Fuel v1 began as a layer-2 (L2) scalability technology for a monolithic Ethereum. It was the first optimistic rollup on mainnet Ethereum, deployed at the end of 2020. The project has grown significantly since its humble inception, now boasting more than 35 of the best and brightest engineers and support from some of the best blockchain firms and industry leaders.
Fuel v1 最初是用于单片以太坊layer-2(L2)的扩展技术。这是以太坊主网的第一次乐观汇总,于 2020 年底部署。该项目自成立以来发展迅速,现在拥有超过 35 名最优秀、最聪明的工程师,并得到了最好的区块链公司和行业领导者的支持.
Today, we introduce the fastest modular execution layer: Fuel, adding a new chapter to the blockchain scalability story.
问题:L2 不能单独解决扩展性危机 (The Problem: L2s don’t Solve the Scalability Crisis Alone)
Although L2s have opened up a margin of cost reduction for access to the Ethereum ecosystem, the total throughput increase has been modest at best (with both optimistic and ZK approaches). And in times of high traffic on Ethereum, L2s have failed to keep costs low, often rising to several dollars per transaction.
尽管 L2 为访问以太坊生态系统开辟了降低成本的余地,但总吞吐量的增长也有些杯水车薪的(无论是乐观方法还是 ZK 方法)。在以太坊流量大的时候,L2 无法保持低成本,每笔交易通常会上涨到几美元。
As a community, if we want to achieve true global access to blockchain technology, we cannot settle for a modest reduction in fees. We need dramatic change. Change that not only reduces waste and inefficiency, but opens up new use cases never before seen in the blockchain space.
什么是模块化执行层? (What is a Modular Execution Layer?)
There is an ongoing colossal shift happening in layer-1 (L1) blockchain architectures. We are moving away from a monolithic design, where consensus, data availability, and execution are tightly coupled (e.g. today's Ethereum), to a modular future, where execution is separated from data availability and consensus (e.g. tomorrow's Eth2, or Celestia). This separation allows for specialization at the base layer, delivering a significant increase in bandwidth capacity.
Layer-1(L1) 区块链架构正在发生巨大的转变。我们正在从共识、数据可用性和执行紧密耦合的单片设计(例如今天的以太坊)转向模块化的未来,其中执行与数据可用性和共识分离(例如今后的 Eth2 或 Celestia)。这种分离允许在基础层进行专业化,从而显着增加带宽容量。
Just a reminder: unshackled from the challenging work of forming honest majority consensus, monetary premium, secure bridging and social legitimacy, rollups have a far wider scope for rapid innovation than monolithic execution layers - things impossible on monolithic L1s.
— polynya (@epolynya) March 18, 2022
提醒一下:摆脱了形成诚实多数共识、货币溢价、安全跨链和社会合法性等挑战性工作的束缚,汇总比单片执行层具有更广泛的快速创新空间——这在单片 L1 上是不可能的。
— polynya (@epolynya) 2022 年 3 月 18 日
Fuel is designed specifically to leverage this additional bandwidth in ways no other scalability system can. Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack, delivering the highest security and flexible throughput. The word "flexible" here is important because it means Ethereum-style interoperable Turing-complete smart contracts, and not just simple transfers.
Fuel 专门设计来用其他可扩展性系统难以望其项背的方式,去利用这种额外的带宽。 Fuel 是模块化区块链技术栈的最快执行层,提供最高的安全性和灵活的吞吐量。这里的“灵活”这个词很重要,因为它意味着以太坊式的可交互操作和图灵完备智能合约,而不仅仅是简单的转账。
Fuel defines a modular execution layer as: a verifiable computation system designed for the modular blockchain stack.
Fuel 将模块化执行层定义为:为模块化区块链技术栈设计的可验证计算系统。
More concretely, a fraud- or validity-provable blockchain (or other computation system) that leverages a modular blockchain for data availability.
