概览 (Overview)
Thank you for your early interest in AltLayer!
感谢您在早期就对 AltLayer 兴趣!
As we continue to work on our solutions and explore means of collaboration, we’ve created a test environment for all you brilliant devs out there, so you can get a first-hand experience of using our Flash Layering technology.
This document will walk you through the following:
Connecting and transacting on the AltLayer Alpha Devnet
在 AltLayer Alpha Devnet 上连接和交易 -
Using the faucet
使用水龙头 -
Using the token bridge
使用代币跨链桥 -
AltLayer add-on - 1RPC
AltLayer 插件 - 1RPC
阿尔法开发网 (The Alpha Devnet)
Our AltLayer Alpha Devnet is essentially an EVM-compatible execution environment with fast block finality. You should therefore be able to deploy and call Solidity contracts like you normally would on Ethereum or other EVM-compatible chains.
我们的 AltLayer阿尔法开发网本质上是一个与 EVM 兼容的执行环境,具有快速的区块确定性。因此,您应该能够像通常在以太坊或其他 EVM 兼容链上一样部署和调用 Solidity 合约。
Additionally, this devnet showcases our bridging solution, which allows assets to be transferred to and from other EVM-compatible chains.
此外,这个开发网展示了我们的跨链桥接解决方案,它允许资产向其他 EVM 兼容的链相互转移。
Bridging and fast execution are, of course, only a couple of the features that we showcase here. We hope that by trying out our devnet you are able to see how it can integrate successfully with your own organization’s decentralized applications.
开发网网络信息 (Devnet Network Information)
Name 名称 | Description 描述 |
RPC | https://devnet-rpc.altlayer.io/ https://1rpc.io/alt (A free & private RPC relay by Automata Network 一个由Automata网络提供的免费和私有的RPC中继) |
Native Token 原生代币 | ALT |
Decimal 小数点位数 | 18 |
ChainID 链ID | 9990 |
Explorer 浏览器 | https://devnet-explorer.altlayer.io/ |
Faucet 水龙头 | https://devnet-faucet.altlayer.io/ |
Bridge 跨链桥 | https://devnet-bridge-app.altlayer.io/ |
连接到 Devnet (Connecting to the Devnet)
Use these settings to access the devnet:
使用这些设置访问 devnet:
RPC endpoint: https://devnet-rpc.altlayer.io/
RPC 端点:https://devnet-rpc.altlayer.io/ -
Chain ID: 9990
链 ID:9990 -
Block explorer: https://devnet-explorer.altlayer.io/
For example, using Metamask, add a network with these settings:
例如,使用 Metamask,添加具有以下设置的网络:

From above you can also see we have a block explorer available:

通过水龙头为您的账户注资 (Funding Your Account via Faucet)
To make transactions on the devnet, you need some native ALT tokens for gas. You can get tokens by accessing the faucet at https://devnet-faucet.altlayer.io/
要在开发网上进行交易,您需要一些用于 gas 的原生 ALT 代币。您可以访问[https://devnet-faucet.altlayer.io/](https://devnet-faucet.altlayer. io/)

Simply enter your address (Ethereum address format) and click “Submit tokens to my wallet”. In a few seconds, your account should receive 10 ALT gas token.
只需输入您的地址(以太坊地址格式),然后单击“提交代币到我的钱包”。几秒钟后,您的帐户应该会收到 10 个 ALT gas 代币。
进行交易 (Making Transactions)
Since the devnet is an EVM-compatible chain, you can use any common tools (such as Remix, Hardhat, or Foundry) to deploy and call your Solidity contracts.
由于开发网是与 EVM 兼容的链,因此您可以使用任何常用工具(例如 Remix、Hardhat 或 Foundry)来部署和调用您的 Solidity 合约。
Chances are you may also already have your own project or means of connecting and transacting with EVM-compatible chains. Therefore, we won’t be delving into the topic here. However, feel free to contact us should you need more information or support on this matter, and we can show you some of our own contract deployment and execution tools that we are currently developing.
您可能也已经拥有自己的项目或与 EVM 兼容的链进行连接和交易的方式。因此,我们不会在这里深入探讨这个话题。但是,如果您需要有关此问题的更多信息或支持,请随时与我们联系,我们可以向您展示我们目前正在开发的一些我们自己的合约部署和执行工具。
跨链资产 (Bridging Assets)
Besides making transactions on the devnet, you may also be interested in bridging assets between the devnet and L1 EVM chains such as Ethereum.
除了在开发网上进行交易外,您可能还对在开发网和 L1 EVM 链(如以太坊)之间跨链资产感兴趣。
Our devnet has bridge contracts deployed on both itself and the Goerli testnet, as well as a relayer network configured to listen for events from those contracts.
我们的开发网在其自身和 Goerli 测试网上部署了跨链合约,以及配置为侦听来自这些合约的事件的中继网络。
Normally, setting up this bridge requires some administrative access. Thus, for the purpose of this guide, we have pre-configured a bridge that’s ready for you to try out.
跨链代币 (Bridging Tokens)
Here we’ll try bridging native ETH tokens from Ethereum’s Goerli testnet to our AltLayer devnet, and then back to Goerli testnet.
在这里,我们将尝试将原生 ETH 代币从以太坊的 Goerli 测试网桥接到我们的 AltLayer 开发网,然后再回到 Goerli 测试网。
- First, set up an account on Goerli and fund it with some tokens. Here, for instance, is an account with some testnet ETH on Goerli:
首先,在歌尔力上开一个账户,并用一些代币给它注资。例如,这里有一个在 Goerli 上有一些测试网 ETH 的帐户:
💡 If you need testnet ETH, you can go to https://goerlifaucet.com/ or https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/.
💡如果需要testnet ETH,可以去https://goerlifaucet.com/或者https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/。
2. Let’s say we want to move 0.1 Goerli ETH from Goerli to our devnet. To do that, you can access our bridge application over at https://devnet-bridge-app.altlayer.io/ :
假设我们想将 0.1 Goerli ETH 从 Goerli 转移到我们的开发网。为此,您可以通过[https://devnet-bridge-app.altlayer.io/](https:// /devnet-bridge-app.altlayer.io/)

