Euler Update [18 July 2022]
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Check out last month’s summary newsletter, if you’ve been missing out on our recent progress, or continue reading below for the latest news.
如果您错过我们最近的进展,请查看上个月的摘要 六月来信,或者继续阅读下面的最新消息。
The dev team has been pushing ahead as they've updated the UI to show APY on EUL distribution for different markets in the gauges. They've also updated the platform for better user experience. The Euler team has conducted internal security tests and strengthened overall security of the platform.
开发团队一直在推进,因为他们更新了 UI,使得量表中不同市场的EUL分布上可以显示 APY。他们还更新了平台以获得更好的用户体验。Euler团队进行了内部安全测试,加强了平台的整体安全性。
eIP13: EUL distribution rules change was passed, so markets in the gauges will need to be on the Coingecko-derived Euler token list to be voted on for EUL distribution.
eIP13:EUL 分配规则变更已通过,因此,量表中的市场将需要在 Coingecko 派生的 Euler 代币列表中,才能对 EUL 分配进行投票。
eIP15: Reduce Reserve Factors and Amend Interest Rate Models, is currently being discussed and voted on. This proposal offers to reduce reserve factors on all cross and collateral assets, as well as to amend interest models.
Want to get notified for changes in your loans? Show support for a proposal to integrate with HAL.xyz.
想要收到有关贷款变化的通知?赶紧来 支持 与 HAL.xyz 集成的提案。
Idle DAO voted on adding Euler to its Senior Tranche Gauges. The team also recently spoke with Seraphim on their Building DeFi Talks podcast about the 'Status of yields in DeFi & risk adjusted lending markets'.
Idle DAO 投票 将Euler添加到其高级批次量表中。该团队最近还与 Seraphim 在其 Building DeFi Talks 播客 中讨论了“DeFi 和风险调整贷款市场的收益率状态 ”。
Brandon offered some thoughts on recent crypto lay-offs and the big-picture to Forbes Advisor.
Brandon 就最近的加密货币裁员和福布斯顾问提供了一些 想法。
Seraphim spoke with Allan Niemerg the co-founder/CEO of Yield Protocol about interest rates in DeFi, CeFi crashing down, and much more. Seraphim also hinted at an interesting new feature being developed by the Euler team.
Seraphim 与 Yield Protocol 的联合创始人/首席执行官 Allan Niemerg 讨论 了 DeFi 的利率、CeFi 崩溃等等。 Seraphim 还暗示了 Euler 团队正在开发的一个有趣的新功能。
The Euler community released a few threads about using Euler for short strategies, Euler’s unique liquidation mechanisms, and a general overview of the protocol.
Euler 社区发布了一些关于将 Euler 用于短线策略 的线程,Euler 的独特清算 机制,以及协议的一般 概述。
Euler currently has a total supply of $352.62M with TVL of $220.03M and $132.59M in total borrowed. Several new markets were activated, including AAVE and PUNK, while the reserves have increased to $968.90K. There are 4,111 lenders and 699 borrowers across 77 markets.
Euler 目前的总供应量为 3.5262 亿美元,TVL 为 2.2003 亿美元,借款总额为 1.3259 亿美元。激活了几个新市场,包括 AAVE 和 PUNK,同时储备增加至 96.89 万美元。在 77 个市场中有 4,111 家出借方和 699 个借款方。
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