如何启动? (How the Launch Works)

简介 (Introduction)

Worldcoin is launching by giving as many people as possible a share of a new currency.


Imagine a world where everyone around the globe, regardless of who they are, could participate in the growing digital economy and benefit from decentralized, collective ownership. What would it take to get there?


The first step is getting the same currency into the hands of as many people as possible. The more people there are that collectively hold and use the same currency, the more useful that currency becomes for each participant. While it’s not hard to see that widespread adoption is desirable, every currency faces a coordination problem on the way: it is difficult to convince new users to adopt a currency that is not widely held, but it is hard to reach widespread adoption unless enough users participate.


Largely for this reason, crypto as a technology has only reached about 3% of the world’s population to date1. While there have been amazing technological breakthroughs, there has yet to be a successful, concerted effort to achieve widespread, global adoption.

很大程度上,出于这个原因,加密货币 作为一种技术,迄今为止只覆盖了世界人口的 3% 1。尽管已经取得了惊人的技术突破,但还没有成功的、万众一心的努力来实现广泛的全球采用。

Worldcoin aims to overcome this coordination problem by aligning the incentives of all participants and allocating the majority of the currency to as many unique new users as possible as an incentive to join the network.


Distinguishing between new users in a way that protects their privacy and can scale to the whole world is a hard problem. Our approach relies on a custom biometric device - we call it the Orb - that verifies the uniqueness of a person through iris recognition, while ensuring their privacy through zero-knowledge cryptography.

用保护隐私并可以扩展到全世界的方式来区分 用户是一个难题。我们的方法依赖于一个定制的生物识别设备——我们称之为 Orb ——它通过虹膜识别来验证一个人的独特性,同时通过零知识密码术确保他们的隐私。

There were many technical challenges along the way. In the following sections, we describe our design decisions for different aspects of the problem including biometrics, hardware, crypto and economics. But to start, we want to offer a glimpse into what the global launch of Worldcoin might look like by providing the results from our field tests, which have been underway for months now!

在此过程中遇到了许多技术挑战。在以下部分中,我们将描述我们针对问题不同方面的设计决策,包括生物识别、硬件、加密和经济学。但首先,我们希望通过提供我们已经进行了数月的现场测试的结果,来一窥 Worldcoin 的全球发布可能是什么样子!

现场测试:注册达到 10 亿次以上 (Field Tests: Towards 1 Billion Sign-Ups & Beyond)

It is core to the mission of Worldcoin that the network is not built and run by a single entity, but instead by entrepreneurial individuals all around the world who apply to receive an Orb to run independent operations in their communities. We call these individuals Orb Operators and give them the autonomy to build their operations from the ground up, doing everything from running their own marketing campaigns to collaborating with local partners.

Worldcoin 的核心使命是,该网络不是由单个实体构建和运行,而是由世界各地申请获得 Orb 来在其社区中独立运营的企业家个人建立和运行。我们称这些人为 Orb运营商 ,并赋予他们从开始建立运营的自主权,开展其自身营销活动到与当地合作伙伴合作,几乎无所不包。

In order to test this model and technology, we have onboarded twenty-five Operators that run more than thirty devices in twelve countries across four continents (Africa, South America, Europe and Asia). In the coming months, the scale of these tests will increase as hundreds more devices and Orb Operators come online. After launch and an initial Orb production ramp-up phase, around four thousand devices will be distributed per month.

为了测试这种模型和技术,我们已经在四大洲(非洲、南美、欧洲和亚洲)的 12 个国家/地区接入了 25 家运营商,它们运行着 30 多台设备。在接下来的几个月里,随着数百台设备和Orb运营商上线,这些测试的规模将会增加。在推出和初始 Orb 生产阶段后,每月将分发大约 4000 台设备。

So far, the best performing Operators have been able to onboard around one thousand users per Orb per week, with our best performing Operator even signing up 2,198 users in one week with a single Orb. They have achieved these results despite using prototype devices (which are slower than the production model), facing frequent COVID disruptions, and not having the benefit of a public Worldcoin presence. In the four weeks before this post was published, the average weekly sign-up rate across all Operators was 764 per Orb and 1,069 per Operator.

到目前为止,表现最好的运营商每周每个 Orb 能够吸引大约 1000 名用户,我们表现最好的运营商甚至在一周内用一个 Orb 注册了 2,198 位用户。尽管使用原型设备(比生产模型慢),面临频繁的 COVID 中断,并且没有受益于Worldcoin公开展示,他们还是取得了这些成果。在这篇文章发布前的四个星期内,所有运营商的平均每周注册率为每个 Orb 764 次和每个运营商1,069 次。

To illustrate the success and potential of these Operators, we will dive deeper into the operations from the following five countries: Chile, Kenya, Indonesia, Sudan and France.


智利 (Chile)

Currently, the longest-active Orb Operator in the world is based here. He has managed to sign up over eighteen thousand users in a little over six months by running his operations like a business. He employs twenty people who work in shifts—at any given time, he has four people supporting his Orb operation. This allows him to keep his Orb active for eight hours a day, every day. His commitment to the project and its vision is astounding—while he normally operates out of Santiago, he aims to spread the project all throughout Chile, occasionally flying his team to smaller, more remote Chilean towns to operate and give away Worldcoin.

