
Our co-founder@jadler0recently sat down with@LoganJastremskito discuss modular blockchains and Fuel Here are 7 highlights

我们的联合创始人@jadler0最近与@LoganJastremski坐下来讨论模块化区块链和Fuel 谈及7个亮点

Highlight 1: Modularity and rollups enable new use cases It turns out a VM can be strictly better than the EVM. The FuelVM is the EVM but with higher performance and flexibility.

亮点 1:模块化和汇总支持新用例。事实证明,VM 可以比 EVM 更好。 FuelVM 是 EVM,但具有更高的性能和灵活性。

Highlight 2: Ethereum ≠ EVM Many believe that Ethereum comes only with the EVM and Solidity as the viable solution. Unknowing that you can actually innovate and improve the VM without sacrificing Ethereum's security as the core layer.

亮点 2:以太坊≠ EVM 许多人认为以太坊只有 EVM 和 Solidity 能作为可行的解决方案。不知道你实际上可以在不牺牲以太坊作为核心层安全性的情况下,创新和改进虚拟机。

Highlight 3: Blockchain bottlenecks are changing The EVM throughput is limited in order to facilitate full nodes to secure the network. The introduction of trust minimized light nodes with fraud and validity proofs is a game-changer, making execution the primary bottleneck.

亮点 3:区块链瓶颈正在改变 EVM吞吐量受到限制,以促进全节点保护网络。引入具有欺诈和有效性证明的信任最小化轻节点改变了游戏规则,使执行成为主要瓶颈。

Highlight 4: Rollups enable incredible innovation on the execution layer Why? Because there is no burden of state history (i.e. as with Ethereum) that otherwise needs to be considered. This allows for innovation from the ground up.

亮点 4:汇总在执行层上实现了令人难以置信的创新。为什么?因为没有其他需要考虑的状态历史负担(即与以太坊一样)。这允许从头开始进行创新。

Highlight 5: General purpose VMs that don't use parallel transaction execution will be left behind How come? It's pretty simple: If you don't, you will have leftover compute capacity that is left unused. This is not optimal for performance in the long term.

亮点 5:不使用并行交易执行的通用 VM 将被抛弃。为什么?这很简单:如果不这样做,您将拥有未使用的剩余计算容量。从长远来看,这对性能来说并不是最佳的。

Highlight 6: The current state of ORs are not improving on the EVM - but stagnating in terms of innovation. Fuel implements some EIPs that never got to production. For instance: EIP-648: Parallel transaction execution EIP-3074: AUTH and AUTHCALL opcodes

亮点 6:ORs 的当前状态在 EVM 上没有改善 - 但在创新方面停滞不前。 Fuel 实现了一些从未投入生产的 EIP。例如: EIP-648:并行交易执行 EIP-3074:AUTH 和 AUTHCALL 操作码

Highlight 7: A scalable data layer without a scalable execution layer is worthless Bytes per second (DA) is not Transactions per second. To solve the scalability problem you need to optimize for both DA and execution.

亮点 7:没有可扩展执行层的可扩展数据层毫无价值。每秒字节数 (DA) 不是每秒交易数。要解决可扩展性问题,您需要针对 DA 和执行进行优化。

The 7 Highlights ! 7大亮点!

  1. Modularity and rollups enable new use cases

  2. Ethereum ≠ EVM

  3. Blockchain bottlenecks are changing

  4. Rollups enable incredible innovation on the execution layer

  5. General purpose VMs that don't use parallel transaction execution will be left behind
    不使用并行交易执行的通用 VM 将被抛在后面

  6. The current state of ORs are not improving on the EVM - but stagnating in terms of innovation.
    ORs 的当前状态并没有在 EVM 上有所改善,且在创新方面停滞不前。

  7. A scalable data layerwithout a scalable execution layer is worthless

Listen to the full podcast below ↓

