Game-layer alone seamlessly handles over 94K txns per day; txns equivalent to over 90% of daily txns on Optimism and over 60% of daily txns on Arbitrum.
游戏层每天可以无缝处理超过 94K 的交易;交易量相当于 Optimism 每日交易量的 90% 以上和 Arbitrum 每日交易量的 60% 以上。 -
All metrics point to a successful game launch!
Dark Forest’s community round wrapped up on a great note as Alters everywhere rallied to embark upon a favourite weekend hobby — space conquest! A huge thank you to all those who signed up and made the time to play; we value your participation and your contributions as an early community member.
黑暗森林的社区活动以精彩的方式结束,各地的 Alters 齐心协力开展周末最喜欢的爱好——太空征服!非常感谢所有注册并抽出时间玩的人;我们重视您作为早期社区成员的参与和贡献。
Let’s take a look at how it went. The community round welcomed 300+ players, around 100 of whom were able to strategise, stay the course and gather up great scores. The highest scorer recorded 747,777,777. The highest number of transactions from a single player was 15,324 while the total game transactions over the two-day period was 189,723.
让我们来看看结果如何。社区回合迎来了 300 多名玩家,其中大约 100 人能够制定策略、坚持到底并获得高分。最高得分手记录为 747,777,777。单人最高交易量为 15,324 笔,而两天内的总游戏交易量为 189,723 笔。
Here’s a snapshot from the game!
前20数据 (Top 20 Leaderboard)

事后分析 (Post-Event Analysis)
Altlayer’s scalability solution in the form of game-dedicated execution layers offers incredible value — it is user and cost-friendly, and is able to process large transaction volumes without any network congestion. This Dark Forest community round captures our value proposition perfectly. The game-layer alone seamlessly handled over 94K transactions per day; txns equivalent to approx 60% of txns on all Arbitrum dApps, and over 90% of all txns on Optimism.
Altlayer 以游戏专用执行层的形式,提供的可扩展性解决方案展现了令人难以置信的价值——它对用户和成本都很友好,并且能够在没有任何网络拥塞的情况下处理大量交易。黑暗森林社区回合完美地体现了我们的价值主张。仅游戏层每天就可以无缝处理超过 94K 的交易;交易量相当于所有 Arbitrum dApp 上约 60% ,以及 Optimism 上超过 90% 。
为什么在Altlayer上运行游戏? (Why Run Games on AltLayer?)
Most of the blockchain games today have their core game logic off-chain and on-chain transactions are limited to token trades or withdrawals. One of the main reasons for keeping the game logic off-chain is the lack of scalability and poor latency offered by general-purpose blockchain platforms.
In fact, earlier this year, a simple play-to-earn game called Sunflower Farmers on Polygon PoS became so popular that it started to consume over 40% of the entire blockchain space which in turn resulted in a spike in high gas fees for the gamers as well as for users of other dApps. Therefore, any on-chain game that enjoys some level of popularity should have its own dedicated blockspace to avoid any negative externalities to end users. AltLayer can be a great solution as developers can easily spin off a game-dedicated execution layer that can offer over 2,500 TPS with 1–2 seconds of latency.
事实上,今年早些时候,Polygon PoS 上一款名为 向日葵农场 的简单赚钱游戏,变得如此流行以至于它开始消耗超过 40% 的区块空间,这反过来导致游戏玩家以及其他 dApp 用户的高额 gas 费用飙升。因此,任何享有一定知名度的链上游戏,都应该有自己的专用区块空间,进而避免对最终用户产生任何负面外部性。 AltLayer可以是一个很好的解决方案,因为开发人员可以轻松地分离出一个游戏专用执行层,该执行层可以提供超过 2,500 TPS 和 1-2 秒的延迟。
Moreover, most indie games have a short lifespan (i.e., usually about a few months) and as soon as the demand among gamers tapers off, it would be ideal to be able to wind up the resources required to maintain the network. AltLayer is uniquely positioned in the market to provide such disposable execution layers and hence can be an ideal solution for game studios looking to build fully on-chain and transparent games.
此外,大多数独立游戏的生命周期都很短(即通常大约几个月),一旦游戏玩家的需求逐渐减少,最好能够收回维持网络所需的资源。 AltLayer 在市场上具有独特的定位,可提供此类一次性执行层,因此对于希望构建完全链上透明游戏的工作室来说,它是一个理想的解决方案。
AltLayer’s disposable flash layer also allows game developers to settle in-game NFTs (for example artefacts in the case of Dark Forest) to a chain of their choice (e.g. Ethereum) allowing those NFTs to be traded on secondary markets such as OpenSea. Later, once a new round is started or when a new game version is released, those NFTs can be brought back into the game.
AltLayer 的一次性瞬时层,还允许游戏开发者将游戏中的 NFT(例如黑暗森林中的人工制品)结算到他们选择的链(例如以太坊)上,从而允许这些 NFT 在 OpenSea 等二级市场上进行交易。之后,一旦开始新一轮或发布新游戏版本,这些 NFT 就可以带回游戏中。
构建一个游戏专用的执行层 (Building a Gaming-Tailored Execution Layer)
Unlike existing solutions in the market (e.g. Cosmos SDK) that offer one-size-fits-all solution to spin application-chains, AltLayer takes a tailored approach by providing several useful tools, dApps and other infrastructure that come as add-ons with game and NFT-dedicated flash layers.
与市场上现有的,为应用链提供万能解决方案(例如 Cosmos SDK)不同,AltLayer 采用量身定制的方法,提供多种有用的工具、dApp 和其他基础设施作为游戏附加组件和 NFT 专用的瞬时层。
This allows game developers to focus on building the game and not worry about tertiary tools and infrastructure.
For example, in order to provide a seamless experience to end users, flash layers will come together with an in-game NFT marketplace allowing players to trade assets right within the game. As a result, users do not have to leave the game interface and visit a third-party provider such as OpenSea to trade in-game assets. Another interesting feature that we are working on is to provide a safe in-game session wallet to improve UX for crypto-native games like Dark Forest.
例如,为了向最终用户提供无缝体验,瞬时层将与游戏内 NFT 市场相结合,允许玩家在游戏中直接交易资产。因此,用户无需离开游戏界面,访问 OpenSea 等第三方提供商即可交易游戏内资产。我们正在开发的另一个有趣的功能是提供一个安全的游戏内会话钱包,进而改善黑暗森林等加密原生游戏的用户体验。
More to be announced on this in the near future. Stay tuned!