目前,世界上活跃时间最长的Orb运营商就设在这里。通过像企业一样经营业务,他在六个月多一点的时间里注册了超过一万八千名用户。他雇用了20名轮班工作的人——在任何特定时间,他都有四个人支持他的 Orb 操作。这使他能够每天保持他的 Orb 活跃八小时。他对该项目的承诺及其愿景令人震惊——虽然他通常在圣地亚哥以外开展业务,但他的目标是将该项目推广到整个智利,偶尔将他的团队带到更小、更偏远的智利城镇来运营和赠送 Worldcoin。

智利的Orb运营商 (Orb Operator in Chile)

"I wake up every day knowing that we are educating hundreds of people about the future of tech. It is a real honor to be able to give them access to a new financial system run by the people, not by centralized organizations like governments and banks. We're building Singapore in Chile…unlocking opportunities for everyone."

“我每天醒来都知道,我们正在教育数百人关于科技的未来。能够让他们接触到一个由人民,而不是像政府和银行这样的中心化组织管理的新金融系统,我感到非常荣幸. 我们正在智利建设新加坡……为每个人释放机会。”

肯尼亚 (Kenya)

One of the Orb Operators in Kenya typically partners with universities to run sign-up events. He has assembled a team of over thirty people so far. At optimal capacity, he runs events six days a week, all at different universities. At each event, he signs up between three and four hundred people. As word of what he was doing spread, universities around the country began to invite him to their campuses. To keep up with this ever-increasing demand, he will often run two events concurrently in different locations, splitting up his four Orbs to efficiently sign up more people.

肯尼亚的 Orb 运营商之一通常与大学合作举办注册活动。到目前为止,他已经组建了一个三十多人的团队。以最佳能力,他每周在不同的大学举办六天的活动。在每次活动中,都会有三到四百人报名参加。随着他的作为传开,全国各地的大学开始邀请他到其校园。为了跟上这种不断增长的需求,他经常会在不同的地点同时举办两场活动,将他的四个 Orb 分开,从而有效地注册更多的人。

肯尼亚的Orb运营商 (Orb Operator in Kenya)

"Worldcoin has been an absolute eye-opener for me. It has been amazing to see cryptocurrency take off like this here in Kenya. Kenyans have been using mobile money for ages and see the possibility for Worldcoin to take things one step further: to help us become a cashless society. When it comes to people with no prior crypto knowledge, I love taking them through the history of cryptocurrency and explaining how Worldcoin will open up a whole new world for them. I do also like taking on the skeptics and the naysayers—I like the challenge!"

“Worldcoin 让我大开眼界。看到加密货币在肯尼亚像这样起飞真是太棒了。肯尼亚人使用移动货币已经有很长时间了,他们看到 Worldcoin 有可能更进一步:提供帮助让我们变成一个无现金社会。对于没有加密知识的人,我喜欢带他们了解加密货币的历史,并解释 Worldcoin 将如何为他们打开一个全新的世界。我也喜欢接受怀疑论者和反对者——我喜欢挑战!”

印度尼西亚 (Indonesia)

The best-performing Orb Operator is currently based here, signing up over thirty thousand users in a little over four months. In his first week as an Operator, he set the highest single weekly sign-up total (at the time). Since then, he has partnered with one of the biggest food delivery companies in the country to sign up its drivers, rented out a storefront in a shopping mall to capitalize on high foot-traffic, and even ran a campaign to sign up all the residents of a nearby village. The village campaign was so successful that he expanded the initiative to either other villages.


印度尼西亚的Orb运营商 (Orb Operator in Indonesia)

"Of course, I was highly motivated by the Worldcoin sign-up incentive scheme: I want to provide a better life for my family. But along the way, seeing people who don't have access to crypto - who don't even know this technology exists - makes me grateful to be a part of this project."

“当然,我对 Worldcoin 注册激励计划非常感兴趣:我想为我的家人提供更好的生活。但在此过程中,看到那些无法使用加密货币的人——他们甚至不知道这项技术是存在的——让我很感激能成为这个项目的一部分。”

苏丹 (Sudan)

The four Orb Operators in Sudan secure partnerships with coffee stores in Khartoum and strike deals with various Sudanese influencers to market Worldcoin. Each Operator runs a large team that, out of pure passion, works up to fourteen hours a day. On a busy day, people will often wait up to three hours to sign up. To support this demand, the Operators recently booked out the largest and most well-known venue in Khartoum to run an event at which they aim to sign up over a thousand people in a single day.

苏丹的四家 Orb 运营商与喀土穆的咖啡店建立了合作伙伴关系,并与各种苏丹影响者达成交易,来营销 Worldcoin。每个运营商都经营着一个庞大的团队,而且是出于纯粹的热情,每天工作长达 14 小时。在忙碌的一天,人们通常会等待长达三个小时才能注册。为了满足这一需求,运营商最近预订了喀土穆最大和最知名的场地来举办活动,他们的目标是在一天内注册超过 1000 人。

Orb的运营商 (Orb Operator in Sudan)

"I get to meet new people every day and give them something that may benefit them in the future. We have suffered a lot financially here in Sudan, so getting a chance to add value to my community is really fulfilling."


