Orderly 如何构建迄今为止最先进的 DeFi 基础设施 (How Orderly is building the most advanced DeFi infrastructure to date)

路线图更新—接下里是什么? (Roadmap update — What’s next?)

Many times we see a project roadmap, but very rarely do we get an explanation as to what each item on there actually means. In this article, we look to break down each item and explain how this will change the way you will navigate decentralized finance.


Q3:主网alpha和beta版本 (Q3: Mainnet alpha and beta)

As with all great products, there is a need to have alpha and beta launches. This allows us to test in a controlled environment which will enable us to ensure things are working as they should be.

与所有出色的产品一样,发布alpha 和 beta 版本是必须得。这使我们能够在受控环境中进行测试,也使我们能够确保事情按应有的方式生效。

The mainnet alpha will be extended only to partners and a select audience. This is to ensure that the wider retail market doesn’t get burned with their hard earned funds while we’re ironing out any kinks.

主网 Alpha 版将仅限于合作伙伴和特定受众。这是为了确保在我们解决任何问题时,更广泛的零售市场不会将其辛苦赚来的资金烧毁。

What about community involvement? You may ask… the mainnet beta will be extended to the wider community for all to test and enjoy! The beta will have limited features and we will ensure we have ample content on what you can, and cannot do during the beta.


Q4:主网和支持其他钱包 (Q4: Mainnet and support for additional wallets)

The time you have all been waiting for! Orderly Network will be launching on mainnet. Our revelation to the wider world of web3 is coming towards the end of this year where you will be able to trade with real assets, in real time.

大家一直在等待的时间!Orderly网络将在主网上启动。我们对 web3 更广阔世界的启示将于今年年底发布,您将能够在其中实时交易真实资产。

Due to having the alpha and beta stages for testing, the mainnet launch will see the full functionality you currently get to experience in the testnet environment today (head to Orderly Network to try it now!). This will be a momentous occasion for us so you best believe we will be doing something special for it!

由于有用于测试的 alpha 和 beta 阶段,主网启动时您将看到今天在测试网环境中体验到的全部功能(前往 Orderly Network 立即试用!)。这对我们来说将是一个重要的时刻,所以您最好相信我们会为此做一些特别的事情!

2023Q1:永续合约交易和链上订单簿 (Q1 2023: Perpetual trading and on-chain orderbook)

Builders, are you wanting to launch perpetual trading applications on your platform? If yes, Q1 of 2023 is something you may be very excited for! This will see the launch of our perpetual futures contracts where builders will be able to utilize existing code, lean on the expertise of proven DeFi builders, all while having the benefit of access to deep, aggregated liquidity.

建设者,您想在您的平台上推出永续交易应用吗?如果是,那么您可能会为 2023 年第一季度感到非常兴奋!随着我们永续期货合约的推出,建设者将能够利用现有代码,依靠经过验证的 DeFi 建设者的专业知识,同时受益于有深度和聚合的流动性。

The next release in Q1 goes back to the “why NEAR?” question.

第一季度的下一个版本可以追溯到“为什么是 NEAR?”问题。

We will be introducing the on-chain orderbook. With the finality, speed and transaction cost of the NEAR protocol, we are confident in being able to provide the CEX experience, in a decentralized environment. This is part of the broader mission to help create a fairer world of finance. Moving on-chain will remove the trust element of order executions and make them visible to ALL users who wish to see them.

我们将介绍链上订单。凭借 NEAR 协议的确定性、速度和交易成本,我们有信心能够在去中心化的环境中提供 CEX 体验。这是(我们)帮助创建更公平金融世界的更广泛使命的一部分。移动到链上将删除订单执行的信任元素,并使所有想看它们的用户都可以看到它们。

2023Q2:社区池,借贷和交换 (Q2: 2023 Community pool, lending, borrowing and swaps)

Q2 of 2023 will see a busy quarter for the Orderly team as we look to introduce a range of fantastic applications and features to our platform. The first of this list? The community pool.

2023 年第二季度,Orderly 团队将迎来繁忙的季度,因为我们希望为我们的平台引入一系列出色的应用和功能。这个列表的第一个就是 社区池

A community pool will allow users to lend their tokens to market makers which will further amplify the liquidity options available. Users will be incentivized through rewards to lend their tokens. This will be a single-sided pool but as for the rewards… you’ll have to stay tuned!


Next on the list is lending and borrowing. With this addition to the platform, users will be able to lend and borrow a wide range of tokens. Builders on Orderly that are looking to add this functionality to their platform will be able to utilize our backend code and access our platform's deep liquidity options.

列表中的下一个是借贷。通过对平台的这一补充,用户将能够借出和借入各种代币。 Orderly 上希望将此功能添加到其平台的构建者,将能够利用我们的后端代码并访问我们平台的深度流动性选项。

Final item of Q2 will be swaps. This will be when builders are able to integrate our swap mechanics onto their platforms and add their own look and feel to it. Continuing our mission of providing DeFi infrastructure to the web3 builder community, this will be another offering to people that are looking to build with us.

第二季度的最后一项将是掉期/交换。这将是构建者能够将我们的交换机制集成到其平台上,并为其添加外观和感受的时候。作为我们“继续为 web3 构建者社区提供 DeFi 基础设施”的使命,这会是向希望与我们共建的人提供的另一项服务。

2023Q3:资产跨链和期权 (Q3 2023: Asset bridging and options)

“The future is cross-chain” is a phrase you would of often heard in the web3 space. We believe that having the ability to go multi-chain and offer cross-chain swaps along with non-native token support is a giant step towards the end goal of a fully cooperative web3 world.

“未来是跨链的”是你在 web3 领域经常听到的一句话。我们相信,能够进行多链并提供跨链交换以及非原生代币支持,是朝着完全合作的 web3 世界的最终目标迈出的一大步。

Whether you’re a builder looking to add these frameworks to your platform, or a user looking to utilize this variety and freedom… This is one to be excited about!


让更广大市场受益 (Benefitting the wider market)

This is all part of our wider vision to create a fairer world, giving the power back to the stakeholders through the application of decentralized finance. The infrastructure we are building will play a pivotal role in the creation of many fantastic DeFi products that will serve the people in the way of a trustless, permissionless environment.

这是我们创造一个更公平的世界这一更广泛愿景的一部分,它通过去中心化金融的应用将权力交还给利益相关者。我们正在构建的基础设施将在创建许多出色的 DeFi 产品中发挥关键作用,这些产品将以去信任化、无许可化的环境为人们服务。

We are dedicated to creating a better future and we invite you to come and join us for the journey!


Website: Orderly Network
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrderlyNetwork
Discord: discord.gg/Orderly.Network
