11-01 试播回顾!Alt View 欢迎来自以太坊基金会的 Barnabé Monnot, 看看我们都聊了什么? (Pilot recap! Alt View welcomed Barnabé Monnot from the Ethereum Foundation and here’s everything we chatted about)
10-27 模块化执行的案例(第二部分) The Case for Modular Execution (Part 2)
10-27 @fuellabs_长推20221027(@fuellabs_threads20221027)
10-21 Zpoken 成功在 Neon EVM 上部署 Compound 协议(Zpoken Successfully Deploys the Compound Protocol on Neon EVM)
10-20 探索Fuel虚拟机(FuelVM)-Exploring the FuelVM
10-20 @camiinthisthang长推-20221019(@camiinthisthang twitter threads-20221019)
10-18 Halborn 完成对 Neon 治理计划的审计 (Halborn Completes Audit of Neon’s Governance Programs)
10-14 SeiNetwork长推-20221014 (SeiNetwork twitter threads-20221014)
10-14 Sei推出5000万美元的生态系统和流动性基金,开启DeFi的新时代 (Sei Launches $50M Ecosystem and Liquidity Fund to Unlock a New Era for DeFi)
10-14 Sei 与 KYVE 合作实现数据推送和存储解决方案 (Sei has partnered with KYVE to enable data feed and storage solutions)
10-13 Ackee区块链完成 Neon 的治理审计 (Ackee Blockchain Completes Neon’s Governance Audit)
10-13 Neon EVM:如何使用 Hardhat 部署 Neon dApps (Neon EVM:How to Deploy Neon dApps Using Hardhat)
10-13 模块化执行的案例(第一部分) The Case for Modular Execution (Part 1)
10-12 SeiNetwork长推-20221012 (SeiNetwork twitter threads-20221012)
10-11 当我们都Dedoco我们的文档 (When we all Dedoco our documents)
10-07 @fuellabs_长推20221007(@fuellabs_threads20221007)
10-06 Akord应用V2介绍 (Introducing the V2 Akord app)
10-06 介绍Fuel资助计划 (Introducing the Fuel Grants Program)
10-05 Neon EVM:如何使用Truffle部署dApps (Neon EVM:How to Deploy dApps Using Truffle)
10-05 超越单片链:模块化区块链范式 (Beyond Monolithic:The Modular Blockchain Paradigm)
10-04 Robonomics网络的责任合约在 Neon EVM 上成功执行 (Robonomics Network’s Liability Contract is Successfully Executed on Neon EVM)
10-04 SeiNetwork长推-20221004 (SeiNetwork twitter threads-20221004)
09-26 Akord协议—向所有构建者开源 (Akord protocol – open for builders)
09-26 MixBytes在Neon EVM成功部署Uniswap V2 (MixBytes Successfully Deploys Uniswap V2 Protocol on Neon EVM)
09-22 Altlayer材料合集-不断更新中(Altlayer Materials-Updating)
09-21 Neon EVM:如何用Remix部署dApps (Neon EVM: How to Deploy dApps Using Remix)
09-19 Sei材料合集-不断更新中(Sei Materials-Updating)
09-18 Fuel材料合集-不断更新中(Fuel Materials-Updating)
09-15 Fuel内幕-2022年的夏天 (Inside Fuel — Summer 2022)
09-13 Orderly网络材料合集-不断更新中(Orderly Network Materials-Updating)
09-13 黑暗森林的社区回合总结,前20名已被选出 (Dark Forest’s Community Round Concludes, Top 20 Selected)
09-10 Worldcoin材料合集-不断更新中(Worldcoin Materials-Updating)
09-09 stETH和可重置代币的一些”毛病“ (stETH and the Hazards of Rebasing Tokens)
09-08 通用目的 vs 特定应用的L1:Sei处于中间 (General Purpose vs App Specific L1s:Sei is in the middle)
09-07 为应对ETH合并,Euler已经准备好与Chainlink集成(Euler Integrates Chainlink To Get Ready for the Merge)
09-06 NFT铸币如何可扩展(第二部分)-NFT Minting Made Scalable (Part II)
09-06 Fuel实验室宣布为最快的模块化执行层提供 8000 万美元的支持 (Fuel Labs Announces $80 Million of Support for the Fastest Modular Execution Layer)
09-05 介绍“Beta-1”,第一个面向开发人员的模块化执行层Fuel测试网 (Introducing "Beta-1", the First Modular Execution Layer Developer-facing Fuel Testnet )
08-31 Sei 获得500万美元融资,由 Multicoin Capital 牵头,来构建针对 DeFi 优化的layer1 (Sei Raises $5M Led by Multicoin Capital to Build The First Layer 1 Blockchain Optimized for DeFi)
08-30 欢迎来到Xterio (Welcome To Xterio)
08-25 Sei 与 Axelar Network 合作,为 Cosmos 上的 DeFi 启用跨链消息传递 (Sei has partnered with Axelar Network to enable cross-chain messaging for DeFi on Cosmos)
08-24 Euler来信-八月总结(Euler Newsletter August Summary)
08-19 jayendra_jog长推-20220819(jayendra_jog twitter threads-20220819)
08-17 只读型复入防护(Read-only re-entrancy guards)
08-15 海啸金融 (Tsunami Finance)
08-12 Orderly 如何构建迄今为止最先进的 DeFi 基础设施 (How Orderly is building the most advanced DeFi infrastructure to date)
08-11 介绍 AltLayer(第二部分):支持定制应用汇总的弹性扩展层 Introducing AltLayer (Part II):An Elastic Scaling Layer with Application-Tailored Rollups
08-09 Euler来信-七月总结2 (Euler Labs Newsletter July Summary)
08-01 Scroll架构概览 (An overview of Scroll's architecture)