法国 (France)

This Operator has established a team of 15 people, mostly local students, and ensures that they are well-trained about Worldcoin and cryptocurrency in general. He has set up a digital platform for his employees so that they can easily book a time slot to use the Orb. He has also created a very detailed incentive system for his employees that rewards them for both additional employee referrals and performance in the field. He and his team operate around Paris’s famed Châtelet metro station, the biggest underground train station in the world.

该运营商建立了一个由 15 人组成的团队,其中大部分是本地学生,并确保他们在 Worldcoin 和加密货币方面接受过良好的培训。他为他的员工建立了一个数字平台,以便他们可以轻松地预订使用 Orb 的时间段。他还为他的员工创建了一个非常详细的激励系统,奖励他们额外的员工推荐和该领域的表现。他和他的团队在巴黎著名的 Châtelet 地铁站附近运营,该地铁站是世界上最大的地铁站。

法国的Orb运营商 Orb Operator in France

"There are two main reasons I believe the project will succeed: accessibility and equality. Worldcoin offers what has been missing in the crypto-sphere for a while now: equal opportunity to enter the world of DeFi for free. Worldcoin’s approach is simple and will give access to millions, if not billions of people."

“我相信该项目会成功有两个主要原因:可访问性和平等性。Worldcoin 提供了加密领域一段时间以来所缺少的东西:免费进入 DeFi 世界的平等机会。Worldcoin 的方法很简单,并且会让数百万人,甚至数十亿人获得访问权。”

Using the numbers we have seen in the field, we decided to conduct a thought experiment to make these results more tangible and help visualize what could happen with increased Orb production. The figure below demonstrates how cumulative sign-ups over time could increase significantly as more Orbs come online. Although we anticipate that there will be all kinds of saturation effects and other complications, we believe that there is a path for this model to onboard billions of users.

使用我们在该领域看到的数字,我们决定进行一个思想实验,使这些结果更加具体,并帮助让增加 Orb 产量可能会发生什么可视化。下图展示了随着更多 Orb 上线,累积注册量如何显着增加。尽管我们预计会出现各种饱和效应和其他复杂情况,但我们相信这种模式有一条通往数十亿用户的道路。

图. 1

Thought Experiment
Schematic visualization of how Orb performance (sign-ups per week) could increase with the planned production schedule. The lower end illustrates an average of 350 sign-ups per week, while the maximum is at 1400. The dotted line represents 700 sign-ups per week, which is approximately equal to the average performance observed in the field in early October 2021. This is by no means a prediction but rather an oversimplified model to visualize some different scaling scenarios.

Orb 性能(每周注册)如何随着计划的生产安排而提高的示意图。下端显示平均每周 350 次注册,而最大值为 1400。虚线表示每周 700 次注册,这大约等于 2021 年 10 月上旬在该领域观察到的平均性能。这绝不是一个预测,而是一个过度简化的模型,用于可视化一些不同的缩放场景。

Testing Sign-ups
Testing data since May, 2021, showing key operator milestones and cumulative field test sign-ups. So far, over 130,000 users have signed up to Worldcoin, with 60,000 of these sign-ups coming in just the last four weeks. All of this has been achieved with less than 30 prototype Orbs in the field.

自 2021 年 5 月以来的测试数据,显示了关键的运营这里程碑和累积的现场测试注册。到目前为止,已有超过 130,000 名用户注册了 Worldcoin,其中 60,000 名用户仅在过去 4 周内就注册了。所有这一切都是在现场使用不到 30 个原型Orb的情况下实现的。

We are thrilled by these results—they show that our strategy for getting crypto into the hands of as many people as possible just might work. Of course, these are still early days and achieving widespread adoption is really just the beginning, but these results are certainly promising.


In the following sections, we want to present the technical challenges that we needed to solve in order to get to this point.


解决“唯一身份”问题 (Solving The “Unique-Human” Problem)

The launch of Worldcoin requires a robust and scalable way to determine whether someone is unique (in a sense of new) and actually human (not a bot). So-called Proof-of-Personhood protocols23 try to solve this problem by allowing people to prove they are “unique humans”4. This “unique-human proof” would unlock many meaningful applications5, but none of the existing approaches have yet reached a global scale.

Worldcoin 的启动需要一种强大且可扩展的方法来确定某人是否是独特的(在某种意义上的 )和实际上是人类(不是机器人)。所谓的 人格证明(Proof-of-Personhood) 协议2[3](https://worldcoin.org/how-the-launch -works#rf3)试图通过允许人们证明他们是“独特的人类”来解决这个问题4。这种“独特的人格证明”将解锁许多有意义的应用5,但现有的方法都没有达到全球规模。

Traditional methods of verifying personhood typically require legally-recognized, government-issued forms of identification, which an estimated 1.1 billion people around the world, including many unbanked or underbanked individuals, simply lack6. Similarly, requiring individuals to prove personhood by handing over sensitive information like their date of birth, a government-issued identification number, phone number, or email address presents well-documented security, privacy, practicality, and fraud concerns.

