Oh Ottie!NFT 系列:铸币后分析报告 (Oh Ottie! NFT collection:A Post-Mint Analysis Report)

Dear Alters,

Earlier today, Altlayer conducted a mint event for our NFT Collection titled, Oh Ottie! which successfully sold out within 100 seconds.

今天早些时候,Altlayer 为我们的 NFT 系列举办了一场铸币活动,名为 Oh Ottie!,该活动在 100 秒内成功售罄。

This collection’s namesake, Ottie, is our mascot, much adored by our global community. 1,200 avatars of Ottie were up for grabs for the private sale event and we had 35,000+ people whitelisted — and almost instantly, they were sold out! Users minted seamlessly with native assets from Ethereum, BNB Chain and Polygon.

这个系列的同名 Ottie 是我们的吉祥物,深受全球社区的喜爱。 Ottie 的 1,200 个头像在私人销售活动中等待争夺,我们有 35,000 多人列入白名单 - 它们几乎立即就被抢购一空!用户使用来自 Ethereum、BNB Chain 和 Polygon 的原生资产进行无缝铸造。

Here’s a breakdown of the successful and highly anticipated multi-chain Oh Ottie! mint event, conducted on our dedicated flash layer.

以下是在我们的专用闪存/瞬时层上进行的成功且备受期待的多链 Oh Ottie! mint 活动的细分。

宏观统计 (High-level Stats)

35,000+ addresses were whitelisted to join this event via bridging ETH, BNB and MATIC tokens to the Ottie Flash Layer. The mint event ended in a flash within 100 seconds.

35,000+ 地址被列入白名单,通过将 ETH、BNB 和 MATIC 代币跨链到 Ottie 闪存/瞬时层来加入此活动。 铸币活动在100秒内一闪而过

523 unique addresses successfully minted all 1,200 Oh Ottie! NFTs in what was planned as the “Private Sale” round. Note that each address was allowed to mint a maximum of 3 NFTs.

523 个唯一地址在计划的“私人销售”回合中,成功铸造了全部 1,200 Oh Ottie! NFTs 。请注意,每个地址最多可以铸造 3 个 NFT。

An additional 456 addresses received direct airdrop of the remaining 800 Oh Ottie! NFTs. They include OG badge owners (420 NFTs), collab raffles winners (180 NFTs) and reserve (200 NFTs).

另外 456 个地址收到了剩余 800 _Oh Ottie!_NFT 的直接空投。他们包括 OG 徽章所有者(420 个 NFT)、合作抽奖获奖者(180 个 NFT)和储备金(200 个 NFT)。

无gas铸币体验 (Gasless Mint Experience)

The Ottie Flash Layer was designed to eliminate gas war. We pre-funded each whitelisted address with 1 ALT token (valueless gas token) for the mint event, and all the NFTs were minted on a ‘first-come, first-serve’ basis within 100 seconds without any gas costs.

Ottie 闪存/瞬时层旨在消除gas战争。我们铸币活动预先为每个列入白名单的地址提供了 1 个 ALT 代币(无价值的 gas 代币),并且所有 NFT 都是在 100 秒内以“先到先得”的方式铸造的,没有任何 gas 费用。

The graph below shows the number of transactions in each block for both approval and mint actions (one block lasts 2 seconds). We see most actions from block 22 to block 45.

下图显示了每个区块中批准和铸造操作的交易数量(一个区块持续 2 秒)。我们看到从块 22 到块 45 的大多数操作。

高网络吞吐量 (High Network Throughput)

As mentioned above, the mint event showcased Ottie Flash Layer’s high throughput.

如上所述,铸币活动展示了 Ottie 闪存/瞬时层的高吞吐量。

The chart below shows the observed TPS during the event (x-axis is Singapore Time). The mint started at 12:00 PM SGT (4:00 AM UTC), and the network peaked to about 55 TPS at 12:01 PM SGT (4:01 AM UTC).

下图显示了事件期间观察到的 TPS(x 轴是新加坡时间)。铸币始于 SGT 中午 12:00(UTC 上午 4:00)开始,网络在 SGT 中午 12:01(UTC 上午 4:01)达到约55 TPS 的峰值。

To put this TPS observed with the NFT minting in perspective, the highest number of transactions processed per day so far by Optimism is 487,814 which translates to 5.6 TPS. This coincided with their OP token airdrop. In a similar vein, the highest number of transactions processed per day so far by Arbitrum is 287,019 which translates to 3.3 TPS. This coincided with their NFT drop.

从观察 NFT 铸造的 TPS 来看,Optimism 迄今为止每天处理的最高交易量为 487,814,相当于 5.6 TPS。这与他们的 OP 代币空投吻合。同样,Arbitrum 迄今为止每天处理的最高交易量为 287,019,相当于 3.3 TPS。这与他们NFT落地吻合。

以太坊结算 (Settlement on Ethereum)

After the Oh Ottie! NFTs were fully minted on the Ottie Flash Layer, we waited on all the pending transactions on the bridge to clear out. Once we saw all the pending transactions being processed, we initiated the rollup process in which all the minted NFTs were transferred to the users’ Ethereum mainnet wallet, and all the unspent $ETH, $BNB and $MATIC tokens were transferred back to the users’ original address on the respective chain (Ethereum, BNB Chain and Polygon).

Oh Ottie! NFT 在 Ottie 瞬时/闪存层上完全铸造之后,我们等待跨链桥上所有待处理的交易被清除。一旦我们看到所有待处理的交易都在处理中,我们就启动了汇总过程,其中所有铸造的 NFT 都被转移到用户的以太坊主网钱包,所有未花费的 ETHETH、BNB 和 $MATIC 代币都被转移回用户各自链(以太坊、BNB 链和多边形)上的原始地址。

In summary, the settlement of the 2,000 Oh Ottie! NFTs on the Ethereum mainnet took about 16 mins and cost 2.28776112 ETH in gas. Kindly note that the speed and gas cost of this asset settlement process are dependent on the Ethereum mainnet.

总之,以太坊主网上 2,000 Oh Ottie! NFT 的结算花费了大约 16 分钟,并花费了 2.28776112 ETH 的 gas。请注意,此资产结算过程的速度和 gas 成本取决于以太坊主网。

Users didn’t have to make any transactions themselves in the whole settlement process as the system settles both the NFT and token assets on behalf of them at the protocol-level.

在整个结算过程中,用户无需自己进行任何交易,因为系统会在协议级别代表他们结算 NFT 和代币资产。

结束语 (Ending notes)

The Oh Ottie! NFTs are now available on marketplaces such as OpenSea.

Oh Ottie! NFT 现在可以在 OpenSea 等市场上购买。

If you wish to learn more about the benefits of minting on a flash layer, do check out our dedicated blogpost on this topic and reach out to our team for support.


Thank you for your kind support and we welcome all feedback. Join our Discord to share your thoughts!

感谢您的支持,我们欢迎所有反馈。加入我们的 Discord 分享您的想法!
