早安,开发者和用户! (GM Developers and Users!)

We are Alt Research, a blockchain R&D team comprising of blockchain veterans and award winning researchers and engineers building AltLayer — an elastic scaling layer for a multichain world.

我们是 Alt Research,一个由区块链资深人士和屡获殊荣的研究人员及工程师组成的区块链研发团队,我们正在构建 AltLayer——一个多链世界的弹性扩展层。

我们的理念 (Our Philosophy)

At Alt Research, we firmly believe that while the initial vision of “Ethereum as the world computer” has led us all far and deep and has made us reimagine finance, gaming and culture, we do not quite yet have the appropriate base technology to fully realize this vision.

在 Alt Research,我们坚信,虽然“以太坊作为世界计算机”的最初愿景带领我们所有人走得更远,让我们得以重新构想金融、游戏和文化,但我们还没有适当的基础技术来充分实现这一愿景。

In fact, having seen several new L1/L2 designs that the blockchain space has come up with in the years following the launch of Ethereum, and the scaling issues that these platforms have witnessed during times of heavy usage, it has never been more obvious that any L1 is only suited for settlements, while execution of day-to-day user transactions are best left to dedicated transaction-processing layers that derive security from an underlying L1.

事实上,在以太坊推出后的几年中,区块链领域提出了几种新的 L1/L2 设计,而这些平台在大量使用期间所见证的扩展问题,也从未如此地表明 L1 仅适用于结算,而日常用户交易的执行最好留给从底层 L1 获得安全性的专用交易处理层。

This functional separation of execution and consensus aka the modular blockchain philosophy is one of our core design tenets.


While a single universal general purpose chain that hosts all the dApps of the world is hard to build (without sacrificing decentralization or security), there have been several solutions that allow developers to design application-specific chains, where each dApp has its own dedicated blockspace.

虽然很难构建一个承载世界上所有 dApp 的通用链(尤其在不牺牲去中心化或安全性的情况下),但有几种解决方案允许开发人员设计特定于应用的链,其中每个 dApp 都有自己的专用区块空间.

Several application-specific chains have been hugely successful in the past in attracting user and transaction volume. However, antithetical to its main purpose, it is obvious that an application-specific chain is not the best scaling solution for every single application mainly because of the high chain setup requirements and also the fact that an application with its own chain loses composability that a general purpose chain offers. Moreover, an application that is not yet popular would waste validators’ resources in running that chain.


We believe that a vast majority of applications today need a transient scaling solution at specific times during their product lifecycle. For example, an NFT project needs a scaling solution only when it is organizing an NFT mint event.

我们相信,当今绝大多数应用在其产品生命周期的特定时间都需要瞬时/临时扩展解决方案。例如,NFT 项目仅在组织 NFT 铸币活动时才需要扩展解决方案。

We therefore believe in building disposable application-dedicated execution layers that are on-demand, elastic, highly resource optimized and easy to set up.


By being disposable, this allows the application to do end-of-life settlements (when it is ready to be disposed of) on an underlying L1. This offers the best of both worlds. One the one hand, developers and users get the scaling benefits of an application-layer where the blockspace is reserved for the application. On the other hand, by making the execution layer disposable, the system is highly resource-optimized unlike state-of-the-art application-specific chains. Moreover, by doing final settlements on an underlying L1, the application can remain composable with other dApps.

由于是一次性的,这允许应用在底层 L1 上进行周期结束/报废的结算(当它准备好被处理时)。这无疑两全其美。一方面,开发人员和用户获得了应用层的扩展优势,其中为应用保留了区块空间。另一方面,通过使执行层一次性使用,与最先进的特定应用链不同,系统将资源高度优化。此外,通过在底层 L1 上进行最终结算,应用可以保持与其他 dApp 的可组合性。

AltLayer简单概括 (AltLayer in a Nutshell)

At AltLayer, we are building a novel scaling solution with the above design philosophy at the core. AltLayer is a system of highly scalable application-dedicated execution layers that derive security from an underlying L1/L2. It is designed as a modular and pluggable framework for a multi-chain and multi-VM world. At its core, AltLayer is a system of several optimistic rollup-like execution layers called flash layers with a novel innovation that makes them disposable and therefore highly resource-optimized.

在 AltLayer,我们正在构建以上述设计理念为核心的新型扩展解决方案。 AltLayer 是一个高度可扩展的应用专用执行层系统,从底层 L1/L2 获得安全性。它被设计为用于多链和多虚拟机世界的,模块化和可插拔框架。 AltLayer 的核心是一个由多个类似于乐观汇总的执行层组成的系统,称为 瞬时层,它具有一种新颖的创新,使其可以一次性使用,因此是高度资源优化的。

AtlLayer is in active development and we intend to update the broader blockchain community on our progress on a regular basis.

AtlLayer 正在积极开发中,我们打算定期向更广泛的区块链社区更新我们的进展情况。

Stay tuned for more details on AltLayer.

请继续关注 AltLayer 更多详细信息。

Till then,



The AltLayer Team
AltLayer 团队
