开源的世界币(Open Sourcing Worldcoin)

We’re excited to announce that we’re open sourcing the Worldcoin stack.

我们很高兴地宣布,我们正在开源 世界币技术栈。

Over the past few months, we’ve been publishing parts of our work and contributing back to some of the main projects we’re using (like Semaphore and Hubble). Now we’re ready to take the next step.

在过去的几个月里,我们一直在发布部分工作并回馈我们正在使用的一些主要项目(如 SemaphoreHubble)。现在我们准备好进行下一步了。

In the coming weeks and months, we will progressively open source most of our work from the last two years. Alongside this, we will post deep–dives explaining each component. Everything will be published with permissive or responsible legal licenses.


We’ve worked towards this milestone from the very beginning, and while there’s still much more to do, we’re ready to provide an overview of our stack and a timeline for when we hope to open source each component of it.


为什么这对我们很重要? (Why This Matters To Us)

Our mission is one that cannot be achieved alone or behind closed doors. Transparency and decentralized collaboration are critically important if Worldcoin is to succeed. Of course, open sourcing inevitably introduces risks to a project like Worldcoin: everything from attempted security exploits to operational overhead and legal challenges. But, as much as Worldcoin is for everyone, it should also be by everyone.


Open sourcing means we are transparent about our technology and that community members can provide feedback or contribute directly. We hope that this will inspire and enable others to reuse our code for other interesting projects.


世界币技术栈 (The Worldcoin Stack)

Worldcoin consists of many different components. We intend to open source as much as we can as soon as we can, given certain legal and security constraints.

Worldcoin 由许多不同的组件组成。考虑到某些法律和安全限制,我们打算尽快尽可能多地开源。


世界币协议 | 2022年4月 (Worldcoin Protocol | April 2022)

The Worldcoin protocol includes an optimistic rollup on Ethereum (based on the Hubble Project), as well as tooling to manage anonymous identities and validate zero-knowledge proofs on-chain, using Semaphore. We are incredibly grateful to both the Hubble and Semaphore teams for their important work which helped lay the foundation for development of the Worldcoin protocol.

Worldcoin 协议包括对以太坊的乐观rollup(基于 Hubble 项目),以及用于管理匿名身份和验证零知识证明的链上工具(使用 Semaphore)。我们非常感谢 Hubble 和 Semaphore 团队所做的重要工作,他们为 Worldcoin 协议的开发奠定了基础。

So far, we’ve built a sequencer for Hubble (implemented in Go) and various infrastructure around Semaphore (implemented in Rust and Solidity). We’ll publish a write-up about all of this soon.

到目前为止,我们已经为 Hubble(在 Go 中实现)和围绕 Semaphore 的各种基础设施(在 Rust 和 Solidity 中实现)构建了一个序列器。我们很快就会发表一篇关于这一切的文章。

All of these components are already open source under the MIT license:
所有这些组件已经在 MIT 许可下开源:

  1. https://github.com/worldcoin/hubble-commander
  2. https://github.com/worldcoin/semaphore-rs
  3. https://github.com/worldcoin/signup-sequencer
  4. https://github.com/worldcoin/mint-sequencer
  5. https://github.com/worldcoin/semaphore-airdrop

Orb硬件 | 2022年5月 (Orb Hardware | May 2022)

The Orb is the device that enables us to verify uniqueness using biometrics in a privacy preserving way.

Orb 是一种设备,它使我们能够以保护隐私的方式使用生物识别技术来验证唯一性。

We plan to publish blueprints of most of its hardware next month under a license that prohibits using it for surveillance or violating privacy. Alongside this, we’ll also publish a deep-dive into the engineering choices we made and explain how each component of the Orb works.

我们计划在下个月,基于禁止将其用于监视或侵犯隐私的许可,发布其大部分硬件的蓝图。除此之外,我们还将深入探讨我们所做的工程选择,并解释 Orb 的每个组件是如何工作的。

世界币 SDK| 2022年5月 (Worldcoin SDK | May 2022)

We’re building tools to make it easy for any developer to reuse the anonymous Proof-of-Personhood that the Orb issues. This will allow anyone to build their own sybil-resistant applications (e.g., airdrops and democratic voting).

