Akord应用V2介绍 (Introducing the V2 Akord app)

Akord v2 post

新协议,新应用 (New protocol, new app)

We recently released the new Akord protocol open source along with a raft of developer tools to help builders get going on the new protocol.

我们最近发布了新的开源 Akord 协议 以及大量开发工具,以帮助构建者着手使用新协议。

The Akord protocol marks a new beginning where we start to create an ecosystem of builders who will use our technology to integrate permanence, privacy and collaboration on Arweave into their own projects.

Akord 协议标志着一个新的开始,我们开始创建一个构建者生态系统,他们将使用我们的技术把 Arweave 上永续、隐私和协作集成到他们自己的项目中。

We built the Akord protocol for number of reasons, including:

我们构建 Akord 协议的原因有很多,包括:

  • having a standard way of posting transactions to arweave
    有一个标准的方式来发布交易到 arweave

  • moving from base64 to binary uploads to get rid of unnecessary storage consumption caused by encoding
    从 base64 迁移到二进制上传,以摆脱编码造成的不必要的存储消耗

  • moving to arbundles to get finite and deterministic transaction references
    转移到 arbundles 以获得有限和确定性的交易参考

  • improving encryption to defend from quantum computing attacks

  • using Redstone warp to have each vault represented by warp contract with calculated state.

Along with the protocol release, we launched a new version of the Akord app – the first application to be built on top of the protocol.

随着协议的发布,我们推出了新版本的 Akord 应用程序——第一个基于协议构建的应用程序。

These changes, while a big leap forward technologically, were breaking in the sense that we no longer maintain the code needed for the old decryption and encryption used on v1 (app.akord.com).

这些变化,虽然在技术上是一个巨大的飞跃,但从某种意义上说,我们不再维护 v1 上使用的旧解密和加密所需的代码 ([app.akord.com](http://app.akord.com /))。

You can login to v2.akord.com with the login credentials from app.akord.com, but you will not see any of your vaults or uploaded data.

您可以使用 app.akord.com 的登录凭据登录 v2.akord.com,但您不会看到任何保管库或上传的数据。

迁移工具 (Migration tool)

No data uploaded to app.akord.com will ever be lost. Eventually we will deprecate this app, as from now on all new features will be deployed on the new v2.akord.com. But for a while we will run both apps, giving people time to migrate their data to the new version.

上传到 app.akord.com 的任何数据都不会丢失。最终我们将弃用此应用,因为从现在开始,所有新功能都将部署在新的 v2.akord.com 上。但在一段时间内,我们将同时运行这两个应用程序,让人们有时间将他们的数据迁移到新版本。

We’re currently building a migration tool that will enable anyone who has vaults and data on app.akord.com to migrate everything to v2. **There will be no cost for this migration, the tool will be completely free to use.**If you have any questions concerning the migration of your data, the best place to reach our team is on the community Discord.

我们目前正在构建一个迁移工具,使任何在 app.akord.com 上拥有保管库和数据的人都可以将所有内容迁移到 v2。 此迁移不收取任何费用,该工具将完全免费使用。如果您对数据迁移有任何疑问,联系我们团队的最佳地点是社区 [Discord](https 😕/discord.com/invite/g4VXfauK5s)。

查看合约 (View contracts)

Most of these changes, being at the protocol level, are not noticeable when you use the new app by logging in to v2.akord.com. The exception is that you can now select “View contract” from the vault menu, and you will be taken to the Warp contract page for the vault on Redstone’s SonAR explorer.

当您通过登录 v2.akord.com 使用新应用时,这些更改中的大部分内容在协议级别上都并不明显。唯一的例外是您现在可以从保险库菜单中选择“查看合约”,您将被带到 Redstone 的 SonAR 浏览器上保险库的 Warp(封装) 合同页面。

Screenshot 2022 10 04 at 14 49 22

共享公共保管库 (Share public vault)

There is one other new change to v2.akord.com, which you will see from the vault menu: select “Share vault” and get a link to share with anyone and let them easily view your vault’s contents.

v2.akord.com 还有另一项新变化,您将从保管库菜单中看到:选择“共享保管库”并获取与任何人共享的链接,让他们轻松查看您保管库的内容。

Screenshot 2022 10 07 at 10 41 48

Please note that you can share your vault straight away, even while your uploads are in pending state. This means if you click on the “View transaction” link on individual files, it will display a 404 error on viewblock.io.

请注意,即使您的上传处于待处理状态,您也可以立即共享您的保管库。这意味着如果您单击单个文件上的“查看交易”链接,它将在 viewblock.io 上显示 404 错误。

If you want to share your public vault and have all the files to have working transaction links to viewblock.io, than ensure all content is no longer in pending state (file icons with orange dots are in pending).

如果您想共享您的公共保管库并让所有文件都具有指向 viewblock.io 的有效交易链接,那么请确保所有内容不再处于待处理状态(带有橙色圆点的文件图标处于待处理状态)。
