ETH里斯本活动回顾 (ETH Lisbon Recap)

🇵🇹 — ETH Lisbon Recap

During 3 days (October 28 - 30), hackers from around the world gathered at the Academia das Ciências in Lisbon for hacking. Here is an in-depth look at the winning projects.

在3天内(10 月 28 日至 30 日),来自世界各地的黑客聚集在里斯本的 Academia das Ciências 进行黑客活动。以下是对获奖项目的深入观察。

During 3 days (October 28 - 30), hackers from all over the world gathered at the Academia das Ciências in Lisbon for hacking. For this occasion, we sponsored 3 open bounties for bold hackers eager to build on Fuel Beta-1 testnet using Sway:

在3天内(10 月 28 日至 30 日),来自世界各地的黑客聚集在里斯本的 Academia das Ciências 进行黑客活动。为此,我们为渴望使用 SwayFuel Beta-1 测试网上构建的大胆黑客赞助了 3 项公开赏金:

  • 🥇 First Prize 1等奖  — $3,000
  • 🥈 Second Prize 2等奖** — $2,000
  • 🥉 Third Prize 3等奖** — $1,000

🏆 获胜者 (The winners)

Let's go over the winning projects:

🥇 一等奖—Authsome (First Prize — Authsome)

Authsome implements a multi-signature wallet using the predicate system of the FuelVM and Sway. This wallet is then used as the basis for a pluggable authentication infrastructure, similar to Web3Auth.

Authsome 使用 FuelVM 和 Sway 的谓词系统实现了一个多签钱包。然后将此钱包用作可插入身份验证基础设施的底层,类似于 Web3Auth

Fuel Predicates

Fuel predicates work in a similar way to scripts for pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) transactions in Bitcoin. This offers a number of important advantages over implementing account abstraction on the smart contract layer:

Fuel 谓词的工作方式与比特币中支付-脚本-哈希(P2SH)交易的脚本类似。这给在智能合约层实现账户抽象提供了许多重要的优势。

  • Reduced gas cost, as signature aggregation can be done off-chain and verification can be done as a single step without smart contract function calls;
  • Improved flexibility, because different signature schemes can be swapped in by implementing them as on-chain smart contract libraries and using them in predicates; and
  • Minimal state bloat, because predicate byte code is processed once as part of the transaction validation, and then discarded - thus never entering the blockchain state.

This project leverages the power of account abstraction and multi-signatures to create Web2-like experiences with Web3 custodial properties.

该项目利用帐户抽象和多重签名的力量来创建具有 Web3 托管属性的类似 Web2 的体验。

Check out their demo video below:


它是如何工作? (How does it work?)

You first need to log in with an email address and a password of your choice. Authsome will then generate a 2 of 3 addresses multi-signature wallet, which means that you need 2 addresses to execute a transaction or log in to Authsome. Each key will be stored in different places.


Then you're all set to execute blazingly fast payments: You log in with your password to unlock the first key, and the second key is loaded from your browser's local storage.


When you confirm your transaction on the Frontend, the DApp will generate a two-signature predicate transaction for each spended UTXO.


The real benefit of this application is that it supports spending multiple UTXOs with distinct predicate data.


For more information, check out their GitHub repository.


🥈 二等奖—Fuel价格预言机 (Second Prize — Fuel Price Oracle)

Fuel Price Oracle implements a simple ETH - DAI tokens price oracle. This project allows retrieving token prices from the outside world on the Fuel chain with a Sway smart contract.


Check out their demo video below:


For more information, check out their GitHub repository.


🥉 三等奖—资本家猪 (Third Prize — Capitalist Pigs)

Enter the world of Capitalist Pigs, a Gamify staking for fees in a DeFi project using a set of NFTs.

进入Capitalist Pigs的世界,这是一个使用一套NFTs在DeFi项目中质押产生费用(收益)的Gamify。

Check out their demo video below:


它如何工作? (How does it work?)

First of all, you begin by generating a burner wallet on the upper right corner of the DApp. To start playing, you need to claim a Pig, a stakable collectible NFT asset. By staking it, you will earn Truffles and staking fees represented by Bacon. Truffles can be turned into Piglets. With those Piglets, you have 2 possibilities: you can either turn them into Pigs or delegate them to existing Pigs to increase their staking fee generation. And this is it, you're a Capitalist Pig! You can check in the lower right corner the evolution of your supply (Pigs, Piglets, Truffles, and Bacon).


Try it out now here.


For more information, check out their GitHub repository.


今天就开始在Fuel构建吧! (Start Building On Fuel Today)

Building on Fuel means breaking free from the constraints of monolithic blockchains that have held us back.
以 Fuel 为基础意味着摆脱阻碍我们前进的单片区块链的限制。

Fuel的开发人员资源 (Developer Resources for Building with Fuel)

  • A step-by-step guide to building a full-stack dapp on Fuel can be found here.
    这里 可以找到在 Fuel 上构建全栈 dapp 的分步指南

  • The Fuel Book can be found here. It contains everything you need to know about Fuel, from its modular design to its key features.
    Fuel全书 可以在 这里 找到。它包含您需要了解的有关 Fuel 的所有信息,从模块化设计到主要功能。

  • The Sway Book can be found here.
    Sway全书 可以在 这里 找到。

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关于我们 (About Us)

Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack. Powerful and sleek, the technology enables parallel transaction execution, empowering developers with the highest flexible throughput and maximum security required to scale. Developers choose the FuelVM for its superior developer experience and the ability to go beyond the limitations of the EVM.

Fuel 是模块化区块链技术栈的最快执行层。该技术功能强大且时尚,支持并行交易执行,为开发人员提供了扩展所需的最高灵活吞吐量最大安全性。开发人员选择 FuelVM 是因为它卓越的开发人员体验和运行能力 ,突破了 EVM 的限制**。

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