认识 Akord:基于区块链的永久存储和发布协议 (Meet Akord:the blockchain-based permanent storage and publishing protocol)

原文:Meet Akord: the blockchain-based permanent storage and publishing protocol
by Taisiia Prosvirova

“We believe privacy is a fundamental human right”: Akord co-founder Richard Caetano and cryptography engineer Weronika Kolodziejak on the future of data storage and privacy in Web3.

“我们相信隐私是一项基本人权”:Akord 联合创始人 Richard Caetano 和密码学工程师 Weronika Kolodziejak 谈 Web3 中数据存储和隐私的未来。

Web2 platforms changed how we interact with our world — at the cost of our personal data being collected, analyzed, and used to influence our decisions. Now, Web3 aims to solve this issue by returning content rights to authors — and Akord is ready to be part of the change.


“Nowadays, we produce petabytes of data but are very limited by centralized control of it. What we want to create is proper incentives for people with surplus storage to store data in perpetuity. We aim to empower data ownership and protect users’ privacy by bringing their content to Arweave blockchain, where it can be preserved indefinitely for a one-time fee,” says Richard Caetano, CEO and co-founder of Akord, a decentralized data storage protocol with private messaging.

"如今,我们产生拍字节级别(1PB=1024TB)的数据,但由于对其进行中心化控制而受到很大限制。我们想创造的是适当的激励措施,让拥有剩余存储空间的人永久地存储数据。Akord公司首席执行官兼联合创始人Richard Caetano说:"我们的目标是赋予数据所有权并保护用户的隐私,把他们的内容带到Arweave区块链上,只要一次性付费就可以无限期地保存下来。

This interview has been condensed and lightly edited for clarity.

So Akord is a protocol built on top of Arweave blockchain, which, in turn, consists of permaweb and blockweave. Can you explain it all to me like I’m five years old?


Richard: Sure. To begin with, we have Arweave, which is a unique blockchain where people can store data permanently for a one-time fee. The users pay for storage with AR tokens just once, upfront, and the network is incentivized to keep their data stored for hundreds of years. Think of Arweave as a permanent hard drive that everybody can write to and read from — and Akord is a protocol layer built on top of that hard drive. Akord allows users to create special containers for their data — called vaults — and exchange encrypted messages with other network peers.

Richard: 当然。首先,我们有Arweave,这是一个独特的区块链,人们可以通过一次付费来永久地存储数据。用户只需在前期用AR代币支付一次存储费用,网络就会受到激励,将他们的数据存储数百年。把Arweave想象成一个永久的硬盘,每个人都可以写入和读出—而Akord是建立在这个硬盘之上的协议层。Akord允许用户为他们的数据创建特殊的容器—称为保险库/资料库/存储库—并与其他网络对等者交换加密信息。

Weronika: So to clarify, the blockweave, Arweave’s core technology, is a blockchain-like structure where every block is linked not only to the last previous block but also to a random block from the past, thus inciting miners to archive as much data as possible — and that’s why it’s called, well, a weave. While permaweb is basically a network of applications and documents that sits on top of Arweave. I think it’s a very brilliant design

Weronika: 所以澄清一下,Arweave的核心技术blockweave,是一个类似区块链的结构,每个区块不仅与上一个区块相连,而且与过去的一个随机区块相连,从而鼓励矿工尽可能多地存档数据—这就是为什么它被称为,嗯,weave。而permaweb基本上是一个应用和文件的网络,位于Arweave的顶部。我认为这是一个非常出色的设计

You mentioned that the data is stored for “hundreds of years” — for how long exactly? I remember there was a big discussion about ENS domains’ recurring fees and I’m curious to hear how Akord plans to sustain incentives over time, especially since you mentioned that users pay just once.

你提到数据被储存 "数百年"—具体有多长时间?我记得有一个关于ENS域名日常费用的大讨论,我很想知道Akord计划如何长期维持激励机制,尤其是你提到用户只需支付一次。

Richard: What makes us different from other traditional blockchains is that Arweave was specifically designed for data storage. It incentivizes nodes to store data by setting up a crypto endowment — basically a fund that lives on chain. When users purchase storage, their one-time payments are pooled together in this fund, and its value increases over time due to token appreciation. Meanwhile, the cost of storage is steadily decreasing as new advances in technology are embraced.

Richard: 我们与其他传统区块链的不同之处在于,Arweave是专门为数据存储设计的。它通过设立一个加密货币捐赠基金—基本上是一个生活在链上的基金,来激励节点存储数据。当用户购买存储时,他们的一次性付款被汇集到这个基金中,由于代币升值,其价值随着时间的推移而增加。同时,随着技术的新进展被接受,存储的成本也在稳步下降。

Now imagine two curves, one is going up as the value of endowment increases and the other is going down as new technologies are lowering the cost of storage. The spread between these two curves is where we’re able to create an incentive for nodes to keep storing data.


