NFT 铸币的新奇案例 (The Curious Case of NFT Minting)
NFT mint events have a somewhat unique lifecycle compared to a fungible token. NFT minting is a short-lived event. An NFT mint event is often over in a few days (sometimes in hours or even minutes) and it’s only during that period that the user activity is extremely high. As soon as the mint event is over, the user activity slows down quite quickly to a point where the generated volume from secondary trading or other activities can be easily handled by any base-chain.
与同质化代币相比,NFT 铸币事件具有某种独特的生命周期。 NFT 铸币是一个短暂的事件。NFT 铸币活动通常会在几天内结束(有时是几小时甚至几分钟),而且只有在这几天内,用户活动才会非常活跃。铸币事件一结束,用户活动就会很快减慢到任何单片链可以轻松处理的二级交易或其他活动产生的交易量。
Also, the experience offered to primary and secondary buyers can be very different. Primary buyers often have to go through a whitelisting mechanism while secondary buyers can buy an NFT from a marketplace of their choice. Also, as secondary buyers are the ones driving trading volume for NFTs, it is important to ensure that a drastically different UX is not forced upon them.
此外,为一级和二级买家提供的体验可能非常不同。一级买家通常必须通过白名单机制,而二级买家可以从他们选择的市场购买 NFT。此外,由于二级买家是推动NFT交易量的人,因此要确保不会强迫他们使用截然不同的用户体验就很重要。
用于NFT铸币的瞬时层 (Flash Layer for NFT Minting)
A key innovation that AltLayer brings to the NFT mint scaling solution space is the idea of disposable execution layers. With AltLayer, a dApp developer expecting an increase in demand for his NFT could: 1) quickly spin up a fast and scalable rollup secured by a Layer 1, 2) use the rollup for as long as needed and thereby prevent clogging of the Layer 1, and then 3) dispose of the rollup by doing an “end-of-life” settlement on the Layer 1. This makes the entire system highly resource-optimised. The execution layer and its resources are called upon only when the dApp expects a considerable demand that a Layer 1 can’t handle and once the demand tapers off, the dApp can move back to the Layer 1.
AltLayer 为NFT铸币扩展解决方案,带来的一项关键创新就是一次性执行层。借助 AltLayer,预计 NFT 需求会增加的 dApp 开发人员可以:1) 快速启动由layer1保护的快速且可扩展的汇总,2) 根据需要使用汇总,从而防止layer1阻塞,然后 3) 通过在layer1上进行“最后周期”结算来处理汇总。这使得整个系统高度资源优化。执行层及其资源仅在 dApp 预计layer1无法处理的大量需求时才被调用,并且一旦需求逐渐减少,dApp 可以移回第 1 层。

瞬时层的价值主张与现有的 NFT 扩展解决方案 (Flash Layer’s Value Proposition vs. Existing NFT Scaling Solutions)
Flash layer’s value proposition for NFT projects can be summarised as follows:
瞬时层对 NFT 项目的价值主张可以总结如下:
Mint-dedicated Scaling Layer: Flash layer allocates a mint-specific execution layer for each NFT project. As the blockspace is reserved for the project, this means that the mint event can be completely isolated from any other on-chain activity resulting in no network congestion. It will also be possible for the NFT project to make the minting process completely gasless. This feature cannot be offered on any general purpose Layer 1s, Layer 2s or EVM sidechains. In addition to the reserved blockspace for the mint event, flash layer comes with a high throughput execution environment capable of offering a dedicated 2000 TPS throughput with low block latency of 1–2s, providing a smooth experience for the mint event.
专注铸币的扩展层: 瞬时层为每个 NFT 项目分配一个特定的铸币执行层。由于区块空间是为项目保留的,这意味着铸币事件可以与任何其他链上活动完全隔离,而不会导致网络拥塞。 NFT 项目也有可能使铸币过程完全无gas。此功能无法在任何通用的layer1、layer1或 EVM 侧链上提供。除了为铸币活动预留的区块空间外, 瞬时层还带有一个高吞吐量的执行环境,能够提供 2000 TPS 的专用吞吐量和 1-2 秒的低区块延迟,为铸币活动提供流畅的体验。
Short-lived by Design: Flash layer is tailor-made for minting as it imbibes in itself the short-lived property of mint events. A flash layer gets disposed of as soon as the mint event is over. Participants in the mint event therefore stay on the flash layer for the shortest possible time (i.e., only during minting). This is in stark contrast to application-specific NFT scaling solutions which are designed to be persistent. Users of a flash layer can continue to enjoy the base-chain user experience that they are familiar with except for a very short period of time during the entire course of the NFT’s product lifecycle. This also ensures that there is no disruption to composability with third-party dApps like NFT lending applications or games.