传统验证人格的方法通常需要得到法律认可的、政府颁发的某种形式上的身份证明,据估计,全世界有 11 亿人,包括许多没有银行账户或银行账户不足的个人,根本就缺乏这种身份证明[6](https://worldcoin.org/how -the-launch-works#rf6)。同样,要求个人通过交出出生日期、政府颁发的身份证号、电话号码或电子邮件地址等敏感信息来证明人格,这会带来有据可查的安全、隐私、实用性和欺诈问题。

The all-too-familiar CAPTCHA7 was one of the first approaches towards  a Proof-of-Personhood for the internet. It is a test designed to be difficult for bots, but easy for humans.  While it does well in verifying humanness, CAPTCHA fails to verify uniqueness: as a human, you can pass as many tests as you want. This could be addressed by requiring everybody to solve a CAPTCHA challenge at the same time8, but that would be very difficult to coordinate on a large scale.

再熟悉不过的 CAPTCHA7 是最早实现互联网身份证明的方法之一。这是一项旨在对机器人来说很困难但对人类来说很容易的测试。虽然它在验证人性方面做得很好,但 CAPTCHA 无法验证唯一性:作为人类,您可以通过任意数量的测试。这可以通过要求每个人同时解决验证码挑战 来解决8,但大范围协调则非常困难。

Many other approaches to Proof-of-Personhood91011 have been deployed. Some of these use social verification to ensure accounts are owned by unique humans. This often requires that existing users meet (physically or virtually) new users and deposit some form of financial stake that can be taken away in case of fraud. Social verification systems may lead to a robust Proof-of-Personhood, but they also face difficult scaling challenges.

人格证明的许多其他方法9、[10](https://worldcoin.org/how-the-launch- works#rf10)、11 已被部署。其中一些使用 社会验证 来确保帐户由独特的人拥有。这通常需要现有用户(实际或虚拟地)结识新用户并存入某种形式的金融股份来防止欺诈。社会验证系统可能会带来强大的人格证明,但它们也面临着难以扩展的挑战。

Biometric approaches (e.g., Aadhaar in India) are promising as they are both accessible and enable accurately verifying uniqueness. The key challenges for biometric approaches are related to privacy, fraud detection, and scalability. We believe that recent advances in technology offer a way to solve these issues.

生物识别方法(例如,印度的 Aadhaar)很有前景,因为它们既易于访问又能够准确验证唯一性。生物识别方法的主要挑战与隐私、欺诈检测和可扩展性有关。我们相信,最近的技术进步提供了解决这些问题的方法。

Worldcoin leverages biometrics, cryptography, and incentives to create an elegant, scalable, and privacy-preserving solution to the “unique-human problem”. The following sections describe how the system works and details how we plan to deploy it globally.

Worldcoin 利用生物识别、密码学和激励措施为“唯一身份”创建了一个优雅的、可扩展的和保护隐私的解决方案。以下部分描述了系统的工作原理,并详细说明了我们计划如何在全球范围内部署它。

使用生物识别实现唯一身份 (Using Biometrics To Ensure Human-Uniqueness)

验证和身份 (Verification & Identification)

At their core, biometric systems usually consist of:


  • A device that acquires biometric information (e.g., fingerprints) and converts them to a compressed representation (an “embedding”); and


  • A database that stores these embeddings for later retrieval and comparison.


Embeddings are designed so that one can calculate a distance (in the sense of similarity) between two embeddings. If this distance is above a certain threshold, the two embeddings are assumed to belong to different people.


One typically distinguishes between two modes of operation for biometric systems: verification and identification.


Verification is the most familiar use case of biometrics. For example, access to a building may require a keycard and a fingerprint scan. Here, fingerprint verification helps ensure that a stolen keycard cannot be used to enter the building. Behind the scenes, the keycard is linked to an embedding in the database, which is compared to the one of the scanned finger.

验证 是最常见的生物识别用例。例如,进入建筑物可能需要钥匙卡和指纹扫描。在这里,指纹验证有助于确保被盗的钥匙卡不能用于进入建筑物。在幕后,钥匙卡与数据库中的嵌入链接,该嵌入与扫描的手指进行比较。

FaceID works in the same way. But instead of the user providing a keycard, the phone already knows which face(s) it needs to compare to as the database of users consists of only a single user.

FaceID 的工作方式相同。但是,由于用户数据库仅包含一个用户,因此手机已经知道它需要与哪张脸进行比较,而不是用户提供钥匙卡。

In the case of identification, there is no keycard available to help: the biometric system has to determine a user’s identity from the biometric scan alone. A common use case for biometric identification is in forensics where, for example, a fingerprint or DNA sample is compared with every entry in a database to identify a suspect.

身份验证 的情况下, 没有可提供帮助的钥匙卡:生物识别系统必须仅通过生物识别扫描来确定用户的身份。生物特征识别的一个常见用例是在取证中,例如,将指纹或 DNA 样本与数据库中的每个条目进行比较以识别嫌疑人。


图. 2

Schematic explanation of the difference between biometric verification and identification:


While verification only requires comparison to a single piece of data, identification requires searching an entire database for a match.