I can imagine that in the future, there will be much more efficient ways to store data than current magnetic hard drives. There might be lasers that write data into crystals or something else, completely unimaginable for modern people to conceive of today. Regardless of what the technology will look like, the next generation of data storage will be much cheaper and more resilient.


For now, it looks to me like Akord’s tokenomics lies on two assumptions: that token will steadily appreciate in value and that the price of storage space will decrease over time, while the demand for storage will remain the same. I’m convinced that the more data storage capacity improves, the more storage space our data consumes. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Richard: Well, what I hear is that there are two questions. The first one is about the viability of our token model — and that’s a valid critique. And the second one is similar to a highway problem — the one that asserts that car traffic always costumes extra lanes — but in relation to data storage.

Richard: 好,我所听到的是两个问题。第一个是关于我们代币模式的可行性—这是一个合理的质疑。而第二个问题类似于高速公路问题—断言汽车交通总是需要额外的车道—但与数据存储有关。

So, starting with your first question regarding tokenomics. We could say, blockchains never die — they may become a zombie at some point when nobody uses the network, while nodes are keeping it running. If our project is useful, if there is a demand for permanent storage — then this would be the response to your criticism. If Akord provides value to its users and creates proper incentives, we are going to eventually find ourselves in a virtuous cycle of rising demand.


Obviously, the opposite can happen as well. If what we’re doing is worthless and people would rather pay Amazon to store their data, then our project will become a zombie — that’s it. Currently, Arweave’s endowment can pay for two to three hundred years of storage — under conservative estimates that the price of token will remain the same.


So coming to your second question, what makes Arweave different from other traditional blockchains is its unique Proof-of-Access consensus model. Your ability to earn rewards from the network is not based on how much computation you perform or how many tokens you own. It's based solely on how much data you're storing on the network — and you need to be able to create a proof of that data to add new blocks. Every node is incentivized to store random blocks and store as much data as possible. So, the highway problem becomes a theoretical problem that may not really apply to the network — the greater number of nodes simply means that more copies of data are stored in different sets on different nodes.


How did you come up with the idea of founding Akord?


Richard: Before starting Akord, I co-founded Stratum, a blockchain company focused on enterprise traceability, where I was responsible for the vision and the research involving cryptography. But then Pascal [Barry] and I left the company to work on Akord, we built on the principle of “privacy as a fundamental human right”. We started it right at the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020.

Richard: 在创办Akord之前,我共同创办了Stratum公司,这是一家专注于企业追踪的区块链公司,我负责愿景和涉及密码学的研究。但后来帕斯卡尔[巴里]和我离开了公司,从事Akord的工作,我们建立在 "隐私是一项基本人权 "的原则之上。我们在大流行病开始时就开动了,在2020年3月。

At the very beginning, we were lucky to meet Weronika, who brought cryptography knowledge and expertise. It was a match and we started building our protocol around the concept of secure storage vaults in zero-knowledge. We were able to deliver a working protocol quite early while waiting for the right blockchain to come. One year later, we discovered Arweave that was a perfect fit for Akord, and that’s how all it started.


Weronika: But yeah, privacy has always been the core of our mission. We were really inspired by Signal’s approach to end-to-end encryption and wanted to create something similar but on a blockchain.


How closely are you affiliated with Arweave? Your website states that they participated in your funding round


Richard: Well, we were part of their startup incubator program, The Open Web Foundry, that encourages founders to get on board and adopt Arweave as a data layer for their projects. And when we did our fundraising, they decided to invest in Akord as well, because they saw the value our protocol brings to the ecosystem.

理查德:嗯,我们是他们的创业孵化器项目的一部分,The Open Web Foundry,鼓励创始人加入并采用Arweave作为其项目的数据层。当我们进行筹资时,他们决定也投资于Akord,因为他们看到了我们协议为生态系统带来的价值。

So, we went through the program, became friends with Arweave’s team and other projects in the ecosystem — and the cross-pollination and feedback from other builders has been very beneficial. I think one of the things that we like about Arweave is how the ecosystem is constructed. It's a very decentralized structure, so there’s no place for any kind of dictatorship or rigid hierarchy.


You’ve mentioned that you became close with other Arweave projects as well. Can you name some that are, in your opinion, worth keeping an eye on?


