

Guide on how to get tokens on Ropsten and participate in the Euler protocol testnet.

如何在 Ropsten 上获取代币并参与欧拉协议测试网的指南。

The testnet stage will make use of the Ethereum Ropsten Test Network so users can try lending and borrowing with Ropsten tokens such as wETH, DAI, WBTC and many others. Users can become more acquainted with the differences in market assets, specifically isolated, cross and collateral tokens.

测试网阶段将利用以太坊 Ropsten 测试网络,因此用户可以尝试使用 Ropsten 代币(如 wETH、DAI、WBTC 等)进行借贷。用户可以更加熟悉市场资产的差异,特别是隔离、交叉(跨层)和抵押代币。

We highly encourage users to browse around, test interactions, click things, break stuff and then report any feedback, positive or negative, back to us.


When first landing on the site, users will be greeted by the available lending markets and general stats. From here users can participate by creating sub accounts, swap, deposit, borrow, short and transfer tokens.


After entering a position users can check out their health scores on the account page which will show their collateral, liabilities, and transactions, along with other user stats. The user dashboard will also reveal other important user stats, account summaries and more.


Also note that we’re currently focusing on desktop web development, so mobile experiences may differ for the time being. Some components on the platform may be temporarily missing or paused during development as we work on feedback.

另请注意,我们目前专注于桌面 Web 开发,因此移动体验暂时可能会有所不同。在我们处理反馈的过程中,平台上的某些组件可能会在开发过程中暂时丢失或暂停。

如何参与 (How to participate:)

  1. Use one of the Ropsten Ethereum (rETH) Faucets to receive some testnet ETH in your wallet
    使用 Ropsten Ethereum (rETH) 水龙头之一在您的钱包中接收一些测试网 ETH

  2. Use Euler’s custom faucet to get some testnet tokens: 
    使用 Euler 的自定义水龙头获取一些测试网代币

As a reminder, minting tokens from faucets does take some time since requests get queued up. Please try refreshing the etherscan link after 5-10 min. Make sure that you use our custom faucet for the tokens! Existing ropstein DAI and USDC won't work.

提醒一下,由于请求排队,因此从水龙头铸造代币确实需要一些时间。请在 5-10 分钟后尝试刷新 etherscan 链接。确保您使用我们的定制水龙头获取代币!现有的 ropstein DAI 和 USDC 将不起作用。

As a second option, an ERC-20 test faucet smart contract has been deployed on Ropsten and has all of the 18 supported tokens within the test environment.

作为第二种选择,ERC-20 测试水龙头智能合约已部署在 Ropsten 上,并在测试环境中拥有所有 18 个受支持的代币。

You can claim 10 of each token by pasting the token contract address from the testing guide into the withdraw field/function of the faucet contract.

您可以将测试指南中的代币合约地址,粘贴到水龙头合约的提款字段/功能中来领取每种代币 10 个。

The faucet contract can be found at:

To interact with the contract you’ll need some Ropsten ETH in your metamask wallet. Paste the URL above into your chrome browser with metamask switched to Ropsten. Then click on Contract (next to transactions) and then Write. Then connect your wallet by clicking Connect to Web3. Once connected, you can paste any our tokens addresses into the withdraw function test field and click on Write. Once the transaction is processed, you should see 10 of the tokens you have claimed added to your wallet under the assets area in metamask (note: you will need to have imported the token into metamask to see your balance).

要与合约交互,你的 metamask 钱包中需要一些 Ropsten ETH。将上面的 URL 粘贴到您的 chrome 浏览器中,并将 metamask 切换为 Ropsten。然后单击 合约(交易旁边),然后单击 写入。然后通过单击 连接到 Web3 连接您的钱包。连接后,您可以将我们的任何代币地址粘贴到提款功能测试字段中,然后单击 写入。处理完交易后,您应该会在 metamask 的资产区域下看到您声称已添加到钱包中的 10 个代币(注意:您需要将代币导入 metamask 才能查看余额)。

用户指南(如何将测试网代币添加到您的metamask)-User guide (How to add testnet tokens to your metamask)

  1. Open your metamask and make sure you are connected to the Ropsten Test Network. Choose “Assets” and click on “Import tokens”.
    打开您的metamask并确保您已连接到 Ropsten 测试网络。选择“资产”并点击“导入代币”。
  1. Another popup will appear in which you need to enter the token contract address provided from the list below and press on “Add Custom Token”.

用户指南(如何进行交易)-User guide (How to do a transaction)

  1. Connect to the wallet you used with the faucet above and make sure you choose Ropsten Test Network from the dropdown list.
    连接到您与上述水龙头一起使用的钱包,并确保从下拉列表中选择 Ropsten 测试网络。
  1. Go to and click ‘Connect’ in the upper right corner.
  1. Create a new transaction by pressing ‘Transaction’ at the top right in the header. Start by depositing USDC, and then borrowing CRV to your Main account.
    按标题右上角的“交易”创建新交易。首先存入 USDC,然后将 CRV 借入您的主账户。

  1. After you approve the spending limit, you will be able to choose the desired amount for the deposit. A transaction builder popup will appear on the right side, where you will have to click on the ‘Send txs’ button to initiate the transfer.
    在您批准消费限额后,您将可以选择所需的存款金额。交易构建器弹出窗口将出现在右侧,您必须在其中单击“发送 txs”按钮来启动交易。

用户指南(了解资产层)-User guide (Learn about Asset tiers)

When you click on the “MARKETS” tab, it will take you to the markets page, on which you can see the asset tiers and the number of assets in that tier. Asset tiers are also visible on the left side next to the token icon. By hovering over the Asset tiers, in this case for “Collateral”, the tier will also display a popup with an additional explanation on use cases for each tier.


Note. In order to “Borrow” you need to have one of the “Collateral Tier” assets deposited.


用户指南(了解子账户)-User guide (Learn about sub-accounts)

  1. At the top right of the app, mouse over the profile icon and then click on ‘Create New’ to create a Sub-account.
  1. Click on the ‘Transaction’ button again and transfer some collateral to your freshly created sub-account and borrow an isolated token. Understand that you need to be on a fresh sub-account to borrow isolated markets.

  1. Deposit DAI and USDT in the same transaction to see how the transaction slip allows for multiple transactions to save gas cost.
    在同一笔交易中存入 DAI 和 USDT,看看交易单如何允许多笔交易以节省 gas 成本。
  1. Navigate to the dashboard page and click on your main sub-account. Take stock of your health score and be aware that if it goes below 1 you will be up for liquidation.
    导航到仪表板页面并单击您的主要子帐户。评估您的健康评分并注意,如果它低于 1,您将被清算。

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