Machismo, Inflation, Remittance: Scaling Ethereum to Widespread Adoption in LATAM
大男子主义、通货膨胀、汇款:扩展以太坊以在拉丁美洲得到广泛采用重新创新第 2 层,但更擅长 @fuellabs_
My most recent talk from@EFDevconas a thread
我最近来自 @EFDevcon 的谈话作为一个长推
A pragmatic perspective on the social and technical pieces missing and how we're innovating a layer 2 but better at@fuellabs_
关于缺少的社交和技术部分以及我们如何创新layer2但更 @fuellabs_ 的务实观点却更好
First, a look at the current state of the industry. When building a product, you want to solve a big problem for many people. Right now, crypto sits in the quadrant of solving a small problem for a few people.
As an industry, we're all working towards identifying killer use cases for crypto that unlock functionality and coordination not previously available. I deeply respect everyone working in this industry, and this is not a knock on our work, but this is just today's reality.
We want to solve a big problem for a lot of people. How do we get there? Not from a theoretical pov, but what are the tactical steps we need to execute to get here?
In this talk, I point out the three most pressing issues we can address NOW. These are probably obvious, but how exactly do we address these issues to empower both developers and end users to build and use novel applications?
1.Solve real problems The bull case for LATAM and a case study on how solving hyperlocal problems (a big problem for many people) drives 100x+ growth, and what crypto can learn from these orgs
解决实际问题 拉美的牛市案例和关于解决超本地问题(对许多人来说是个大问题)如何推动 100 倍以上增长的案例研究,以及加密可以从这些组织中学到什么
Latin America seems to be one of the best places to explore crypto because they already exhibit behaviors that make them ripe for crypto adoption
Some stats highlight that Latinos are already operating and transacting outside of the rails of traditional finance Despite half of the population being unbanked, most consumers access neobank and nonbank financial services.
Remittance in 2021 represented almost 25% of total GDP in Honduras and El Salvador and ~15% of GDP in Guatemala. Do you know how insane that is
2021 年的汇款占洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多 GDP 总额的近 25%,占危地马拉 GDP 的约 15%。你知道那有多疯狂吗!
Data by Gemini indicates that women in LATAM are transacting and holding crypto at higher rates than women in Europe. Crypto offers a new way for women to exercise financial freedom while operating within the bounds of what is culturally acceptable.
Gemini 的数据表明,拉丁美洲的女性交易和持有加密货币的比率高于欧洲女性。加密货币为女性提供了一种行使财务自由的新方式,同时在文化可接受的范围内运作。
In a culture of machismo, patriarchy with a little hot sauce on it, I can see how crypto offers a workaround for women to exercise the ability to hold and earn value without breaking social and cultural norms like opening a bank account without your husband, etc.
Mercado Pago and PicsPay in Colombia and Brazil are great case studies for what happens when you solve hyperlocal problems for consumers. Both are now financial giants in the space, and it all started from a relatively simple, not-so-novel payments platform.
哥伦比亚和巴西的 Mercado Pago 和 PicsPay 是很好的案例研究,说明当您为消费者解决超本地化问题时会发生什么。两者现在都是该领域的金融巨头,这一切都始于一个相对简单、不那么新颖的支付平台。
We covered the social. What technical milestones do we still have to reach to make Ethereum and blockchains in general usable to the masses?
More secure applications
These next slides are also core to the reason why I joined Fuel.
- 可扩展性
- 更安全的应用程序
这些下一张幻灯片也是我加入 Fuel 的核心原因。
Scalability without sacrificing decentralization. There are 666M people in LATAM. We need systems that can handle the load without impacts to performance. Fuel's execution model allows for parallelized transaction execution, resulting in a significant net gain in TPS.
不牺牲去中心化的可扩展性。拉丁美洲有 6.66 亿人。我们需要能够在不影响性能的情况下处理负载的系统。 Fuel 的执行模型允许并行执行交易,从而导致 TPS 的显着净收益。
In LATAM, you're dealing with a population that is more price-sensitive. The average monthly income is ~$500. We have to take steps to minimize the risk of hacks and losses. The@SwayLangcompiler will call out reentrancy bugs and won't let you deploy a vulnerable contractS
在拉丁美洲,您面对的是对价格更加敏感的人群。平均月收入约为 500 美元。我们必须采取措施将黑客入侵和损失的风险降至最低。 @SwayLang 编译器将调用可重入性错误,并且不会让您部署易受攻击的合约
The Sway compiler forces developers to handle all variant control flow paths. Check out this thread by compiler engineer@emilyaherbertfor more on Sway features
Sway 编译器强制开发人员处理所有变体控制流路径。查看编译器工程师 @emilyaherbert 的此长推,了解有关 Sway 功能的更多信息

Write more secure smart contracts in Sway with our namespace storage access. Each function's storage access must be annotated, giving clarity to developers and users alike who will never accidentally access storage, causing unintended consequences.
使用我们命名的空间存储,访问在 Sway 中编写的更安全的智能合约。每个函数的存储访问都必须进行注释,让开发人员和用户清楚地知道他们永远不会意外访问存储,从而导致意想不到的后果。
Thank you to the whole Devcon team for organizing and allowing me to give this talk.
感谢整个 Devcon 团队组织并允许我进行这次演讲。
If you're interested in experiencing the top-tier developer experience we're crafting at@fuellabs_, check out our developer quickstart https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-docs/master/developer-quickstart.html…
如果您有兴趣体验我们在 @fuellabs_ 打造的顶级开发人员体验,请查看我们的开发人员快速入门 https://fuellabs.github.io/ Fuel-docs/master/developer-quickstart.html…
Expanded thoughts and sources cited from the numbers and stats referenced in this talk
The link to my slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12EpcqMBJtyJXvWlmIY00kttPv-Y_Mwlpnb8GnkOulnw/edit?usp=sharing…. I'll share the recording of the talk as soon as it's ready. THANK YOU !
我的幻灯片的链接:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12EpcqMBJtyJXvWlmIY00kttPv-Y_Mwlpnb8GnkOulnw/edit?usp=sharing...。一旦准备好,我会分享谈话的录音。谢谢你 !