世界币简介(Introducing Worldcoin)

The internet is powerful because of large networks. Email, social apps, and marketplaces are examples of such networks. The more participants they have, the more powerful they become. For the first time, Web3 and cryptocurrencies make it possible to distribute ownership and control of those networks to their users, rather than a single entity.

互联网之所以强大,是网络庞大的缘故。电子邮件、社交应用和(在线)市场就是此类网络的示例。它们拥有的参与者越多,就越强大。第一次,Web3 和加密货币使得以下成为可能:将这些网络的所有权和控制权分配给用户而不是单个实体。

If a cryptocurrency were adopted at scale, it would vastly increase access to the internet economy and make applications possible that are now unimaginable. Unfortunately, less than three percent of the world's population currently participates in cryptocurrency networks.

如果大规模采用加密货币,它将大大增加对互联网经济的访问,并使现在难以想象的应用成为可能。不幸的是,目前只有不到 3% 的世界人口参与加密货币网络。

To rapidly get its new currency into the hands of as many people as possible, Worldcoin will allow everyone to claim a share of it for free. For this to happen, we first had to solve one major challenge: ensuring that every person on Earth can prove that they are indeed human (not a bot), and that they have not claimed their free share of Worldcoin already. This challenge is the longstanding problem of proving "unique-humanness" without intruding on privacy: how can you prove you are you, without having to tell us anything about yourself?

为了尽快将其新货币交到尽可能多的人手中,Worldcoin(世界币)将允许每个人免费领取它的一部分。为此,我们首先必须解决一个重大挑战:确保地球上的每个人都能证明他们确实是人类(而不是机器人),并且他们还没有声索自己在 Worldcoin 中的免费份额。这个挑战是在不侵犯隐私的情况下证明“独特的人格”的长期问题:你如何证明你是你,而不需要告诉我们任何关于你自己的事情?

To address it, we built a new device called the Orb. It solves the problem through biometrics: the Orb captures an image of a person’s eyes, which is converted into a short numeric code, making it possible to check whether the person has signed up already. If not, they receive their free share of Worldcoin. The original image will not need to be stored or uploaded. In contrast to many centralized services we use today, no other personal information is required. Through modern cryptography, this numeric code is also not linked to the user’s wallet or transactions, further preserving user privacy.

为了解决这个问题,我们构建了一个名为 Orb 的新设备。它通过生物识别技术解决了这个问题:Orb 捕捉一个人的眼睛图像,将其转换为一个简短的数字代码,从而可以检查这个人是否已经注册。如果没有,他们将免费获得 Worldcoin 份额。原始图像不需要存储或上传。与我们今天使用的许多集中式服务相比,不需要其他个人信息。通过现代密码学,这个数字代码也不会链接到用户的钱包或交易,进一步保护用户隐私

We are only a few months away from a global launch and are currently running field tests in many locations around the world. In these field tests, some people are waiting hours to receive their free share of Worldcoin, and local entrepreneurs are building whole businesses around the Orb. Currently, a single device can onboard, on average, around seven hundred new people per week. Eventually, we plan to produce more than fifty thousand devices per year. It is still early, but the results of these field tests make us optimistic that Worldcoin will soon connect the first billion users in one commonly owned crypto network.

我们距离全球发布只有几个月的时间,目前正在在世界各地的许多地方进行现场测试。在这些现场测试中,有些人正在等待数小时才能获得免费分享的 Worldcoin,而当地企业家正在围绕 Orb 建立整个企业。目前,一台设备平均每周可以吸引大约 700 名新用户。最终,我们计划每年生产超过五万台设备。现在还为时尚早,但这些现场测试的结果让我们乐观地认为,Worldcoin 很快将在一个共同拥有的加密网络中连接第一批十亿用户。

Nothing like this has ever been done before and the outcome is uncertain. But we are obsessed with the idea that revolutionary new technologies like blockchain and cryptography can let us do something collectively that even governments have not been able to: increase individual empowerment and equality of opportunity on a global scale.


Technological progress will lead to unprecedented economic growth. It will be increasingly important to make this prosperity accessible to all of us. The launch of Worldcoin is only the first step on the long road towards this goal, and we hope to have more to announce soon.


If this sounds exciting, please consider joining us.

Alex Blania, Sam Altman, and the Worldcoin team
Alex Blania、Sam Altman 和 Worldcoin 团队