生物识别人格证明 (Biometric Proof-of-Personhood)

A biometric system can be used as the foundation for Proof-of-Personhood by ensuring each person can only register once. Similar to biometric identification, the system needs to compare each user’s embedding to every other entry in the database. If none match, the user’s registration is successful and their embedding is added to the database. If there is a match, the user has likely registered before and is therefore rejected.


However, there is a significant challenge with this approach: the identification problem becomes increasingly difficult with a growing database. Issues with search complexity and performance come into play, but more importantly, the system starts making more errors while trying to match users. These errors are largely governed by the “false match rate” (FMR). The FMR measures the likelihood that two biometric scans are incorrectly considered the same. At the scale of billions of users, the FMR must be extremely small to avoid frequently rejecting legitimate new users.

然而,这种方法存在一个重大挑战:随着数据库的增长,识别问题变得越来越困难。搜索复杂性和性能问题开始发挥作用,但更重要的是,系统在尝试匹配用户时开始犯更多错误。这些错误主要受“错误匹配率”(FMR)控制。FMR 衡量两次生物特征扫描被错误地认为相同的可能性。在数十亿用户的规模上,FMR 必须非常小,以避免频繁拒绝合法的新用户。

The key to being able to scale such a system to onboard billions of people is capturing an information-rich biometric source at a high level of fidelity. The more information the source contains, the lower the probability of false matches.


The likelihood of incorrectly rejecting legitimate new users is related to the Birthday Problem12: in a group of n randomly chosen people, how large should n be for two people to share the same birthday with a probability greater than 50%. The answer, 23, is counterintuitively low and demonstrates how likely random collisions are. In our specific implementation it turns out that the FMR has to decrease quadratically with the total number of expected users. To keep false rejections low at the scale of one billion users, the FMR needs to be below 1e-12 (that’s one in a trillion).

错误拒绝合法新用户的可能性与生日问题有关12:在一组随机选择的 n 个人中,n 应该有多大才能让两个人生日相同的概率大于 50%。答案是 23 ,出乎意料地低,也表明随机碰撞的可能性有多大。在我们的具体实现中,事实证明 FMR 必须随着预期用户总数的二次方递减。为了在 10 亿用户的规模上保持较低的错误拒绝率,FMR 需要低于 1e-12(即万亿分之一)。

虹膜识别确保唯一性、防欺诈性和实用性 (Iris Recognition Ensures Uniqueness, Fraud Resistance, And Practicality)

We evaluated many different technologies and believe that iris recognition is the best-suited for our biometric approach to Proof-of-Personhood.Compared to other biometric methods, like face recognition, fingerprints and DNA sequencing, iris recognition stands out by simultaneously satisfying the following three criteria:

我们评估了许多不同的技术,并认为 虹膜识别 最适合我们的人格证明生物识别方法。与其他生物识别方法(如面部识别、指纹和 DNA 测序)相比,虹膜识别通过同时满足以下条件而脱颖而出三个标准:

  1. Uniqueness: The iris theoretically contains enough information to distinguish nearly all humans uniquely.
  2. Fraud-resistance: The iris is difficult to physically modify and the biometric capture can be made hard to spoof.
  3. Practicality: The required imaging technology already exists, and for the user, presenting their iris is a fast and simple process.

  1. 唯一性:理论上,虹膜包含的信息足以唯一区分几乎所有人类。
  2. 防欺诈:虹膜难以物理修改,生物特征捕获难以欺骗。
  3. 实用性:所需的成像技术已经存在,对于用户来说,呈现他们的虹膜是一个快速而简单的过程。

On a global scale, a biometric uniqueness check must confidently distinguish each person from every other person. The information density of the iris is high enough to allow this, and no two irises are alike (even for identical twins). It also turns out that it is possible to capture most of this information with high-resolution imaging of the iris.


The same is not true for today’s face recognition technology: at the scale of billions of people, there is simply not enough information in, for example, a selfie to reliably tell people apart. Even advanced algorithms such as neural networks can’t help.

今天的人脸识别技术 也是如此:在数十亿人的规模上,根本没有足够的信息,例如一张自拍,无法可靠地将人们区分开来。即使是神经网络等高级算法也无济于事。

The information of the iris pattern is distilled into an embedding, in our case the so-called IrisHash, which is derived from a one-way function with the iris image as the input. This code is stored in a database and is the only data used for checking uniqueness. Under this approach, the original image of the iris does not need to be stored anywhere.

虹膜图案的信息被提炼成一个嵌入,在我们的例子中就是所谓的 虹膜哈希(IrisHash),它是从一个以虹膜图像作为输入的单向函数派生的。此代码存储在数据库中,是唯一用于检查唯一性的数据。在这种方法下,虹膜的原始图像不需要存储在任何地方。

We describe this in more detail in our post on privacy.

我们在 隐私 上的帖子中对此进行了更详细的描述。

We target an FMR of 1e-6 per eye (thus 1e-12 for both eyes combined). At a scale of one billion people, we estimate that around 0.05% of users will be accidentally rejected. We also target a false non-match rate (FNMR) of 1/7000, such that (on average) a user has to try signing up seven thousand times before they can register twice.

