
As the Euler protocol begins the process of decentralisation, we are happy to announce our governance forum where users are able to discuss ideas, comment on governance proposals and get involved in the building of the Euler protocol.
Even though users are not able to vote on proposals as the EUL token has not been distributed yet, this will be the blueprint for the discussion of important changes to the Euler protocol.
尽管由于 EUL 代币尚未分发,用户无法对提案进行投票,但这将成为讨论 Euler 协议重要更改的蓝图。
The governance forum can be found here: https://forum.euler.finance/
eIP:Euler改进提案 (eIP: Euler Improvement Proposal)
The improvements to the Euler Protocol will be mainly done through passing eIPs: Euler Improvement Proposals. These proposals include issues pertaining to:
Euler协议的改进将主要通过 eIP:Euler改进提案 (eIP: Euler Improvement Proposal)来完成。这些提议包括与以下有关的问题:
Amending risk factors of a given asset (collateral factors, borrow factors, interest rate models, cross tier, TWAP length etc)
修改给定资产的风险因素(抵押因素、借贷因素、利率模型、交叉层、TWAP 长度等) -
Updates to the Euler smart contract
Euler智能合约更新 -
Deploying on rollups and other chains
部署在汇总和其他链上 -
Grants 赠款
eIP 1 和 eIP 2 (eIP 1 and eIP 2)
We begin our governance process by unveiling two governance proposals:
eIP 1:将 WBTC 提升为抵押层 (eIP 1: Promote WBTC to collateral tier)
Proposal includes a batch of changes to the Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) asset on Euler. These include: promotion of WBTC to the collateral tier. Increase of WBTC collateral factor to 0.88. Increase of WBTC borrow factor to 0.91. Change in interest rate model.
提案包括对 Euler 上的 Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) 资产的一批更改。其中包括:将 WBTC 提升到抵押层。 WBTC 抵押因子增加到 0.88。 WBTC 借入因子增加到 0.91。利率模型的变化。
After conducting a thorough risk assessment, we’ve concluded that promoting WBTC to collateral tier and improving the rest of risk factors related to WBTC is appropriate.
在进行了全面的风险评估后,我们得出的结论是,将 WBTC 提升到抵押层并改善与 WBTC 相关的其他风险因素是合适的。
You can check out and comment on the proposal here: https://forum.euler.finance/t/eip-1-promote-wbtc-to-collateral-tier/27
您可以在此处查看并评论该提案:[https://forum.euler.finance/t/eip-1-promote-wbtc-to-collateral-tier/27](https://forum.euler.finance /t/eip-1-promote-wbtc-to-collateral-tier/27)
eIP 2:修改利率模型 (eIP 2: Amend Interest Rate models)
This is a proposal to amend the interest model on the following assets: USDC, DAI, WETH, USDT, UNI and LINK. Currently, all assets on Euler are following the default interest rate model, which was originally created for the riskier, default isolated assets. However, given the high quality nature of those assets, it is appropriate to bring the interest rates in line with the market as the current rates are too high.
这是一项修改以下资产的利息模型的提案:USDC、DAI、WETH、USDT、UNI 和 LINK。目前,Euler 上的所有资产都遵循 默认利率模型,该模型最初是为风险较高的默认利率模型创建的隔离资产。然而,鉴于这些资产的高质量性质,由于当前利率太高,因此将利率与市场保持一致是适当的。
You can check out and comment on the proposal here: https://forum.euler.finance/t/eip-2-amend-interest-rate-models/30
您可以在此处查看并评论该提案:[https://forum.euler.finance/t/eip-2-amend-interest-rate-models/30](https://forum.euler.finance/t /eip-2-amend-interest-rate-models/30)
治理过程 (The Governance Process)
Here’s an outline of how to effectively use the forum to influence governance decisions:
想法 (Idea)
A great place to start a discussion on a potential governance proposal is the idea section. If you feel confident that your idea is relevant to the community and is well-formulated, ping one of the mods and he’ll move your idea to the [RFC] category.
想法部分是开始讨论潜在治理提案的好地方。如果您确信您的想法与社区相关并且制定良好,请找到社区的一个mod,他会将您的想法移至 [RFC] 类别。
[RFC] 征求意见 ([RFC] Request for Comment)
If the idea is well-formulated and is relevant to the project and community, a moderator will approve your [RFC] for debate.
如果该想法设计合理并且与项目和社区相关,版主将批准您的 [RFC] 进行辩论。
The [RFC] is the first step in creating a governance proposal. Make sure it’s well-formulated, be proactive with the community and be open to suggestions. It typically takes a week for the [RFC] to mature before it becomes an eIP.
[RFC] 是创建治理提案的第一步。确保它是精心制定的,积极主动地与社区互动,并对建议持开放态度。 [RFC] 在成为 eIP 之前通常需要一周的时间才能。
治理提案 (Governance Proposal)
If the [RFC] is well-formulated and the community has a clear understanding of the proposal and supports your [RFC], it will be moved by a mod to the governance category as an eIP: Euler Improvement Proposal.
如果 [RFC] 制定良好并且社区对该提案有清晰的理解并支持您的 [RFC],一个 mod 会将它为 eIP:Euler Improvement Proposal 移动到治理的类别中。
It typically takes at least 4 days for the eIP to mature before an official Snapshot vote can be submitted.
eIP 通常至少需要 4 天才算排期结束,然后才能提交正式的快照投票。
快照 (Snapshot)
A snapshot vote does not always need to be posted by the original eIP author, it can be posted by someone else or by the core team in case the minimum threshold of EUL is not being met.
快照投票并不总是需要由原始 eIP 作者发布,它可以由其他人或核心团队发布,以防未达到 EUL 的最低阈值。
When starting a Snapshot, it is important to set the duration to at least 3 days to give the community enough time to cast their vote.
开始快照时,将持续时间设置为至少 3 天非常重要,以便让社区有足够的时间进行投票。
A Snapshot should always have the link to the eIP attached. The parameters of the poll (Yes, No, different options for values) need to mirror the options discussed in the eIP.
快照应始终附有指向 eIP 的链接。轮询的参数(是、否,对值的不同选项)需要反映 eIP 中讨论的选项。
Note that since the protocol hasn’t been decentralised through a token distribution yet, voting will be done via a multisig for now. In the meantime, feel free to engage in the governance process by commenting and discussing the proposals.
关于Euler (About Euler)
Euler is a capital-efficient permissionless lending protocol that helps users to earn interest on their crypto assets or hedge against volatile markets without the need for a trusted third-party. Euler features a number of innovations not seen before in DeFi, including permissionless lending markets, reactive interest rates, protected collateral, MEV-resistant liquidations, multi-collateral stability pools, sub-accounts, risk-adjusted loans and much more. For more information, visit euler.finance.
Euler 是一种资本效率高的无许可借贷协议,可帮助用户从其加密资产中赚取利息或对冲波动的市场,而无需受信第三方。 Euler 具有许多在 DeFi 中前所未有的创新,包括无许可的借贷市场、回应性利率、受保护的抵押品、抗 MEV 清算、多抵押品稳定池、子账户、风险调整贷款等等。有关更多信息,请访问 euler.finance。
加入社区 (Join the Community)
Follow us Twitter. Join our Discord. Keep in touch on Telegram (community, announcements). Check out our website. Connect with us on LinkedIn.
关注我们 Twitter。加入我们的 Discord。在 Telegram 上保持联系(community、announcements)。查看我们的网站。在 LinkedIn 上与我们联系。