译者提示(Translator Notice)
Recently many new members rushing into Altlayer community and asking about NFT. I translated this article to help people understand the situation.
BUT PLEASE NOTE: The NFT Drop Event (for early birds) is finished.Now the major way to get NFT is to be active and helpful to the community. Please do not ask questions such as "wen mint where mint how mint". I specifically use strikethrough to demonstrated contents that are obsolete.
但是请注意:NFT空投活动已经结束,现在获得NFT的主要方法是在社区活跃和助人为乐。请不要再问“何时何地去如何铸币”等问题。 我特意用了删除线来标明过时的内容。
Last week, we announced the closing of our seed round. We raised $7.2M from some of the smartest VCs and angels in the space. The round was led by Polychain Capital together with Jump Crypto and Breyer Capital. Former Coinbase CTO and a16z GP Balaji Srinivasan, Circle co-founder and USDC architect Sean Neville, Ethereum co-founder and CEO of Parity Technologies Gavin Wood, Messari founder Ryan Selkis, Synthetix co-founders Kain Warwick & Jordan Momtazi (Bodhi Ventures), former Polychain GP Tekin Salimi (DAO5) among others also invested as angels.
上周,我们宣布结束了种子轮融资。我们从行业内一些最聪明的 VC 和天使那里筹集了 720 万美元。本轮融资由 Polychain Capital、Jump Crypto 和 Breyer Capital 牵头。前 Coinbase 首席技术官和 a16z GP Balaji Srinivasan,Circle 联合创始人兼 USDC 架构师 Sean Neville,以太坊联合创始人兼 Parity Technologies 首席执行官 Gavin Wood,Messari 创始人 Ryan Selkis,Synthetix 联合创始人 Kain Warwick 和 Jordan Momtazi(Bodhi Ventures),前 Polychain GP Tekin Salimi (DAO5) 等也以天使身份投资。
With this announcement, we have officially come out of stealth mode and to mark this occasion, we are organising an NFT drop event called the AltLayer OG Badge Drop. The goal of the event is to showcase AltLayer’s capabilities to the broader community in handling a large-scale NFT airdrop event while giving an unparalleled user experience while maintaining an extremely low settlement time.
通过此公告,我们正式退出了隐身模式,为了纪念这一时刻,我们正在组织一个名为 AltLayer OG Badge Drop 的 NFT 空投活动。该活动的目的是向更广泛的社区展示 AltLayer 在处理大规模 NFT 空投事件方面的能力,在提供无与伦比的用户体验的同时保持极短的结算时间。
This blogpost presents the details, i.e., the number of OG Badges that will be minted, who can get one, how to get one, timeline etc.
这篇博文介绍了详细信息,即将铸造的 OG 徽章数量、谁能获得一枚、如何获得一枚、时间表等。
总供给 (Total Supply)
There will be a total of 1000 OG Badges and 400 of them will be minted and distributed in this campaign and the remaining 600 OG Badges will be reserved for future distribution. Out of the 400 that will be minted, 300 will be dropped to the community while the remaining 100 will be given to the internal team members, our backers, KOLs and other strategic partners.
本次活动总共将有 1000 个 OG 徽章,其中 400 个将在此活动中铸造和分发,剩余的 600 个 OG 徽章将留作将来分发。在将铸造的 400 枚中,300 枚将被投放到社区,其余 100 枚将分配给内部团队成员、我们的支持者、KOL 和其他战略合作伙伴。
如何获得 OG 徽章?(How to get the OG Badge?)
If you are a community member and wish to get hold of one of these 300 OG Badges, you need to go through a simple 2-step process as explained below. The first step is a whitelisting process. In the second step, 300 of the whitelisted users will be chosen on a first-come-first-serve basis to receive the OG Badges.
如果您是社区成员并希望获得这 300 个 OG 徽章中的一个,您需要完成一个简单的两步流程,如下所述。第一步是白名单过程。在第二步中,将按照先到先得的方式从列入白名单的用户中选出 300 名获得 OG 徽章。
Step 1: Getting Whitelisted for the OG Badge Drop
If you are a community member and wish to get hold of one of these 300 OG Badges, you must complete the following tasks on Gleam between 6 July 2022 12:00 GMT and 25 July 2022 12:00 GMT:
Follow us https://twitter.com/alt_layer and https://twitter.com/jiayaoqi on Twitter, and retweet the OG Badge announcement tweet.Join our Discord server: discord.gg/altlayer and complete the welcome steps.Submit your Ethereum wallet address via Gleam.
There is no limit on the number of users that can get whitelisted. However, getting whitelisted does not guarantee an NFT as only 300 of them will be dropped.
Step 2: Getting the OG Badge
The OG NFT drop will be available to all whitelisted addresses on a first come first serve basis. The mint event will commence on 28 July 2022 12:00 GMT. Each whitelist address will be eligible to mint up to 1 OG Badge. Only the first 300 addresses will receive the OG Badge.
We will release details on how to mint the NFT closer to the mint event. But, we would like to highlight that this is not a sale of NFTs, all the NFTs will be given for free and users will not need to acquire any gas token during the mint process.
时间限制 (Timeline)
The address whitelisting event starts on 6 July 2022 at 12:00 GMT and ends on 25 July 2022 at 12:00 GMT. The NFT mint event will start on 28 July at 12:00 GMT.
地址白名单活动将于 2022 年 7 月 2022 年 7 月 12:00 GMT 开始,并于 2022 年 7 月 25 日 12:00 GMT 结束。 NFT mint 活动将于 7 月 28 日格林威治标准时间 12:00 开始。
OG 徽章的用途 (Purpose of OG Badges)
As the name “OG Badge” suggests, these NFTs have a symbolic value. It represents the OGs of the AltLayer community. These OGs will play a crucial role in helping spread the word out about AltLayer and form the foundation of our future community. The OG Badge holders will be provided tickets to our future events and will have exclusive access to the internal team via a private Discord group. They will also be assigned an OG tag on Discord that they could flaunt to other community members.
正如“OG徽章”这个名字所暗示的那样,这些 NFT 具有象征意义。它代表了 AltLayer 社区的 OG。这些 OG 将在帮助传播有关 AltLayer 的信息和构成我们未来社区的基础方面发挥关键作用。 OG 徽章持有者将获得我们未来活动的门票,并将通过私人 Discord 小组独家访问内部团队。他们还将在 Discord 上获得一个 OG 标签,他们可以向其他社区成员炫耀。
The OG Badge holders will also be given the first access to any new products or features that we release in the future and 20 randomly selected OG Badge holders will also be sent a limited edition merchandise pack. Last but not the least, OGs will be given priority in future participation in the project and will be whitelisted by default for any future non-NFT airdrops.
OG 徽章持有者还将获得我们未来发布的任何新产品或新功能的首次使用权,并且随机选择的 20 名 OG 徽章持有者还将获得限量版商品包。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,OG 将在未来参与该项目时获得优先权,并将默认列入白名单以用于未来的任何非 NFT 空投。
~~Let the whitelisting begin!