数据可用性层和Fuel-@Delphi_Digital (Data Availability Layers and Fuel - @Delphi_Digital)


1.Data Availability Layers scale data, but for the complete decentralized user experience we also need to scale execution. In a Pursuit of Practicality, our analyst@cannngurelbreaks down why@fuellabs_could be the most promising Modular Execution Layer going forward.

数据可用性层主要是扩展数据,但为了完整的去中心化用户体验,我们还需要扩展执行。为了追求实用性,我们的分析师 @cannngurel 解释了为什么 @fuellabs_ 可能是未来最有前途的模块化执行层。

2.Rollups consume 3 resources:
汇总消耗 3 个资源:

State on Layer 2
Layer 2的状态

Execution on Layer 2
在Layer 2的执行

Data on L1
L1 上的数据

Currently, L1 Data is the most expensive cost item for Rollups because it’s scarce.
目前,L1 数据是汇总成本最高的项目,因为它很稀缺。

3.With the rise of Modular Blockchain Networks, the cost spectrum will drastically change. As data will become cheap & abundant, state size will once again manifest as scaling's ultimate bottleneck. Fuel addresses this spectrum shift from the ground up.

随着模块化区块链网络的兴起,成本范围将发生巨大变化。随着数据变得廉价而丰富,状态的规模将再次成为扩展的最终瓶颈。 Fuel从根本上解决了这光谱的转变。

4.Fuel makes fundamental design choices to enable abundant execution and restrain state growth. This design includes FuelVM and the UTXO model.

Fuel 做出了基本的设计选择,进而实现充足的执行并抑制状态增长。该设计包括 FuelVM 和 UTXO 模型。

5.The intuitive approach that Fuel takes to this spectrum shift can position itself as a pioneer in scaling solutions and leader in Modular Blockchain Networks. To read the full report and be up to date, join our PRO members below.

Fuel 对这种光谱转变采取的直观方法,可以将自己定位为扩展解决方案的先驱和模块化区块链网络的领导者。要阅读完整报告并了解最新信息,请在下方加入会员。