Fuel specializes in making execution as efficient as possible. This is in contrast to rollups that have been deployed to date, which have optimized for monolithic problems such as constrained bandwidth. As Ethereum grows, projects that do not adapt will continue to suffer the consequences of a compute-constrained design space. The time for modular execution is now.
Fuel 专注于使执行尽可能高效。这与迄今为止已部署的汇总形成对比,汇总已针对带宽受限等单一问题进行了优化。随着以太坊的发展,不适应的项目将继续遭受设计空间计算受限的后果。现在是模块化执行的时候了。
最高安全性和最大吞吐量,如何办到? (Highest Security and Flexible Throughput. How?)
There are three central pillars to Fuel’s technology stack:
Fuel 的技术栈有三个核心支柱:
- Parallel transaction execution 并行交易执行
- The Fuel Virtual Machine (FuelVM) Fuel虚拟机(FuelVM)
- A superior developer experience (with Sway and Forc) 卓越的开发者体验(使用 Sway 和 Forc)
First, Fuel delivers unmatched processing capacity through its ability to execute transactions in parallel by using strict state access lists in the form of a UTXO model. This enables Fuel to use far more threads and cores of your CPU that are typically idle in single-threaded blockchains. As a result, Fuel can deliver far more compute, state accesses, and transactional throughput than its single-threaded counterparts.
首先,Fuel 通过使用 UTXO 模型的严格状态访问列表,来获得并行执行交易的能力,进而提供了无与伦比的处理能力。这使 Fuel 能够使用更多的线程和 CPU 内核,这些线程和内核通常在单线程区块链中处于空闲状态。因此,Fuel 可以提供比其单线程同类产品更多的计算、状态访问和交易吞吐量。
Second, the FuelVM is designed to reduce wasteful processing of traditional blockchain virtual machine architectures, while vastly increasing the potential design space for developers. The design learns from the mistakes of the past and insights from years of production blockchains. Now, developers can go far beyond what they could achieve given the constraints of the EVM.
其次,FuelVM 旨在减少传统区块链虚拟机架构的浪费处理,同时极大地增加开发人员的潜在设计空间。该设计从过去的错误和多年生产区块链的见解中吸取教训。现在,鉴于 EVM 的限制,开发人员可以远远超出他们所能达到的范围。
Third but not least: Fuel provides a powerful and sleek developer experience with our own domain-specific language, called Sway, and a supportive toolchain, called Forc (the Fuel Orchestrator). Our development environment retains the benefits of smart contract languages like Solidity, while adopting the paradigms introduced in the Rust tooling ecosystem. Now, developers can have a completely vertically-integrated experience where every component from the virtual machine through to the CLI works in harmony.
第三但并非最不重要的一点:Fuel 使用我们自己领域的特定语言,称为 Sway ,以及一个支持工具链,称为 [Forc](https:// /crates.io/crates/forc)(Fuel编排器)。我们的开发环境保留了 Solidity 等智能合约语言的优势,同时采用了 Rust 工具生态系统中引入的范式。现在,开发人员可以获得完全垂直集成的体验,从虚拟机到 CLI 的每个组件都可以协调工作。
SwaySwap,一个类似 Uniswap 的 Fuel 交易所(SwaySwap, a Uniswap-like exchange on Fuel)
为自治的未来构建引擎 (Building the Engine for the Autonomous Future.)
We envision an autonomous future, where all individuals and groups have access to create and benefit from truly verifiable autonomous systems. These systems will run independent of their creators and will power the next generation of human coordination and cooperation.
In the autonomous future, complex cooperative and financial blockchain infrastructure can be built and finally relied upon. This new infrastructure means an immense amount of power can shift away from rent-seeking middlemen who do not provide value back to the people and groups that do.
We view Fuel as the engine for this autonomous future. Building on Fuel means breaking free from the constraints of monolithic blockchains that have held us back.
我们将 Fuel 视为这个自主未来的引擎。以 Fuel 为基础意味着摆脱阻碍我们前进的单片区块链的限制。
With Fuel, we can now go beyond monolithic.
有了 Fuel,我们现在可以超越单片链。
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