我们的目标是每只眼睛的 FMR 为 1e-6(因此两只眼睛的总和为 1e-12)。在 10 亿人的规模下,我们估计大约 0.05% 的用户会被意外拒绝。我们还将错误不匹配率 (FNMR) 定为 1/7000,因此(平均而言)用户必须尝试注册 7000 次才能注册两次。

Using the iris also enables a strong degree of fraud-resistance. In the context of our biometric uniqueness check, this means we need to reliably detect if someone attempts to spoof the biometric capture (e.g., using animals or special contact lenses). Since cheating a uniqueness check only requires looking different than any existing user, the fraud resistance property of the iris is critical. The iris is inherently hard to modify and enables better ways to verify liveness compared to other common biometrics like faces and fingerprints.


Finally, any scalable uniqueness check must be fast and simple. From the user’s perspective, presenting an iris is as easy as posing for a photo. In fact, the practicality of iris recognition has already been proven at scale. One notable example is the border control system for the United Arab Emirates, which leverages iris recognition13.. Some other biometric approaches, like DNA sequencing, may not provide the same degree of simplicity for the user, and can feel invasive.

最后,任何可扩展的唯一性检查都必须快速且简单。从用户的角度来看,呈现虹膜就像摆姿势拍照一样简单。事实上,虹膜识别的实用性已经被大规模证明。一个值得注意的例子是阿拉伯联合酋长国的边境控制系统,它利用虹膜识别13。其他一些生物识别方法,如 DNA 测序,可能无法为用户提供相同程度的简单性,并且可能有侵入感。


图. 3

Schematic representation illustrating the importance of high-quality imaging for decreasing error:


Here we sample pairwise comparisons by calculating the distances between embeddings. Since we do this on an evaluation dataset, we know the ground truth and can plot the two distributions: the match distribution for pairs of the same identity (blue) and non-match distribution for pairs of different identity (red).


In a perfect system, the match-distribution would be a very narrow peak at zero. However, multiple sources of error widen the distribution, leading to more overlap with the non-match distribution and therefore increasing False Match and False Non-Match rates. High quality image acquisition narrows the match-distribution significantly and therefore minimizes errors. The width of the non-match distribution is determined by the amount of information that is extracted by the biometric algorithm: the more information is encoded in the embeddings the narrower the distribution.


确保大规模应用“唯一身份”:Orb (Ensuring Human-Uniqueness At Scale: The Orb)

Using iris recognition for a scalable Proof-of-Personhood requires an iris scanner that’s secure, high-resolution, and easy-to-use. We searched for existing devices that meet these requirements at a global scale, but found none. For this reason, Worldcoin developed the Orb.

将虹膜识别用于可扩展的人员证明需要安全、高分辨率且易于使用的虹膜扫描仪。我们在全球范围内搜索了满足这些要求的现有设备,但没有找到。出于这个原因,Worldcoin 开发了 Orb

图. 4
A photo (not a render) of the Orb production model. The device has a diameter of 20 centimeters and weighs around 2.5 kg (5 lbs).  The surface of the Orb is mirror chrome. An LED ring guides the user through the sign-up process. Behind the black surfaces, the Orb has an eye-imaging system, infrared LEDs for illumination, and a fraud-detection system. An exchangeable battery is accessible from below to enable continuous mobile operation.

Orb 生产模型的照片(不是渲染图)。该设备的直径为 20 厘米,重约 2.5 千克(5 磅)。 Orb 的表面是镜面镀铬。 LED 环引导用户完成注册过程。在黑色表面后面,Orb 有一个眼睛成像系统、用于照明的红外 LED 和一个欺诈检测系统。可从下方访问可更换电池,以实现连续移动操作。

高清成像是大规模应用生物识别的关键 (High Resolution Imaging Is Key For Biometric Systems At Scale)

The primary function of the Orb is to capture detailed images of a person’s eyes, and convert them to an IrisHash. From the outside, the UX is simple: users simply look into the camera (which is behind the black surfaces) and press a button. On the inside of the Orb, a custom optical system automatically finds the user's eyes and brings them into focus. The Orb then captures high-resolution images of both irises at multiple infrared wavelengths, then uses them to locally compute the user’s IrisHashes.

Orb 的主要功能是捕获人眼的详细图像,并将其转换为 IrisHash。从外部看,用户体验很简单:用户只需看着摄像头(位于黑色表面之后)并按下按钮。在 Orb 内部,定制的光学系统会自动找到用户的眼睛并将其聚焦。然后,Orb 在多个红外波长捕获两个虹膜的高分辨率图像,然后使用它们在本地计算用户的 IrisHashes。

To work at scale, the Orb must reliably capture high-quality iris images across a variety of lighting conditions and distances from the user. This adaptability is achieved using a combination of custom optics hardware and machine learning. To quickly find the user’s eyes, the Orb uses a movable mirror that is guided by a neural network. Once the eye is in-frame, another neural network controls a custom liquid lens to focus on the detailed patterns in the user’s iris. All of this happens while the Orb’s infrared LEDs are adaptively illuminating the eye, ensuring consistent images across lighting environments.

