宣布“Beta-3”,Fuel 的第三个公共测试网 (Announcing “Beta-3”, Fuel’s Third Public Testnet)

The new beta-3 testnet brings P2P networking, introducing the ability to run synchronizing full nodes on Fuel.

新的 beta-3 测试网带来了P2P 网络,引入了在 Fuel 上同步运行全节点的能力。

This article has been translated by the Fuel Ambassadors in Russian.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the beta-3 testnet, adding P2P networking on Fuel. With this third testnet, Fuel enters the later stages of testing and reaches a crucial milestone on its way to mainnet, a modular future that enables true scalability for the Ethereum ecosystem.

我们很高兴地宣布推出 beta-3 测试网,即在 Fuel 上添加 P2P 网络。有了第三个测试网,Fuel 进入了测试的后期阶段,并在通往主网的道路上达到了一个重要的里程碑,这是一个模块化的未来,可以为以太坊生态系统实现真正的可扩展性。

In November, we launched beta-2, adding bridging support so developers could experiment with cross-chain dapps on Fuel. We are excited to see a vibrant ecosystem emerge on Fuel, now home to more than 25+ projects. Since its introduction, beta-2 has settled more than 900,000 transactions and seen immense interest from developers, projects and community members.

11 月,我们推出了 beta-2,添加了跨链桥支持,方便开发人员在 Fuel 上试验跨链 dapp。我们很高兴看到 Fuel 上出现了一个充满活力的生态系统,现在有超过 25 个以上的项目。自推出以来,beta-2 已经结算了超过 900,000 笔交易,并引起了开发人员、项目和社区成员的极大兴趣。

Exciting new possibilities await with beta-3.

beta-3 有着令人兴奋的全新可能。

现在Fuel上有了P2P网络 (P2P Networking Now on Fuel)

beta-3 expands on the features of beta-2, introducing P2P networking and the ability to run synchronizing full nodes. This enables the beta-3 APIs to scale up to and reach the level of demand observed in beta-2. In a following testnet, we’ll enable public P2P access so anyone can run local nodes connected to Fuel.

beta-3 扩展了 beta-2 的功能,引入了 P2P 网络和同步运行全节点的能力。这使 beta-3 API 能够扩展并达到在 beta-2 中被发现的需求水平。在接下来的测试网中,我们将启用公共 P2P 访问,这样任何人都可以运行连接到 Fuel 的本地节点。

Please note that beta-3 is not an incentivized testnet. There will be no direct rewards for participation in this network.
请注意 beta-3 不是激励测试网。参与该网络不会有直接奖励。

主要功能 (Key Features)

Below is a full list of key features for the beta-3 testnet:

以下是 beta-3 测试网的主要功能的完整列表:

⛓️ 区块同步 (Block Sync)

Synchronizing full nodes can sync with the Fuel network via P2P networking. This is primarily useful for things like being able to fork mainnet state for contract testing or having a dedicated full node for application indexing purposes. While P2P is enabled, this is currently only for trusted connections that we use for speeding up/scaling the API.

同步全节点可以通过 P2P 网络与 Fuel 网络同步。这主要用于诸如能够为合约测试,分叉主网状态或具有用于应用索引目的的专用完整节点之类的事情。虽然启用了 P2P,但目前仅适用于我们用于加速/扩展 API 的可信连接。

🤝 单一共享网络 (Single Shared Network)

beta-3 is a shared, public developer- and user-facing testnet. Developers can deploy contracts and users can then interact with those contracts.

beta-3 是一个共享的、面向开发人员和用户的公共测试网。开发人员可以部署合约,然后用户可以与这些合约进行交互。

🚰 水龙头 (Faucet)

Anyone can use the faucet to get some test ETH to deploy or interact with contracts. Available here.

任何人都可以使用水龙头获得一些测试 ETH 来部署或与合约交互。 可在此处获取

📃 GraphQL端点 (GraphQL Endpoint)

The Fuel Core node uses GraphQL instead of JSON RPC. A playground for the public GraphQL endpoint for beta-3 is available here.

Fuel Core 节点使用 GraphQL 而不是 JSON RPC。 beta-3 的公共 GraphQL 端点的测试场在此处可用

🔍 区块浏览器 (Block Explorer)

A block explorer (still heavily a work-in-progress) is available here.

区块浏览器(仍在密集开发中)[可在此处获得](https://fuellabs.github.io/block-explorer-v2/beta-3/?ref=fuel-labs.ghost.io# /).

If you have any questions (development-related or otherwise), you can join the Fuel Labs Discord and head to the #questions channel under the Testnet category. Be sure to follow our Twitter for updates.

