network latency to create the best environment for decentralized exchanges to deploy and scale.

什么是“完成时间”? “完成时间”描述了将块提交到区块链之间的时间。 Sei 非常注重最大限度地减少的网络延迟,为去中心化交易所的部署和扩展创造最佳环境。

3/ For optimal performance, sei ran load tests with a smaller validator set that was colocated.

为了获得最佳性能,sei 使用托管的较小验证者集进行负载测试。


4/ Why colocation? Internationally scattered validators have higher latency when reaching consensus and producing blocks because it takes longer for messages to travel between them.


5/ After extensive research on colocation Sei found:
Colocation reduces latency by ~46% vs. international dispersion
50 validators is the limit before seeing increased latency by adding more validators Full research here

Sei 在对托管进行广泛研究后发现:
与国际分散相比,托管可将延迟降低约 46%
50 个验证器是通过添加更多验证器来增加延迟之前的限制,您可以查看以下研究

6/ Although testing for the software and hardware designs is still ongoing, interested teams are actively considering expanding to Sei. A number of protocols are prepared to deploy on Sei at mainnet launch.

尽管软件和硬件设计的测试仍在进行中,但感兴趣的团队正在积极考虑扩展到 Sei。许多协议准备在主网启动时部署在 Sei 上。

7/ To learn more about how Sei creates an environment custom-built for #DEX applications in-depth check out our GitBook:…

要深入了解 Sei 如何为 #DEX 应用创建定制环境的更多信息,请查看我们的 GitBook:https://…

8/ Shoutout to the@Delphi_Digital team for writing in-depth research about Sei! Read the full report here
[Learn more in our new PRO report.]

@Delphi_Digital 团队致敬,感谢他们撰写有关 Sei 的深入研究!在此处阅读完整报告

[在新 PRO 报告中了解更多信息。]
