Altlayer月报Altlayer Monthly Recap-Nov.2022


1/ Greetings Alters, November was a big month for@alt_layer

1/ Alters们好,11 月对 @alt_layer 来说是重要的一个月

We had many great news & achievements as we continued to #BUIDL while the community has thrived thanks to several activities. If you still cannot catch up, don't worry. Here comes November Recap for y'all

在我们继续 #BUIDL 的过程中,我们获得了许多好消息和成就,同时社区因多项活动而蓬勃发展。如果您仍然无法赶上,也请不要担心。 现在为大家回顾一下11月发生的事情。

2/ On Nov. 8, we started the month by announcing launch of new NFT collection "Oh Ottie!" The collection consists of overall 2,000 unique avatars of our beloved mascot "Ottie" to showcase flash layer technology, enabling NFT minting in a gasless manner across all L1s.

2/ 11 月 8 日,我们以宣布推出新的 NFT 系列“Oh Ottie!”,开启了本月。该系列包含我们心爱的吉祥物“Ottie”的 2,000 个独特头像,用来展示闪存层/瞬时层技术,使 NFT 能够在所有 L1 上以无gas的方式铸造。

3/ Here is detail for the drop;

  • 1,200/2,000 NFT will be launched on Dec.9
    1,200/2,000 NFT 将于 12 月 9 日上线

  • Mint will take place on Flash Layer on FCFS basis

  • Mint price will be 0.08 $ETH or equal in $BNB & $MATIC bridged from@Ethereum @BNBCHAIN @0xPolygon chains

    Mint 价格将为 0.08 $ETH 或从@Ethereum @BNBCHAIN @0xPolygon 跨链过来等值的 $BNB & $MATIC

  • How-to guide will be published on Dec.7
    操作指南将于 12 月 7 日发布

4/ What’s more, there will be benefits by holding NFT;
4/ 更重要的是,持有NFT会有收益;

Future claim to token/NFT airdrop
未来对代币/NFT 空投的要求

VIP access to merch/events
商品/活动的 VIP 访问权限

Priority access to testnet validator program

Social impact programmes for Otters !


More info;

5/ In regard of Oh Ottie! NFT campaign, @alt_layer, represented by Head of Growth, @Dorothy_defi, has also collaborated & conducted several AMAs w/ leading Web3 projects, namely,@Port3Network @UltiverseDAO @Element_Market @MEXC_Global @NEST_Protocol @HypeX_io @okxweb3 etc.

5/ 关于哦奥蒂! NFT 活动 @alt_layer 由增长负责人 @Dorothy_defi 代表,还与领先的 Web3 项目进行了多场联合AMA,比如@Port3Network @UltiverseDAO @Element_Market @MEXC_Global @NEST_Protocol @HypeX_io [@okxweb3](https://twitter .com/okxweb3) 等

6/ Afterwards, on Nov.15, AltLayer announced one of the biggest news in the space – Amrit Kumar has joined the team as COO W/ full of experience & knowledge, he will be in charge of operation strategy & drive the company forwards w/ the aim to build custom rollup-as-a-service

6/ 随后,11 月 15 日,AltLayer 宣布了该领域最大的新闻之一——Amrit Kumar 已加入团队,担任首席运营官,他拥有丰富的经验和知识,他将负责运营战略,并推动公司向前发展/ 构建自定义汇总即服务的目标


7/ In addition,on Nov.23, Ep#2 of Alt View was out! This time, we have @stonecoldpat0 from Infura as exclusive guest. He has shared insights on scalability & also discussed w/ @jiayaoqi whether app-specific rollups are promising solution for Web3 dApps

7/ 此外,11 月 23 日,Alt View 的第 2 集已经发布!这一次,我们有来自 Infura 的 @stonecoldpat0 作为独家嘉宾。他分享了关于可扩展性的见解,还与 @jiayaoqi 讨论了应用特定汇总是否是 Web3 dApps 有前途的解决方案

8/ Apart from the talk session w/ Patrick McCorry,@jiayaoqi, CEO of AltLayer, also talked about the project on Podcast w/@coasthawk;…

8/ 除了与 Patrick McCorry 的谈话外,AltLayer 首席执行官 @jiayaoqi 还在 Podcast 上与 @coasthawk畅谈;…

@alt_layer&@jiayaoqi 还登上了媒体文章;



9/ Moreover, regarding partnership updates, on Nov. 25, AltLayer announced strategic partnership w/@chirpley, Web3 Influencer Marketing Platform.

9/ 此外,关于合作伙伴关系更新,11 月 25 日,AltLayer 宣布与 Web3 Influencer Marketing Platform @chirpley 建立战略合作伙伴关系。

The project will use AltLayer's elastic roll-up solution for upcoming #NFT - enabling highly scalable & gasless NFT Minting.

该项目将为即将到来的 #NFT 使用 AltLayer 的弹性汇总解决方案 - 实现高度可扩展和无gas的 NFT 铸币。

10/ We ended the month attending one of the first and biggest Blockchain events in Vietnam! @eth_vietnam

10/ 我们在月底参加了越南最早也是最大的区块链活动之一! @eth_vietnam

in which AltLayer has been the sponsor for the event. The event was held 2 days at Independence Palace, HCMC during Nov. 25 - 26

其中 AltLayer 是该活动的赞助商。该活动于 11 月 25 日至 26 日在胡志明市独立宫举行,为期两天

11/ During the event, AltLayer’s Head of Growth, @Dorothy_defi moderated a panel discussion w/ topic "Scaling #DeFi toward mass adoption" along w/ @kybernetwork
@okx @HuobiGlobal @1inch

11/ 在活动期间,AltLayer 的增长主管 @Dorothy_defi 主持了一场小组讨论,主题为“扩展 #DeFi走向大规模采用”以及 @kybernetwork
@okx @HuobiGlobal @1inch

12/ Meanwhile, AltLayer’s Head of Product Engineering,@junhaotan_took the stage & explained how AltLayer’s highly customisable rollups & versatile tooling options fuel #dApps execution needs, which will take #Web3 one step further!

12/ 与此同时,AltLayer 的产品工程主管@junhaotan_上台解释了 AltLayer 的高度可定制汇总和多功能工具选项如何推动 #dApps 执行需求,这将使 #Web3 更进一步!

13/ This is all the project updates/community activities of AltLayer during November 2022. To stay updated & be the part of our community;

13/ 这是 AltLayer 在 2022 年 11 月期间的所有项目更新/社区活动。保持更新并成为我们社区的一部分;

