Sei推出5000万美元的生态系统和流动性基金,开启DeFi的新时代 (Sei Launches $50M Ecosystem and Liquidity Fund to Unlock a New Era for DeFi)

Sei Launches $50M Ecosystem and Liquidity Fund to Unlock a New Era for DeFi

Sei, the first Layer 1 designed for trading, announced a $50M Sei Ecosystem and Liquidity Fund to support the development of new apps on Sei and help teams bootstrap liquidity going into mainnet launch. The fund serves to rapidly accelerate the institutional adoption of decentralized finance.


The Sei #DisruptDeFi Fund has gotten commits from top venture capital firms, market makers and exchanges like Multicoin Capital, Delphi Digital, Hudson River Trading, GSR, Flow Traders, MEXC, Kronos, Hypersphere and several others. These partners will help ensure the best teams on Sei get ample opportunity to grow and bootstrap liquidity on the ecosystem at mainnet launch.

Sei #DisruptDeFi 基金已经得到了顶级风险投资公司、做市商和交易所的承诺/邀约,如Multicoin Capital、Delphi Digital、Hudson River Trading、GSR、Flow Traders、MEXC、Kronos、Hypersphere和其他几个公司。这些合作伙伴将帮助确保Sei上最好的团队在主网启动时获得充足的机会,在生态系统上成长和引导流动性。

“Ironically amidst all of the current market conditions, this is a generational time to build in crypto. Much of the industry has been de-risked from an adoption and capital perspective, yet we’re still early enough where there is meaningful opportunity to make a dent. Once all the noise has subsided, we want the Sei Eco Fund to highlight the best and brightest teams,” said Jay Jog, Co-Founder of Sei.

"具有讽刺意味的是,在目前所有的市场条件下,正是一个在加密货币中构建的代际时间。从采用和资本的角度来看,该行业的大部分风险已经降低,但我们仍然足够早—依然存在有意义的机会,可以有所作为。一旦所有的噪音消退,我们希望Sei生态基金能够突出最好和最聪明的团队,"Sei联合创始人Jay Jog说。

The optimizations made to the Sei Layer 1 blockchain unlock a new design space for DeFi and makes it possible for new types of financial products to emerge - everything ranging from live sports betting to complex options and futures. Decentralized applications are able to improve their user experience and iterate on new kinds of products that would not be possible on any other Layer 1. The Sei Ecosystem and Liquidity Fund serves to empower these new applications and the bold teams behind them.

对Sei layer1区块链所做的优化,为DeFi释放了一个新的设计空间,使新型金融产品的出现成为可能—从现场体育博彩到复杂的期权和期货,无所不包。去中心化的应用能够改善其用户体验,并迭代新产品,这在任何其他layer1都是不可能的。Sei生态系统和流动基金的作用,是赋能这些新应用和它们背后大胆团队。

“The vision of the Sei Eco Fund is simple: back the next generation of disruptive DeFi teams and enable what cannot be done on any other Layer 1,” said Jeff Feng, Co-Founder of Sei.

"Sei生态基金的愿景很简单:支持下一代颠覆性的DeFi团队,并实现在任何其他第一层都无法做到的事情,"Sei联合创始人Jeff Feng说。

For teams interested in the Sei Eco Fund: Apply Here

对于对Sei生态基金感兴趣的团队。 在此申请

关于Sei (About Sei)

Sei is the first Layer 1 designed for trading, optimizing every layer of the stack to give exchanges an unfair advantage. Exchanges are the killer app of crypto, but current Layer 1 infrastructure holds them back. Most Layer 1’s fall into two extremes, general purpose and app-specific. Sei unlocks a new design space in between as a use-case specific Layer 1. Sei is the fastest chain to finality, includes frontrunning resistance, several levels of order bundling, and offers a native order matching engine that apps can leverage. There are currently 50+ teams from Solana, Polkadot, Terra, and NEAR building on top of Sei going into mainnet. Team is backed by Multicoin, Delphi, Tangent, and several market makers like Hudson River Trading, GSR, Flow Traders.

Sei是第一个为交易设计的layer1,优化了技术栈的每一层,使交易所具有无可比拟的优势。交易所是加密货币的杀手级应用,但目前的第一层基础设施阻碍了它们的发展。大多数第1层属于两个极端,通用的和特定的。Sei作为一个特定用途的layer1,在两者之间打开了一个新的设计空间。Sei是通向最终态最快的链条,包括抢跑保护,多级别订单捆绑,并提供一个应用可使用的原生订单匹配引擎。目前有50多个来自Solana、Polkadot、Terra和NEAR的团队在Sei的基础上构建,并进入主网。团队得到了Multicoin、Delphi、Tangent和一些做市商如Hudson River Trading、GSR、Flow Traders的支持。
