介绍“Beta-1”,第一个面向开发人员的模块化执行层Fuel测试网 (Introducing "Beta-1", the First Modular Execution Layer Developer-facing Fuel Testnet )

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of the new Fuel beta-1 testnet! This marks a new milestone in our road towards Fuel mainnet—a modular execution layer that will provide never-before-seen scalability to Ethereum with parallel transaction execution.

今天,我们很高兴地宣布推出新的 Fuel beta-1 测试网!这标志着我们在通往 Fuel 主网道路上的一个新里程碑——一个将通过并行交易执行为以太坊提供前所未有的可扩展性的模块化的执行层。

Introducing "Beta-1", the First Modular Execution Layer Developer-facing Fuel Testnet

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of the new Fuel beta-1 testnet!

今天,我们很高兴地宣布推出新的 Fuel beta-1 测试网!

This marks a new milestone in our road towards Fuel mainnet—a modular execution layer (MEL) that will provide never-before-seen scalability to Ethereum with parallel transaction execution. The result will be a blockchain with maximum security and the highest flexible throughput for the Ethereum ecosystem.

这标志着我们在通往 Fuel 主网道路上的一个新里程碑——一个将通过并行交易执行为以太坊提供前所未有的可扩展性的模块化执行层 (MEL)。带来的结果将是以太坊生态系统具有最高安全性和最高灵活吞吐量的区块链。

Please note that beta-1 is not an incentivized testnet. There will be no direct rewards for participation in this network.

请注意,beta-1 不是激励测试网。参与此网络不会有直接奖励。

测试网 (The Testnet)

While local-development Fuel networks have been available for months, the beta-1 network is the first public Fuel testnet, shared by all developers and users that interact with it. Developers may deploy contracts to it at will—no permission or whitelisting required—and users may interact with deployed contracts as well.

虽然本地开发的 Fuel 网络已经推出了几个月,但beta-1 网络是第一个公共 Fuel 测试网,由交互的所有开发人员和用户共享。开发人员可以随意向其部署合约——无需许可或白名单——用户也可以与已部署的合约进行交互。

网络功能 (Network Features)

Below is a list of key features for the beta-1 testnet:

以下是 beta-1 测试网的主要功能列表:

🤝 Single shared network. This is a shared, public developer- and user-facing testnet. Developers can deploy contracts and users can then interact with those contracts.

🤝 单一共享网络 这是一个共享的、公共面向开发人员和用户的测试网。开发人员可以部署合约,然后用户可以与这些合约进行交互。

🚰 Faucet. Anyone can use the faucet to get some test ETH to deploy contracts with or to interact with contracts. Available here: https://faucet-beta-1.fuel.network.

🚰 水龙头 任何人都可以使用水龙头来获得一些测试 ETH 来部署合约或与合约交互。可在此处获取:https://faucet-beta-1.fuel.network

📃 GraphQL endpoint. The Fuel Core node uses GraphQL instead of JSON RPC. A playground for the public GraphQL endpoint for beta-1 is available at https://node-beta-1.fuel.network/playground.

📃 GraphQL 端点 Fuel 核心节点使用 GraphQL 而不是 JSON RPC。 beta-1 的公共 GraphQL 端点的测试地址已经可用 https://node-beta-1.fuel.network/playground

✔️ No whitelists. Developers can deploy contracts to the testnet, permissionlessly. Users can interact with contracts, permissionlessly.

✔️ 没有白名单 开发人员可以在未经许可的情况下将合约部署到测试网。用户无需许可即可与合约交互。

🔍 Block explorer. A block explorer (still heavily a work-in-progress) is available at https://fuellabs.github.io/block-explorer-v2.

🔍 区块浏览器 https://fuellabs.github.io/block-explorer-v2

If you have any questions (development-related or otherwise), you can join the Fuel Labs Discord and head to the **🧪︱testnet-beta-1** channel. Be sure to follow our Twitter for updates. Fuel Labs will host a community call soon to discuss the latest details around beta-1. So stay tuned for that.

如果您有任何问题(开发相关或其他),您可以加入 Fuel Labs Discord 并前往 **🧪︱testnet-beta-1**渠道。请务必关注我们的 Twitter 以获取更新。 Fuel Labs 将很快召开社区电话会议,讨论有关 beta-1 的最新细节。所以请继续关注。

对开发者 (For Developers)

A few months ago, we launched the SwaySwap demo along with an internal testnet that users could interact with, but for which contracts could not be deployed.