为了大规模应用,Orb 必须在各种照明条件和与用户的距离下可靠地捕获高质量的虹膜图像。这种适应性是通过结合定制光学硬件和机器学习来实现的。为了快速找到用户的眼睛,Orb 使用了由神经网络引导的可移动镜子。一旦眼睛进入帧内,另一个神经网络会控制一个定制的液体镜头,专注于用户虹膜中的详细图案。所有这一切都发生在 Orb 的红外 LED 自适应地照亮眼睛的同时,从而确保整个照明环境中的图像一致。

To reduce complexity, the majority of commercial iris scanners today use goggles to align the subject precisely with the camera and block external light.


Together, these systems enable the Orb to capture irises with significantly higher quality: up to two orders of magnitude higher resolution compared to the industry standard1415. At this level of detail, the unique patterns in the iris can be used to reliably distinguish among billions of people.

总之,这些系统使 Orb 能够以明显更高的质量捕获虹膜:与行业标准相比,分辨率高达两个数量级14 , 15。在这个细节层次上,虹膜中的独特图案可用于可靠地区分数十亿人。

图. 5

On a high level, the Orb performs the following tasks:

Scan QR code The device scans a QR code on the user's phone such that she can later prove that she has signed up.

扫描二维码 该设备扫描用户手机上的二维码,以便她以后可以证明自己已经注册。

Capture Images After scanning the QR code the device captures multiple high-resolution multispectral images of the user.

捕获图像 扫描 QR 码后,设备会捕获用户的多张高分辨率多光谱图像。

Generate IrisHash Based on the captured images, the device calculates a unique IrisHash through a one-way function.

生成 IrisHash 根据捕获的图像,设备通过单向函数计算唯一的 IrisHash。

Verify integrity A custom set of security sensors ensures that the sign-up is legitimate.

验证完整性 一组自定义的安全传感器可确保注册是合法的。

Orb 的安全措施抵御欺诈活动 (The Orb’s Security Measures Resist Fraudulent Activity)

Security is core to the Orb's design. After all, Worldcoin requires trusting that the IrisHashes are legitimately produced by an Orb. The Orb’s security system ensures the authenticity of each IrisHash by robustly detecting a wide range of fraudulent behaviors. Broadly, we can classify such behavior as either spoofing or tampering.

安全性是 Orb 设计的核心。毕竟,Worldcoin 需要相信 IrisHash 是由 Orb 合法生成的。 Orb 的安全系统通过可靠地检测各种欺诈行为来确保每个 IrisHash 的真实性。从广义上讲,我们可以将此类行为归类为 欺骗篡改

Unlike iris scanners used at border checkpoints, the Orb is deployed to unsecured environments and used by independent Operators. This is made possible by the Orb’s secure design, and is a key requirement for scaling Worldcoin.

与边境检查站使用的虹膜扫描仪不同,Orb 被部署到不安全的环境中并由独立的操作员使用。 Orb 的安全设计使这成为可能,并且是扩展 Worldcoin 的关键之处。

Spoofing attacks involve presenting the Orb with modified, fake, or non-human irises. For example, an attacker might show the Orb a photo of an iris or an animal iris, hoping to generate a unique IrisHash. To defend against attacks like this, we’ve equipped the Orb with a suite of multi-spectral sensors and custom fraud-detection algorithms. This advanced anti-spoofing system complements the iris imaging system, and operates locally on each device.

欺骗 攻击涉及向 Orb 展示经过修改的、伪造的或非人类的虹膜。例如,攻击者可能会向 Orb 展示一张虹膜或动物虹膜的照片,进而希望生成唯一的 IrisHash。为了防御此类攻击,我们为 Orb 配备了一套多光谱传感器和自定义欺诈检测算法。这种先进的反欺骗系统补充了虹膜成像系统,并在每个设备上本地运行。

The Orb is also resilient to various forms of tampering, including attempts to modify its software, extract its cryptographic secrets, or disable its anti-spoofing system. This resilience is critical, since any of these intrusions might allow a hacker to generate fraudulent IrisHashes. The Orb’s embedded systems reliably detect advanced attacks of this kind, and prevent corresponding fraud.

Orb 还可以抵御各种形式的 篡改,包括尝试修改其软件、提取其加密秘密或禁用其反欺骗系统。这种反制至关重要,因为任何这些入侵都可能允许黑客生成欺诈性的 IrisHashes。 Orb 的嵌入式系统能够可靠地检测此类高级攻击,并防止相应的欺诈行为。

No biometric system is impenetrable to spoofing or tampering, given enough resources. That said, we’re confident that the Orb’s state-of-the-art security systems will prevent fraud deemed profitable for a would-be attacker.

只要有足够的资源,任何生物识别系统都不会被欺骗或篡改。也就是说,我们相信 Orb 最先进的安全系统将防止被认为对潜在攻击者有利可图的欺诈行为。

To further increase the difficulty of an attack, Orbs will be remotely monitored and compared to other Orbs. Such monitoring is based on non-biometric metadata from the Orb, including battery level, temperature, and network strength. Anomalies will be flagged and lead to Orbs being deactivated. This anomaly detection happens in the cloud and therefore comes with higher security guarantees than device-level spoof and tamper detection.