如果您有任何问题(与开发相关或其他),您可以加入 Fuel Labs Discord 并前往测试网类别下的#questions 频道。请务必关注我们的 Twitter 来获取更新。

有何更新 (What's New)

编译器 (Compiler)

  • The compiler is now able to handle large design more robustly and efficiently due to various backend optimizations that have been introduced, resulting in bytecode size reduction of up to 30%. New features and enhancements have also been introduced such as support for mutable static arrays, the #[payable] annotation, eliminating the need for ~ to accesses associated functions, the ability to return a Vec from a script, and the ability to pass in predicate data via main() in predicates.
    由于引入了各种后端优化,编译器现在能够更稳健、更高效地处理大型设计,从而使字节码大小减少多达 30%。还引入了新功能和增强功能,例如支持可变静态数组、#[payable] 注释、无需使用 ~ 访问相关函数、从脚本返回 Vec 的能力,以及在谓词中通过 main() 传递谓词数据的能力。

🌐 客户端 (Client)

  • Block sync support for running local nodes (see key features above)

  • Gas metered Predicates - Predicate fees are calculated similarly to scripts, unlocking the ability for standard control flows such as loops or dynamic jumps. Gas used by predicates is deducted from the overall txn gas limit, preventing expensive opcodes from being underpriced.
    Gas计量谓词 - 谓词费用的计算与脚本类似,解锁标准控制流的能力,如循环或动态跳转。谓词使用的gas从整个交易(txn)气体限额中扣除,防止低估昂贵的操作码。

  • Revised gas schedule - The vm opcodes are repriced based on a far more accurate benchmarking system. The gas schedule will continue to adjust over time as more features and optimizations are added, and the new pricing framework will make it easier to detect changes and adjust pricing as necessary.
    修改后的 gas 时间表 - 虚拟机操作码将根据更准确的基准,测试系统的重定价。随着更多功能和优化的添加,gas 时间表将随着时间的推移不断调整,新的定价框架将使检测变化和按需调整定价变得更加容易。

  • Many new Database optimizations for better API performance.
    许多新的数据库优化以获得更好的 API 性能。

🔧 工具 (Tooling)

forc test highlights
forc test的亮点

  • You can now use the #[test(should_revert)] attribute to describe a unit test that is expected to revert. This enables testing failure states.

  • Test output now displays the name, file path and line number of failed tests.

  • Foundations for contract calling in unit tests: When running forc test on a contract project, forc will first build and deploy the contract before building and running the unit tests. This enables early support for contract calling in unit tests.
    单元测试中合约调用的基础: 当在一个合约项目上运行forc test时,forc将首先构建和部署合约,然后再构建和运行单元测试。这使得早期单元测试中就支持合约调用。

fuelup highlights

  • Now supports toolchain overriding with fuel-toolchain.toml. This enables pinning directories and repos to specific fuelup channels and component versions, improving the reproducibility of Fuel projects.

forc doc highlights
forc doc的亮点

  • HTML generated by forc doc now supports improved module navigation.
    forc doc生成的HTML现在支持改进的模块导航。

  • New and improved styling and markdown rendering.

Other highlights

  • forc test and forc fmt now support workspaces and will run for each member package.
    forc testforc fmt现在支持工作区,并将为每个成员包运行。

  • Forc.toml now supports specifying a salt for contract dependencies.

  • Added a simple forc tx plugin command for constructing serialized transactions via CLI.
    增加了一个简单的forc tx插件命令,用于通过CLI创建序列化交易。

🧩 语言服务器 (Language Server)

  • The language server has been optimized to work with multiple projects simultaneously, allowing users to easily switch between projects without interrupting their workflow.

  • Improved warnings and error diagnostics have been implemented, providing more accurate and detailed information about potential issues.

  • Code actions have been added for auto-generating an impl block for an abi definition.

  • Preliminary support for neovim, providing users with even more flexibility in their development environment.


  • Rust SDK

    • Block manipulation, used for testing smart contracts under specific scenarios;

    • Easier testing infrastructure setup: describe your test wallets, contracts, scripts, predicates, and deployments all in a single macro;

    • Parsed and human-readable revert errors to make smart contract debugging friendlier;

    • Transaction fees can now be paid using Messages, i.e., bridged assets;
      交易费用现在可以使用 Messages,即跨链资产来支付;

    • Predicate data encoder;

    • abigen! macro rework: now supporting multiple contracts, predicates, and scripts all in the same macro invocation;

    • New predicates API;

    • Better dependencies importing experience;

  • Typescript SDK

    • Better and more reliable log parsing;

    • Overall ergonomics improvements;

    • New abi-typegen CLI;
      新的_abi-typegen_ CLI.

    • Live documentation rework;

🔌  前端 (Front End)

  • Fuel钱包 (Fuel Wallet)
    • Transaction Previews enable a better preview of complex transactions, such as the ones containing multiple operations, like transferring assets to multiple addresses, calling contracts, or doing both simultaneously.

