We’re happy to announce that the application to become a DAO delegate is now open!
我们很高兴地宣布,DAO 代表的申请现已开放!

Ahead of the DAO launch, we’re calling everyone who believes in Euler’s core goals (permissionless lending markets, reactive interest rates, protected collateral, MEV-resistant liquidations amongst others) to join us as delegates for the EulerDAO.
在 DAO 发布之前,我们呼吁所有相信 Euler 核心目标(无许可借贷市场、回应性利率、受保护的抵押品、抗 MEV 清算等)的人加入我们,成为 EulerDAO 的代表。
Apply to become a delegate today! Go to the forum or follow this link: https://forum.euler.finance/t/euler-dao-delegate-application/142
立即申请成为代表!前往 论坛 或点击此链接:https://forum.euler.finance/t/euler-dao -delegate-application/142
Active delegates will vote on DAO proposals on behalf of the community to help maintain the protocol. Governance can vote for changes on the Euler Protocol for parameters such as:
活跃的代表将代表社区对 DAO 提案进行投票,来帮助维护协议。治理可以投票支持对Euler协议的更改,例如:
1.Default isolated tier borrow factor
默认隔离层 借入因子
2.Collateral and borrow factors of specific assets
3.Inclusion of an asset in the cross and collateral tiers
将资产包含在交叉(跨) 和 抵押层中
4.Change in choice of risk parameters and general methodology
谁是代表?(Who are delegates?)
Generally speaking, a delegate is someone who has been authorised to represent others, in most cases an elected representative.
The EulerDAO will be governed by EUL token holders, enabling them to make decisions and implement them. If you wish to have a say in governance, you need to delegate your votes / voting power to yourself or someone in the community, who can then vote on your behalf on future governance proposals.
EulerDAO 将由 EUL 代币持有者管理,使他们能够做出决定并实施。如果您希望在治理方面拥有发言权,您需要将您的投票/投票权委托给您自己或社区中的某个人,然后他们可以代表您对未来的治理提案进行投票。
Users can delegate to one address at a time, and the number of votes added to the delegate’s vote count is equivalent to the balance of EUL in the user’s account. Votes are delegated from the current block and onward, until the sender delegates again, or transfers their EUL.
用户一次可以委托一个地址,添加到受托人投票计数中的票数等于用户账户中的EUL余额。投票从当前区块开始委托,直到发送者再次委托或转移他们的 EUL。
Allowing community members to delegate their votes means they can still have a say in the DAO without needing to be involved in day-to-day governance.
允许社区成员投票意味着他们无需参与日常治理,也仍然可以在 DAO 中拥有发言权。
为什么要成为代表?(Why become a delegate?)
Delegates are volunteers! Being a delegate means you’re volunteering for active, ongoing participation in the upcoming DAO — including staying on top of community developments and making governance decisions. Delegates exist because the size of the community will extend far beyond the number of individuals who are able to spend time personally considering every single DAO proposal.
代表是志愿者!成为代表意味着您自愿积极、持续地参与即将到来的 DAO——包括掌握社区发展和做出治理决策。代表的存在是因为社区的规模,将远远超出能够花时间来考虑每一个 DAO 提案的社区成员数量。
As a delegate, you’ll be voting on governance proposals once the DAO launches and upholding the community’s objectives.
作为代表,一旦 DAO 启动并维护社区的目标,您将对治理提案进行投票。
Once you become a delegate, you can vote on active proposals, and create proposals if you have enough voting power. If you choose not to directly vote on proposals, you can pass your voting power onto another delegate as well.
为什么我们呼唤代表 (Why we’re calling for delegates)
When the Euler DAO launches, anyone will be able to self-delegate and vote on their own behalf. We’ll empower every community member who has the time and resources to engage in active governance to steer the EulerDAO.
当 Euler DAO 启动时,任何人都可以自我委托并代表自己投票。我们将授权每个有时间和资源参与积极治理的社区成员来引导 EulerDAO。
For those who want to stay involved but prefer not to vote on every proposal, they can delegate their votes to our community leaders (also known as delegates).
Furthermore, delegation helps ensure that the will and objectives of community members are reflected by the DAO… even if we cannot all engage in governance on a day-by-day basis.
此外,授权有助于确保 DAO 反映社区成员的意愿和目标……即使我们不能每天都参与治理。
如何申请成为代表?(How do you apply to become a delegate?)
While there is no cutoff date for delegate applications, we encourage you to apply ASAP. The initial delegate list will be finalised in June.
虽然代表申请没有截止日期,但我们鼓励您尽快申请。初步代表名单将于 6 月敲定。
Follow this link to our Governance Forum and submit your application to be a delegate. Whether you plan to apply as a delegate or just want to spread the word, we hope you’ll join us on this next chapter of our journey!
按照这个 链接 进入我们的治理论坛并提交您的申请成为代表。无论您是打算申请成为代表还是只是想传播信息,我们都希望您能加入我们旅程的下一个篇章!
The DAO will be launching soon. When it does, we will encourage community members to delegate their votes to delegates. As part of that process, community members will be presented with a list of delegates.
DAO 即将推出。当它这样做时,我们将鼓励社区成员将他们的选票委托给代表。作为该过程的一部分,社区成员将收到一份代表名单。
关于Euler (About Euler)
Euler is a capital-efficient permissionless lending protocol that helps users to earn interest on their crypto assets or hedge against volatile markets without the need for a trusted third-party. Euler features a number of innovations not seen before in DeFi, including permissionless lending markets, reactive interest rates, protected collateral, MEV-resistant liquidations, multi-collateral stability pools, sub-accounts, risk-adjusted loans and much more. For more information, visit euler.finance.
Euler 是一种资本效率高的无许可借贷协议,可帮助用户从其加密资产中赚取利息或对冲波动的市场,而无需受信第三方。 Euler 具有许多在 DeFi 中前所未有的创新,包括无许可的借贷市场、回应性利率、受保护的抵押品、抗 MEV 清算、多抵押品稳定池、子账户、风险调整贷款等等。有关更多信息,请访问 euler.finance。
加入社区 (Join the Community)
Follow us Twitter. Join our Discord. Keep in touch on Telegram (community, announcements). Check out our website. Connect with us on LinkedIn.
关注我们 Twitter。加入我们的 Discord。在 Telegram 上保持联系(community、announcements)。查看我们的网站。在 LinkedIn 上与我们联系。