几个月前,我们推出了 SwaySwap 演示 以及用户可以交互的内部测试网,但无法为其部署合约。

Contract deployment to the beta-1 testnet does not require any whitelisting. A valid transaction is required however, which requires coins. Testnet ETH can be obtained from the faucet: https://faucet-beta-1.fuel.network by completing a captcha.

beta-1 测试网的合约部署不需要任何白名单。但是,需要有效的交易,这需要硬币。测试网 ETH 可以通过完成验证码,从水龙头获得:https://faucet-beta-1.fuel.network

A persistent CLI wallet is available here: https://github.com/FuelLabs/forc-wallet. Note that currently it requires building from source. A web/browser plugin wallet is under active development, with contributions welcome: https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuels-wallet.

可在此处获得持久性 CLI 钱包:https://github.com/FuelLabs/forc-wallet。请注意,目前它需要从源代码构建。 Web/浏览器插件钱包正在积极开发中,欢迎贡献:https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuels-wallet

For an overview of Fuel, take a look at The Fuel documentation: https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-docs/master/index.html

有关 Fuel 的概述,请查看 Fuel 文档:https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-docs/master/index.html

To begin building on Fuel, check out the Developer Quickstart. This guide walks developers through building a dapp, end-to-end: https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-docs/master/developer-quickstart.html
要开始在 Fuel 上构建,请查看开发人员快速入门。本指南引导开发人员构建端到端的 dapp:[https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-docs/master/developer-quickstart.html](https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel -docs/master/developer-quickstart.html)

To begin developing a contract for Fuel, take a look at The Sway Book: https://fuellabs.github.io/sway/latest/, along with the Rust SDK (https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuels-rs) and TypeScript SDK (https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuels-ts).

要开始为 Fuel 制定合约,请查看 The Sway Book:https://fuellabs.github.io/sway/latest/,以及使用 Rust SDK (https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuels-rs) 和 TypeScript SDK (https://github.com/FuelLabs) /fuels-ts)。

If you're interested in going even further, we're supporting early-stage projects with our grants program, available here: https://1v1l4ftv9zy.typeform.com/fuelgrants.


Note that the beta-1 testnet is under active development and may see breaking upgrades and even regenesis events (hence beta-1 and not beta!) in the coming weeks.

请注意,beta-1 测试网正在积极开发中,未来几周可能会出现重大升级甚至重生事件(因此 beta-1 而不是 beta!)。

对社区成员 (For Community Members)

Community members can participate in beta-1 by testing applications. Since this is the launch of a new network, there will be no applications to start, but keep your eyes and ears open to the Fuel Labs Twitter for announcements of applications test launches. A list of applications in development is maintained here: https://github.com/FuelLabs/awesome-fuel#projects-building-on-fuel. Please contribute any missing applications to the list!

社区成员可以通过测试应用参与 beta-1。由于这是一个新网络的发布,因此不会启动任何应用,但请留意 Fuel Labs Twitter 以了解应用测试启动的公告。此处维护了开发中的应用程序列表:https://github.com/FuelLabs/awesome-fuel#projects-building-on-fuel。请向列表中添加任何缺失的应用!

As mentioned above, beta-1 is not an incentivized testnet; there will be no direct incentives for participation in this network.

如上所述,beta-1 不是激励测试网;参与该网络不会有直接的激励措施。

超越单片链 (Beyond Monolithic)

Right now, there is an ongoing and significant shift happening in layer-1 (L1) blockchain architecture. The industry is fast moving away from monolithic blockchain designs and towards modular ones.


Fuel demonstrates that developing new monolithic L1s in 2022 is short-sighted and that building high-performance execution layers on top of modular blockchains can produce extremely high throughput while retaining incredible Ethereum-grade security guarantees. Innovation does not require launching a new L1, but can rather happen at the execution layer.

Fuel 表明,在 2022 年开发新的单片 L1 是短视的,在模块化区块链之上构建高性能执行层可以产生极高的吞吐量,同时保留令人难以置信的以太坊级安全保证。创新不需要启动新的 L1,而是可以发生在执行层。

Fuel features fraud-provable trust-minimized light clients that deliver better security and decentralization guarantees in addition to trust-minimized liquidity bridging, which is not possible between two L1s.

Fuel 具有可证明欺诈的信任最小化轻客户端,除了信任最小化的流动性跨链之外,还提供更好的安全性和去中心化保证,这在两个 L1 之间是不可能的。

With Fuel, we can now go #BeyondMonolithic.

有了 Fuel,我们现在可以去超越单片链
