Akord材料合集-CHN&ENG(Akord materials CHN&ENG) Updating

@Chainguys 原创 (@Chainguys Original)


Akord简介-Short Intro to Akord

翻译的文件(Translated Files)

官方博文(Official Blog)


02-08 GDPR和区块链

01-31 web3存档 (The web3 archive)

01-30 AkordJS:Arweave 上的隐私、协作和文件管理(AkordJS:privacy, collaboration and file management on Arweave)

01-06 重塑我们的品牌 (Rebuilding our brand)


11-26 认识 Akord:基于区块链的永久存储和发布协议 (Meet Akord:the blockchain-based permanent storage and publishing protocol)

10-11 当我们都Dedoco我们的文档 (When we all Dedoco our documents)

10-06 Akord应用V2介绍 (Introducing the V2 Akord app)

09-26 Akord协议—向所有构建者开源 (Akord protocol – open for builders)

07-03 Akord x Dedoco – 宣布合作! (Akord x Dedoco – partnership announcement)

06-24 公共保管库已经到来!(Public vaults have arrived!)
