Euler来信-三月总结(Euler Newsletter March Summary)


让我们一起回顾过去几周都发生了什么! (Let's recap what has happened over the past few weeks!)

欢迎! (Welcome!)

Euler had loads of updates and notable events in our last newsletter, so get ready for more in this month’s summary!

在我们上一期的通讯中,Euler 有大量更新和值得注意的事件,所以准备好在本月的总结中了解更多吧!

We surprised the DeFi community with a snapshot and announced the start of Epoch 1 and the distribution for Epoch 0.

我们用快照给了 DeFi 社区一个惊喜,并宣布开始 Epoch 1 ,以及分发 Epoch 0

eIP3 was approved, so users can now perform self-collateralisation.

eIP3 获得批准,因此用户现在可以进行自我抵押。

eIP5 has been implemented, which amended the borrow factors and interest rate models on a large number of assets.

eIP5 已经实施,从而对大量资产的借贷因子和利率模型进行了修正。

eIP6 passed, allowing Euler users to utilise Chainlink (LINK) as a collateral asset.

eIP6 获得通过,允许 Euler 用户将 Chainlink (LINK) 作为资产进行抵押。

eIP7 has been proposed to enable Polygon (MATIC) as a collateral asset on Euler. Feel free to discuss on the gov forums, particularly if you voted for/against it on Compound.

eIP7 已被提案。它将让 Polygon (MATIC) 作为 Euler 上的抵押资产。请不要拘束,多多在 gov 论坛上讨论,尤其是如果您在 Compound 上投票支持/反对它。

Michael wrote a related thread about leverage on over-collateralised lending protocols and another one detailing Euler’s unique and advanced features.

Michael 写了一篇关于超额抵押借贷协议杠杆的长推,还有另一篇文章详细介绍了 Euler 的独特和高级功能

We launched an educational tweet series on Euler’s main features. Check out the #EulerFeatures hashtag on Twitter to stay updated.

我们推出了有关 Euler 主要功能的教育推文系列。您可以查看 Twitter 上的#EulerFeatures 标签来保持更新。

We held our monthly Euler Community Call and also a Twitter Space with Polygon.

我们举行了每月一次的 Euler 社区电话会议,与 Polygon一起进行了 Twitter 空间 (活动)。

Euler was highlighted in a Messari article by Seth Bloomberg, and Hasu mentioned us in a Tweet.

Seth Bloomberg 在Messari 文章中高度评价Euler,并且Hasu 也在推文中提到了我们。

Meanwhile, we made an appearance in Token Terminal’s newsletter, while they also hinted of a potential research piece on Euler.

同时,我们出现在 Token Terminal 的通讯中,同时他们也暗示了他们有关于Euler的潜在研究。

Euler’s head of risk Seraphim wrote a thread about our unique liquidation process.

Euler 的风险主管 Seraphim 写了一篇关于我们独特清算流程的长推

The Euler team grew with Connor Mulhall having joined as a full-stack engineer and Rangel Stoilov joined as a senior front-end developer.

Euler 团队持续扩大: Connor Mulhall 作为全栈工程师加入, Rangel Stoilov 作为高级前端开发人员加入。

We now have $352.3M in total supply, $98.51M in TVL, and $253.8M in total being borrowed across 53 total markets and $111.55k in reserves.

我们现在总供应量为 3.523 亿美元,TVL 为 9851 万美元,在 53 个总市场中总共借入了 2.538 亿美元,准备金为 11.155 万美元。

其他新闻 (In Other News)

Watch this interview with Seraphim and Brandon Neal if you missed the last newsletter about Brandon joining as our COO, having previously worked as an NY Fed official.

如果您错过了 Brandon 加入我们并成为COO(他之前曾担任纽约联储官员)的最新通讯,请观看对 Seraphim 和 Brandon Neal 的采访

Seraphim was interviewed in an article on Goldman Sachs employees leaving TradFi for the crypto industry.

Seraphim 在一篇关于高盛员工离开 TradFi 进入加密货币行业的文章中接受了采访

Come meet the team and see Michael as a key speaker at the Paris Blockchain Week Summit from April 13th-14th 2022 or if you’re in the US, join Seraphim at Blockworks’ Permissionless conference in Palm Beach on 17-19 May.

快来与团队会面!在 2022 年 4 月 13 日至 14 日的巴黎区块链周峰会上,可以看到 Michael 作为主要发言人。如果您在美国,5 月 17 日至 19 日在棕榈滩(Palm Beach)将举行Blockworks的无许可会议(Permissionless conference),届时欢迎您请加入Seraphim的活动。

If you're in Germany, join Michael at the inaugural Blockchain Oracle Summit in Berlin on 7-9 June.

如果您在德国,请与Michael一起参加 6 月 7 日至 9 日在柏林举行的首届区块链甲骨文峰会
