

12-29 单片化与模块化并不是思考区块链可扩展性的唯一方法(Monolithic vs Modular Is Not the Only Way To Think About Blockchain Scalability)

11-15 在以太坊上用Stackr SDK构建微汇总 (Introducing the Stackr SDK to build micro-rollups on Ethereum)

11-14 Ritual简介(Introducing Ritual)

10-27 序列器:区块链的航空调度员(Sequencers:Blockchain’s Air Traffic Controllers)

10-17 密码学的圣杯:全同态加密的崛起(The Holy Grail of Encryption:The Rise of FHE Technology)

09-26 Fhenix出世:首个全同态加密加持的区块链,为Web3带来端到端加密(Fhenix Rising:The First Fully Homomorphic Encryption-Powered Blockchain to Bring End-to-End Encryption for Web3)

08-20 Saga材料合集-更新中(Saga Materials-Updating)

08-20 Puffer材料合集-更新中(Puffer Materials-Updating)

08-20 T3RN材料合集-更新中(T3RN Materials-Updating)

08-20 Taiko材料合集-更新中(Taiki Materials-Updating)

08-20 Bera材料合集-更新中(Bera Materials-Updating)

08-20 RedStone材料合集-更新中(RedStone Materials-Updating)

08-09 RedStone - A Short intro to the New Era of Oracles for Modern DeFi

06-18 Celestia材料合集-更新中(Celestia materials-Updating)

05-10 欺诈证明如何实现去信任的跨域信息传递 (How Fraud Proofs Enable Trustless Cross-Domain Messaging)

05-03 去中心化序列的重要性 (The Importance of Decentralized Sequencing)

04-27 Linera材料汇总-更新中(Linera materials-Updating)

04-27 Linera:为Web3应用而生的高可扩展区块链基础设施(第1版-2022年12月19日)

04-17 Fuel内幕-2023年第一季 (Inside Fuel:Q1 2023)

04-14 身份证明:它是什么以及为什么重要 (PROOF OF PERSONHOOD:What it is and why it’s needed)

04-12 AltLayer开放免费试用无代码汇总启动板 (AltLayer opens up a free trial of its no-code rollup launchpad)

03-23 Akord材料合集-CHN&ENG(Akord materials CHN&ENG) Updating

03-20 宣布“Beta-3”,Fuel 的第三个公共测试网 (Announcing “Beta-3”, Fuel’s Third Public Testnet)

02-20 Fuel内幕:23-23年的冬天 (Inside Fuel:Winter 22-23)

02-09 账户抽象-针对其余所有人 (Account Abstraction For Everyone Else)

02-08 GDPR和区块链 (GDPR and blockchain)

02-02 介绍Sunscreen (Introducing Sunscreen)

01-31 web3存档 (The web3 archive)

01-30 AkordJS:Arweave 上的隐私、协作和文件管理(AkordJS:privacy, collaboration and file management on Arweave)

01-18 存储日本昭和时代的老照片 (Archiving photos from the Japanese Shōwa era)

01-16 Euler的创新清算引擎(Euler’s innovative liquidation engine)

01-10 Euler和FloorDAO (Euler and FloorDAO)

01-06 重塑我们的品牌 (Rebuilding our brand)

01-06 解构模块化执行层的影响和机会(Deconstructing the Impact and Opportunity of Modular Execution Layers)


12-29 Fuel大使计划简介 (Introducing the Fuel Ambassador Program)

12-29 Euler实验室的2022总结 (Euler Labs’ 2022 send off)

12-19 Fuel内幕-2022年11月 (Inside Fuel-November 2022)

12-09 Oh Ottie!NFT 系列:铸币后分析报告 (Oh Ottie! NFT collection:A Post-Mint Analysis Report)

12-06 用Fuel扩展以太坊 (Scaling Ethereum with Fuel)

12-05 Altlayer月报Altlayer Monthly Recap-Nov.2022

12-01 新功能:账号健康模拟 (New Feature:Account Health Simulation)

11-28 Altlayer 的 L2 内幕-2022 年 11 月 (Altlayer's L2 Lowdown, November 2022)

11-26 认识 Akord:基于区块链的永久存储和发布协议 (Meet Akord:the blockchain-based permanent storage and publishing protocol)

11-23 Scroll材料汇总-更新中(Scroll materials-Updating)

11-22 zkEVM

11-17 Fuel内幕-2022年10月 (Inside Fuel-October 2022)

11-15 “Beta-2”官宣:Fuel的第二次公开测试(Announcing “Beta-2”: Fuel's Second Public Testnet)

11-07 “Oh Ottie!” 12月NFT收藏空投:即日起加入白名单!(“Oh Ottie!” NFT Collection Drop in December:Get Whitelisted today!)

11-04 ETH里斯本活动回顾 (ETH Lisbon Recap)

11-03 Alpha Venture DAO 和 Sei 携手推动 DeFi 创新 (Alpha Venture DAO and Sei Join Forces to Supercharge DeFi Innovations)