
“Reputation is the esteem that a person or an idea has won, especially through the community or the public.”
“声誉是一个人或一个想法赢得的尊重,尤其是通过 社区 或大众。”
Our friends at Eco gave us an incredible idea for the perfect solution to a problem that we have been brainstorming about for quite some time now. The question is how to make a distinction between active and inactive members of our community, and motivate those that want to get involved in a more engaged and hands-on manner, but to also not exclude anyone in the process.
在 Eco 的朋友给出了一个令人难以置信的想法,让我们能够完美地解决一个我们已经集思广益了一段时间的问题—如何区分我们社区的活跃成员和不活跃成员,并激励那些想要更加投入和亲力亲为来参与的人,但也不排除其他人加入并参与这个过程。
Community is the backbone of every decentralized project, and we want people interested in our project to express themselves in a constructive way based on their skill level and interest. We believe that this will be best accomplished through a reputation-based system.
“It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but you can lose it in a minute.” ― Will Rogers.
“建立良好的声誉需要一生的时间,但您可能会在一分钟内失去它。” ——威尔·罗杰斯。“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you’ll do things differently.”― Warren Buffett
“建立声誉需要 20 年,而毁掉它需要 5 分钟。如果你考虑到这一点,你会以不同的方式做事。”——沃伦·巴菲特
社区参与 (Community Involvement)
Reputation is everything, and especially so in crypto. Why do we follow a penguin avatar on Twitter or value one crypto fund over the other? It is because of their past actions. The penguin has proven that he provides alpha or predicted a trend and is now receiving clout. The fund has supported all the right projects so far, did not dump their tokens at the first opportunity, and helped those projects grow over time. Why would our community members be any different? They are the ones that bring value, and I would even go as far to say that they are the core value of every protocol.
声誉就是一切,尤其在加密货币中。为什么我们要在 Twitter 上关注企鹅头像,或者看重一个加密基金而不是另一个?这是因为他们过去的行为。企鹅已经证明他提供了阿尔法或预测了趋势,而现在正在获得影响力。到目前为止,该基金已经支持了所有正确的项目,并没有在第一时间抛售他们的代币,并帮助这些项目随着时间的推移而发展。为什么我们的社区成员会有所不同?它们是带来价值的东西,我什至可以说它们是每个协议的核心价值。
如何获得ePoints (How to earn ePoints:)
ePoints are reward points for completing tasks, engaging with others or providing value to the community as outlined below. Users can join our Discord server and check out the related channels mentioned here.
ePoints 是完成任务、与他人互动或为社区提供价值的奖励积分,如下所述。用户可以加入我们的 Discord 并查看此处提到的相关频道。
Participate in thoughtful discussions in #general, #governance, etc.
参与#general、#governance 等方面的深思熟虑的讨论。 -
Help others by answering questions about the project.
通过回答关项目的问题来帮助他人。 -
Help others navigate our Discord server, testnet, and dApp.
帮助其他人浏览我们的 Discord 服务器、测试网和 dApp。 -
Be helpful to the project and help the community learn and grow together!
对项目有所帮助,帮助社区共同学习和成长! -
Moderate the local community on Discord or Telegram.
在 Discord 或 Telegram 上管理当地社区。 -
Translate documents.
翻译文件。 -
Find bugs on our testnet or mainnet dApp.
在我们的测试网或主网 dApp 上查找错误。 -
Ask a thoughtful question during our Community Call event.
在我们的社区召集(Community Call)活动期间提出一个深思熟虑的问题。 -
Attend our Community Call event on Discord stages.
参加我们在 Discord的社区召集活动。 -
Create original memes in the #memes channel.
在#memes 频道中创建原创模因。 -
Participate in one of our challenges.
参与我们的一项挑战 -
Compete for bounties.
These are just some of the ways in which you can earn ePoints and rise through the ranks on the leaderboard. We want our community to build upon this system and evolve the program in the future.
这些只是您赚取 ePoints 并在排行榜上排名上升的一些方法。我们希望我们的社区能够以这个系统为基础,并在未来进化和升级。
记录员 (The Bookkeeper:)
We are introducing a bot that will help us in taking account of these points. Everything will be transparent. You will see how many points are issued by the bot in the #grants-log channel, and how many points are then sent to each member in the #euler-server-point-logs channel. The leaderboard will also be displayed as a static channel with the top 20 positions, and on the #check-your-points channel, you will also be able to check your points as well as everyone else’s.
我们正在引入一个能帮助我们将这些问题纳入考虑的机器人。一切都会是透明的。您将在#grants-log 频道中看到机器人分发了多少ePoints,然后在#euler-server-point-logs 频道中看到多少ePoints被发送给每个成员。排行榜也将成为显示为前 20 名位置的静态频道,在#check-your-points 频道上,您还可以查看自己和其他人的积分。
An option to connect your wallet will also be available in the #connect-wallet channel. Users will be able to connect their Ethereum address to their Discord username and also check what address they registered with the bot.
#connect-wallet 频道中还提供连接钱包的选项。用户将能够将他们的以太坊地址连接到他们的 Discord 用户名,并检查他们在机器人上注册的地址。
命令列表 (List of commands:)
Can only be used in the #check-your-points channel.
*points @username — Check the points of a specific user.
只能在#check-your-points 频道中使用。
*points @用户名 — 检查特定用户的积分。
Can only be used in the #points-bartering channel.
*send number of points @username — Send points to a specific user.
只能在#points-bartering 频道中使用。
*发送点数@用户名 — 向特定用户发送点数。
Can only be used in #connect-wallet
*wallet Ethereum wallet address — Connect your ETH address with your Discord ID
*wallet check — Check the associated address with the Discord ID
只能在#connect-wallet 中使用
*wallet 以太坊钱包地址——将你的 ETH 地址与你的 Discord ID 关联起来
*wallet check — 使用 Discord ID 检查关联地址
This is the first iteration of this bot that was modified from the “Eco” public GitHub ”The Accountant bot” and will be altered and improved further based on our community input.
这是该机器人的第一次迭代,它是从“Eco”公共 GitHub的“会计机器人”修改而来的,并将根据我们的社区意见进行进一步的修改和改进。
关于Euler (About Euler)
Euler is a capital-efficient permissionless lending protocol that helps users to earn interest on their crypto assets or hedge against volatile markets without the need for a trusted third-party. Euler features a number of innovations not seen before in DeFi, including permissionless lending markets, reactive interest rates, protected collateral, MEV-resistant liquidations, multi-collateral stability pools, sub-accounts, risk-adjusted loans and much more. For more information, visit euler.finance.
Euler 是一种资本效率高的无许可借贷协议,可帮助用户从其加密资产中赚取利息或对冲波动的市场,而无需受信第三方。 Euler 具有许多在 DeFi 中前所未有的创新,包括无许可的借贷市场、回应性利率、受保护的抵押品、抗 MEV 清算、多抵押品稳定池、子账户、风险调整贷款等等。有关更多信息,请访问 euler.finance。
加入社区 (Join the Community)
Follow us Twitter. Join our Discord. Keep in touch on Telegram (community, announcements). Check out our website. Connect with us on LinkedIn.
关注我们 Twitter。加入我们的 Discord。在 Telegram 上保持联系(community、announcements)。查看我们的网站。在 LinkedIn 上与我们联系。