Weronika: Currently, we are working closely with RedStone that brings the smart contract functionality — the Warp contracts — to Arweave. Then there are everPay, a payment protocol that uploads the digital asset ledger of financial institutions to Arweave, and Bundlr, a decentralized storage scaling platform.

Weronika: 目前,我们正在与RedStone紧密合作,它将智能合约功能--封装合约(Warp contracts) —带到了Arweave。然后是everPay,一个将金融机构数字资产分类账上传到Arweave的支付协议,以及Bundlr,一个去中心化的存储扩展平台。

I also remember there is an interesting project that collects and uploads to Arweave all information surrounding the Ukraine conflict. I think they preserved terabytes of data so far.


“The Web2 model is broken,” your website reads. How can Web3 fix it, and what is Akord’s role in it?


Richard: Well, that's a good question. So what exactly do we mean by Web2 model? Web1 was about static contents, where everyone can upload and access data. Web2 brought the read/write functionality, and that’s when dynamic websites and social media came into play. As users interact with these services, they [collectively] produce massive amounts of data, which is basically “the new oil” and is worth a lot of money. And the main issue of Web2 platforms is the ownership of this data. When platforms own it, it’s the customer who becomes the product — and ultimately falls victim to data exploitation.

Richard: 嗯,这是个好问题。那么,我们所说的Web2模式到底是什么意思?Web1是关于静态内容,每个人都可以上传和访问数据。Web2带来了读/写功能,这时动态网站和社交媒体才开始发挥作用。当用户与这些服务互动时,他们[集体]产生了大量的数据,这些数据基本上是 "新石油",价值不菲。而Web2平台的主要问题是这些数据的所有权。当平台拥有这些数据时,客户就成了产品—并最终成为数据剥削的受害者。

And Web3 aims to solve this issue by giving users control over their data, so everyone can own a piece of Web3 space. In turn, data ownership is closely connected to privacy, and the first thing I think about when I hear about privacy is consent. The user should get to decide who can see their data and who can’t. And that is what excites me most about Akord — along with Arweave, it provides a foundational layer for Web3 where you pay for your space with tokens and own it forever. And you get to choose who you allow to have access to your data.


So yes, what we really bring is control over your data — and the right to decide who you want to share it with.


It may be just my social bubble, but it seems to me that Musk’s Twitter takeover made many rethink their presence on the traditional Web2 social media platforms. We see that Mastodon, a decentralized Twitter alternative, almost doubled its user base — and I’m just curious whether Akord has, too, experienced a noticeable influx of new users.


Richard: Not necessarily connected to Musk’s deal, but I feel like the recent announcement by Meta — when they revealed their plan to store Instagram NFTs on Arweave — really attracted a lot of attention to the ecosystem. I think, for our project, that could be a tipping point that could trigger mass adoption.

Richard: 与Musk的交易没有必然联系,但我觉得Meta最近的公告—当他们透露他们计划在Arweave上存储Instagram NFTs--确实吸引了很多人对生态系统的关注。我认为,对我们的项目来说,这可能是一个转折点,可以引发大规模的采用。

And coming back to Elon Musk, the Twitter deal got us discussing the same Web2 issues that has been present there from the very beginning. I think if Elon really wants to make his platform “future-proof,” then the adoption of decentralized protocols is a must. I’m not too familiar with Mastodon, but from what I understand, it’s a federated system where each server is governed by its own set of rules. And that, I think, is a step in the right direction.

再回到埃隆-马斯克,Twitter的交易让我们讨论了从一开始就存在的同样的Web2问题。我认为如果埃隆真的想让他的平台 "面向未来",那么采用去中心化的协议是必须的。我对Mastodon不是很熟悉,但据我所知,它是一个联合系统,每个服务器都由自己的一套规则来管理。而这,我认为是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。

In ten years, how do you see Akord?

Richard: What I see is a massive long tail of content creator use cases — like scientists, journalists, and poets – publishing and protecting their work for everyone into the future, families privately storing their photos for five generations down the line. We want Akord to be the prime publishing platform for Arweave’s permaweb that offers the best user experience for its content creators.

Richard: 我所看到的是一个巨大的长尾内容创作者用例—比如科学家、记者和诗人—为每个人在未来发布和保护他们的作品,家庭私密地为五代人储存他们的照片。我们希望Akord成为Arweave的permaweb的主要发布平台,为其内容创作者提供最佳的用户体验。

Weronika: Even in our most pessimistic scenario that the project is abandoned and becomes a zombie, people will still have access to their encrypted data because it lives on the blockchain — even if we won’t be there. But I hope that even in ten years we’ll still be there because I believe that what we do now is important and will be around for a really long time.