我们正在构建工具,使任何开发人员都可以轻松地重复使用 Orb 发布的匿名身份证明。这将允许任何人构建自己的抗女巫应用(比如在空投和投票中)。

We’ll release more information and gather feedback about the SDK at upcoming crypto conferences. We plan to announce full details and open source the Worldcoin SDK under the MIT license in May.

我们会在即将举行的加密会议上发布更多信息并收集有关 SDK 的反馈。我们计划在5月公布完整的细节并在 MIT 许可下开源 Worldcoin SDK。

世界币应用程序 | 2022 年夏季 (Worldcoin App | Summer 2022)

We’ve built the Worldcoin App - available on both iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin) - to enable users to verify with an Orb, claim their share of Worldcoin, reuse their anonymous verification in other applications, and take the first steps of their crypto journey. The App fully supports Hubble, interacts with Semaphore, and has basic Ethereum support.

我们已经构建了世界币应用程序 - 适用于 iOS (Swift) 和 Android (Kotlin) - 使用户能够使用 Orb 进行验证,申领 Worldcoin 份额,在其他应用程序中重复使用他们的匿名验证,并迈出第一步他们的加密之旅。该应用程序完全支持 Hubble,与 Semaphore 交互,并具有基本的以太坊支持。

We will talk more about the App soon, but some of its helper libraries are already available and we plan to fully open source the rest of the App under the MIT license this summer.

我们将很快讨论更多关于该应用程序的信息,但它的一些帮助程序库已经可用,我们计划在今年夏天在 MIT 许可下完全开源该应用程序的其余部分。

  1. https://github.com/worldcoin/crypto-native-lib

Orb固件 | 2022+ (Orb Firmware | 2022+)

Wen Orb Firmware? We realize that many people reading this post are very interested in the Orb, and specifically, what is running on the Orb. Today, this includes a custom Linux distribution, a Rust application running on the Orb’s main processor and embedded C code running across several microcontrollers. These manage all of the core operations of the Orb, from image capture to processing.

Orb固件设么时候放出?我们意识到很多阅读这篇文章的人都对 Orb 非常感兴趣,特别是在 Orb 上 运行 的是什么。今天,这包括一个定制的 Linux 发行版、一个在 Orb 的主处理器上运行的 Rust 应用程序以及在多个微控制器上运行的嵌入式 C 代码。它们管理 Orb 的所有核心操作,从图像捕获到处理。

We plan to open source parts of the Orb’s firmware this year. However, to protect our users, we won’t be able to open source the security-sensitive parts right away. We will provide updates about the potential for a full release of all the Orb’s firmware later in the year.

我们计划今年开源部分 Orb 固件。但是,为了保护我们的用户,我们将无法立即开源安全敏感部分。我们将在今年晚些时候提供完整发布所有 Orb 固件可能性的更新。

人工智能与生物识别算法 | 2022+ (AI & Biometric Algorithms | 2022+)

We use machine learning to assist with image capture and processing. ML algorithms convert the images captured by the Orb to unique codes which are then transformed into irreversible IrisHashes, which will allow us to effectively enable sybil-resistance without storing iris data.

我们使用机器学习来协助图像捕获和处理。 ML 算法将 Orb 捕获的图像转换为唯一代码,然后将其转换为不可逆的 IrisHashes,这将使我们能够在不存储虹膜数据的情况下有效地实现抗女巫攻击。

We’ll be sharing a detailed write-up on the neural network architecture in the next few months and plan to eventually open source all the code.


在早期就参与Worldcoin社区 (Seeding the Worldcoin Community)

Open sourcing serves as a way to increase transparency, but it also makes it possible to begin building Worldcoin with the community. We welcome Pull Requests on all of our repositories, and have set up a Discord server to better communicate and coordinate as a community.

开源是提高透明度的一种方式,但它也使得开始与社区一起构建 Worldcoin 成为可能。我们欢迎在所有的库上提出的Pull请求,并建立了一个 Discord 服务器,来更好地作为一个社区进行沟通和协调。

In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more about what we’ve been working on and what we’ve learned. We’ll also host regular Q&A sessions on Twitter as we make these announcements.

在接下来的几周里,我们将分享更多关于我们一直在做的事情和我们学到的东西。在发布这些公告时,我们还将在 Twitter 上定期举办问答环节。

We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

If you’re interested in working on one of the many parts of the system, have a look at our open positions or just message us directly on any channel.