    • Multi-Account support now is possible to manage multiple addresses inside the Fuel Wallet.

    • Transaction History lets users see all the transactions made from the Account without leaving the wallet.

    • New package @fuel-wallet/sdk for Type support. When developing with Fuel Wallet, you can import our TypeScript package to have types of our Wallet and better integration with current projects using Fuel TS SDK.
      新的软件包 @fuel-wallet/sdk 用于类型支持。当使用Fuel 钱包开发时,您可以导入我们的TypeScript包,进而拥有我们钱包的类型,并与目前使用Fuel TS SDK的项目更好地整合。

    • Create accounts using Private Key. On specific cases like development, you may need to create a new account using a Private Key not related to the current wallet seed phrase.

    • Add custom assets. Now DApps and Users can add metadata to custom assets on the wallet make possible to have not only the official tokens list from Fuel but customizable assets from third party applications.

🗃 索引器 (Indexer)

  • Combine your compiled Sway contract ABI and GraphQL schema to build indexers that compile to WASM.

  • Re-deploy new indexers without re-deploying your contracts.

  • Index as much or as little of FuelVM block information as you'd like.

  • The forc-index plugin

    • A new Forc plugin used to create, build, and deploy new indexers using a set of simple commands.
  • Revamped documentation! (checkout the new Quickstart)
    修改了文档! (查看新的快速入门)

应用开发 (Application Development)

开发者教育 (Developer Education)

  • We’ve updated and released new resources for developers:
  • Developer Quickstart in Fuel Book (To learn how to build & deploy their first fullstack dapp on Fuel)
    Fuel Book中的开发者快速入门 (学习如何在Fuel上构建和部署他们的第一个全栈应用程序)
  • Discourse to check FAQs, post questions, and get support from community members and Fuel contributors.

开发者体验 (For Developers)

More beta-3 documentation is available here.
更多的 "beta-3 "文件可在此获得

🚰 水龙头 (Faucet)

  • Valid transactions are required to deploy contracts and interact with the network, which require coins. Testnet ETH can be obtained from the faucet by completing a captcha.
    部署合约和与网络互动需要有效的交易,这需要代币。Testnet ETH可以通过完成验证码从faucet获得。

💰 钱包(Wallet)

  • A persistent CLI wallet (with binaries for Linux and MacOS) is available here.
  • A web/browser plugin wallet is under active development, available here.

⚡️ 准备开始 (Getting Started)

  • For an overview of Fuel, take a look at the Fuel documentation.
  • To begin building on Fuel, check out the developer quickstart. This guide provides an end-to-end walkthrough for developers building a dapp on Fuel.

🌴 智能合约语言-Smart Contract Language (Sway)

Note that the beta-3 testnet is under active development and may see breaking upgrades and even regenesis events.
请注意,"beta-3 "测试网正在积极开发中,可能会出现突破性的升级,甚至是重新创世。

超越单片链 (Beyond Monolithic)

Modular blockchain design is quickly becoming the foremost solution to the challenge of scaling blockchains by orders of magnitude. The industry is rapidly moving away from monolithic blockchain designs and towards modular ones.


We believe innovation does not require launching a new L1, but can rather happen at the execution layer. Fuel Labs is leading this charge with Fuel, the fastest modular execution layer.

我们认为创新不需要启动新的 L1,而是可以发生在执行层。 Fuel Labs 以最快的模块化执行层 Fuel 成为行业领先。

Unconstrained by the limitations of the EVM, Fuel approaches scalable execution from a modular-first perspective, allowing for significant improvements over the EVM's inefficient execution environment and thus enabling maximum decentralization and the highest flexible throughput.

不受 EVM 限制,Fuel 从模块化优先的角度实现可扩展执行,使得 EVM显着改进 其低效执行环境,从而实现最大程度的去中心化和最高的灵活吞吐量。

With this new movement, we have an opportunity to start fresh and build a fundamentally new generation of blockchains that go #BeyondMonolithic.

通过这一新运动,我们有机会重新开始并构建从根本上走向 #超越单片链 的新一代区块链。

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关于我们 (About Us)

Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack. Powerful and sleek, the technology enables parallel transaction execution, empowering developers with the highest flexible throughput and maximum security required to scale. Developers choose the FuelVM for its superior developer experience and the ability to go beyond the limitations of the EVM.

Fuel 是模块化区块链技术栈的最快执行层。该技术功能强大且时尚,支持并行交易执行,为开发人员提供了扩展所需的最高灵活吞吐量最大安全性。开发人员选择 FuelVM 是因为它卓越的开发人员体验和运行能力 ,突破了 EVM 的限制**。

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