短周期设计: 瞬时层是为铸币量身定制的,因为它本身吸收了铸币事件的短期属性。一旦铸币事件结束,瞬时层就会被处理掉。因此,铸币活动的参与者会在最短的时间内(即仅在铸币期间)停留在瞬时层上。这与意在持久化特定应用的 NFT 扩展解决方案形成鲜明对比。瞬时层的用户在 NFT 的整个产品生命周期中,除了极短的时间之外,可以继续享受他们熟悉的基础链用户体验。这也确保了与第三方 dApp(如 NFT 借贷应用或游戏)的可组合性不会受到干扰。
Automated Settlement of Assets on the Base-chain: When a flash layer set up for an NFT mint event gets disposed of, the system settles all the assets on the base-chain which basically means that all the NFTs end up on the base-chain post minting. Unlike solutions that require users to bridge assets manually, automated settlement ensures that all the NFTs get moved to the base-chain without requiring any user interference. By avoiding a manual bridging process, flash layers also entirely eliminate any bridge-associated security risks.
基础链上资产自动结算: 当为 NFT 铸币事件设置的瞬时层被销毁时,系统会结算基础链上的所有资产,这基本上意味着所有 NFT 在基础链铸币后回到主链。与需要用户手动跨链资产的解决方案不同,自动结算可确保所有 NFT 都移至基础链,而无需任何用户干预。通过避免手动跨链,瞬时层还完全消除了任何与跨链相关的安全风险。
Unfragmented Liquidity: As all the NFTs move to the base-chain at the end of the minting process, the system guarantees unfragmented liquidity on the base-chain. This ensures that secondary market participants do not have to hop from one chain to the other to find the NFT that they wish to purchase.
非碎片化流动性: 由于所有 NFT 在铸造过程结束时都转移到基础链,系统保证基础链上的非碎片化流动性。这确保了二级市场参与者不必从一条链跳到另一条链来寻找他们希望购买的 NFT。
Familiar UX for Mint Participants: As flash layers run the same execution engine as the base-chain, users participating in the mint event can enjoy a frictionless and familiar experience. For instance, if the base-chain is Ethereum, then users will be able to use Metamask or wallets that are EVM-compatible. They could also use familiar assets like USDC or ETH to participate in the NFT sale.
对铸币参与者提供熟悉的用户体验: 由于瞬时层与基础链运行相同的执行引擎,参与铸币活动的用户可以享受无摩擦和熟悉的体验。例如,如果基础链是以太坊,那么用户将能够使用与 EVM 兼容的 Metamask等钱包。他们还可以使用 USDC 或 ETH 等熟悉的资产参与 NFT 销售。
Transparent to Secondary Market Participants: Any user wishing to get involved with the NFT in the secondary market does not have to touch the flash layer. As secondary trading contributes massively to the overall NFT sales volume, this feature ensures that secondary traders do not get exposed to the flash layer at all.
对二级市场参与者透明: 任何希望在二级市场参与 NFT 的用户都不必接触瞬时层。由于二级交易对整体 NFT 销量有很大贡献,因此此功能可确保二级交易者根本不会接触到瞬时层。

In a nutshell, Flash Layer minting solution enables one click deployment, multi-chain support, unfragmented liquidity and most importantly, elimination of gas war.
If you are working on an NFT project and planning to do an NFT mint event, do reach out to us via support@altlayer.io. We would love to have a chat and see if we could be of any help.
如果您正在从事 NFT 项目并计划举办 NFT 铸币活动,请通过 support@altlayer.io 与我们联系。我们很想聊聊看看我们是否可以提供任何帮助。
The AltLayer Team
AltLayer 团队