- From the application, specify 0.1 ETH and click Transfer. After confirming the transaction on Metamask, the bridge application will show the transfer status.
从应用中,指定 0.1 ETH 并单击转账。在 Metamask 上确认交易后,跨链桥应用会显示转账状态。

- After about a few minutes, the transfer should be complete:

- If you switch your Metamask from Goerli testnet to our devnet and import the token address
, you should see 0.1 Goerli ETH in the account with the same address.
如果您将 Metamask 从 Goerli 测试网切换到我们的开发网并导入代币地址0x7D36375930587d06F053514990c23c04A740e185
,您应该会在相同地址的帐户中看到 0.1 Goerli ETH。

Bridging back is a similar process. First, make sure your account on the devnet has some native ALT tokens (use the faucet described earlier).
跨链是一个类似的过程。首先,确保您在开发网上的帐户有一些原生 ALT 令牌(使用前面描述的 水龙头)。 -
Go back to the bridge application and make sure the From and To networks are reversed, as shown here:
回到跨链桥应用并确保 From 和 To 网络是相反的,如下所示:
💡 If you need more gas tokens on our devnet, you can always head back to our gas token faucet at https://devnet-faucet.altlayer.io/
💡如果您在我们的开发网上需要更多的gas代币,您可以随时返回我们的gas代币水龙头 https://devnet-faucet. altlayer.io/

Specify the amount you want to bridge over and click on Approve. A Metamask popup will appear requesting your approval.
指定您要跨链的金额,然后单击批准。将出现一个 Metamask 弹出窗口,请求您的批准。 -
Afterwards, the Approve button should change to Transfer. Click on Transfer, confirm the transaction on Metamask, and expect the application to show you the transaction status page like before.
之后,Approve 按钮应更改为 Transfer。点击 Transfer,在 Metamask 上确认交易,并期望应用像以前一样向您显示交易状态页面。

- After about a few minutes, the transfer should be complete:

- Once again, checking on Metamask (on the Goerli network) should confirm the ETH tokens have been bridged back:
再次检查 Metamask(在 Goerli 网络上)应确认 ETH 代币已被跨链回来:
AltLayer 附加组件 - 1RPC (AltLayer Add-on - 1RPC)

1RPC is a free and private RPC relay that protects Web3 users when accessing RPC endpoints. It tunnels user requests via distributed relays to other RPC providers while preventing the tracking of user metadata such as IP address, device information and wallet linkability. It offers protection on user privacy without compromising compatibility with existing blockchain RPC protocols.
1RPC 是一个免费且私有的 RPC 中继,可在访问 RPC 端点时保护 Web3 用户。它通过分布式中继将用户请求传送到其他 RPC 提供商,同时防止跟踪用户元数据,例如 IP 地址、设备信息和钱包可链接性。它在不影响与现有区块链 RPC 协议的兼容性的情况下提供对用户隐私的保护。
To avoid metadata tracking from other RPC providers, 1RPC relays user requests and avoids any direct communication between user and RPC providers. In addition, the 1RPC nodes immediately delete any metadata after relaying the requests successfully. The connections between users, 1RPC and RPC providers are TLS secured which further prevents any tracking from other network providers.
为了避免来自其他 RPC 提供者的元数据跟踪,1RPC 中继用户请求并避免用户和 RPC 提供者之间的任何直接通信。此外,1RPC 节点在成功中继请求后会立即删除所有元数据。用户、1RPC 和 RPC 提供者之间的连接受 TLS 保护,进一步防止来自其他网络提供者的任何跟踪。
1RPC is created to be an open initiative from the blockchain infrastructure community. We are motivated by a common good mission to help build a better Web3 and we encourage anyone who values user privacy to join this open collaboration.
1RPC因来自区块链基础设施社区的一项开放倡议而创建。我们有一个共同的好使命,即帮助构建更好的 Web3,我们鼓励任何重视用户隐私的人加入这个开放式协作。
1RPC is part of AltLayer Alpha Devnet add-on. The 1RPC relay endpoint can be accessed via https://1rpc.io/alt
1RPC 是 AltLayer Alpha Devnet 插件的一部分。 1RPC 中继端点可以通过 https://1rpc.io/alt 访问
Learn more at https://www.1rpc.io/
在 https://www.1rpc.io/ 了解更多信息
需要更多帮助吗?(Need more help?)
Feel free to approach us at our public discord server devnet
at https://discord.gg/altlayer
与我们联系,地址为 https://discord.gg/altlayer
免责声明 (Disclaimer)
AltLayer’s alpha devnet is a test network that gives developers an opportunity to get a feel of how AltLayer works under the hood and to try and test their contracts. We expect (and hope) things break and we encourage the community to try and break things. We also invite hackers to attack the network. However, do note that we will be shipping updates frequently, some of which may necessitate regenesis and therefore require developers to redeploy their contracts.
AltLayer 的阿尔法开发网是一个测试网络,让开发人员有机会了解 AltLayer 如何在后台工作并尝试和测试他们的合约。我们期望(并希望)事情会发生,我们鼓励社区尝试打破陈规。我们还邀请黑客攻击网络。但是,请注意,我们将经常发布更新,其中一些可能需要重新生成,因此需要开发人员重新部署他们的合约。