为了进一步增加攻击的难度,Orbs 将被远程监控并与其他 Orbs 进行比较。这种监控基于 Orb 的非生物特征元数据,包括电池电量、温度和网络强度。异常将被标记并导致停用。这种异常检测发生在云服务中,因此具有比设备级欺骗和篡改检测更高的安全保证。

调整激励措施来发展网络 (Aligning Incentives To Grow The Network)

图. 6

Left: Incentive model built around the Orb. Operators receive a  reward for each sign-up, incentivizing them to maximize their sign-up rate.

左: 围绕 Orb 构建的激励模型。运营商每次注册都会获得奖励,激励他们最大限度地提高注册率。

Right: Orbs are a scarce resource and must be allocated to the most efficient Operators. To this end, short-term contracts for operating the Orbs are allocated to Operators via a bidding process.

右: Orb是稀缺资源,必须分配给最高效的运营商。为此,运营 Orb 的短期合同通过招标过程分配给运营商。

While the Orbs are important to solve the unique-human problem, it must also be ensured that those Orbs are used in the most effective way. Therefore, each Orb will be handled by the Orb Operator whose task it is to explain Worldcoin to new users and to operate the Orb to help them sign up. Operators earn Worldcoin for each sign-up, which incentivizes them to maximize their sign-up rate (i.e., the number of sign-ups per week). Combined with the proof-of-personhood, this makes Worldcoin the first cryptocurrency to directly encode, into its trustless protocol, the economic incentives for users to join the network: giving every new user a share of its currency.

虽然Orbs对于解决唯一身份问题很重要,但还必须确保以最有效的方式使用。因此,每个 Orb 将由 Orb运营方处理,其任务是向新用户解释 Worldcoin 并操作 Orb 来帮他们注册。运营商每次注册都可以获得 Worldcoin,这会激励他们最大化其 注册率(即每周注册的数量)。结合个人身份证明,这使 Worldcoin 成为第一个直接将用户加入网络的经济激励编码到去信任化协议中的加密货币:为每个新用户提供其(应得)货币的份额。

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin typically pay miners for block production via issuance of its own currency. However, since Worldcoin and the Layer 2 are secured by the underlying Ethereum network, there is no need to incentivize miners or validators via the currency. Instead, the issuance of the currency can be directly allocated to users.

像比特币这样的加密货币通常通过发行自己的货币向矿工支付区块生产费用。然而,由于 Worldcoin 和 Layer 2 受到底层以太坊网络的保护,因此无需通过货币激励矿工或验证者。相反,货币的发行可以直接分配给用户。

Still, one challenge is to find Operators that can actually achieve a high sign-up rate. This can be done at scale through a bidding process that allocates Orbs to the most efficient Operators. Concretely, Operators bid for the right to operate one or multiple Orbs for a defined period of time. Operators who sign up more users than others will achieve a higher monthly revenue, so they can be expected to submit higher bids, making them more likely to win the bidding process. Additional incentive structures are in place for promoting not only raw number of sign-ups, but also high-engagement of users and disincentivizing fraud. We will share more details about those mechanisms in the future.

尽管如此,一个挑战是找到能够真正实现高注册率的运营商。这可以通过将Orbs分配给最高效的运营商的 投标流程 来大规模完成。具体而言,运营商竞标在规定的时间段内运营一个或多个Orbs的权利。注册用户多于其他人的运营商将获得更高的月收入,因此可以预期他们会提交更高的投标,从而更有可能赢得投标过程。额外的激励结构不仅可以促进原始注册量,还可以促进用户的高参与度和抑制欺诈。我们将在未来分享有关这些机制的更多细节。

The described incentive mechanism is core to Worldcoin. Of the fixed supply of 10 billion tokens, the vast majority will be given to users and Operators that are helping to launch Worldcoin through the protocol. To incentivize early adoption of the currency, the number of tokens that users and Operators receive per sign-up will decrease over time. Less than twenty percent of the total supply of tokens will be used to fund Orb production and initial protocol development. Three percent will be allocated to continued ecosystem development and maintenance (like grant issuances, for example).

上述激励机制是 Worldcoin 的核心。在 100 亿个代币的固定供应中,绝大多数将提供给通过协议帮助启动 Worldcoin 的用户和运营商。为了激励早期采用该货币,用户和运营商每次注册获得的代币数量将随着时间的推移而减少。不到 20% 的代币将用于资助 Orb 生产和初始协议开发。 3% 将用于持续的生态系统开发和维护(例如拨款发放)。

扩展一个加密代币且保护隐私 (Scaling A Cryptocurrency And Protecting Privacy)

With the Orb, Worldcoin aims to onboard the first billion users into the world of cryptocurrency. We believe Worldcoin can reach this unprecedented scale by leveraging recent innovations in blockchain scalability and embracing compatibility with the existing crypto ecosystem. This section details our approach, including the mechanisms for ensuring user privacy once our token is live.

借助 Orb,Worldcoin立志将首批十亿用户带入加密货币世界。我们相信 Worldcoin 可以利用区块链可扩展性方面的最新创新,以及与现有加密生态系统的兼容性,来达到这一前所未有的规模。本节详细介绍了我们的方法,包括在我们的代表上线后确保用户隐私的机制。

We expect most Worldcoin users to receive their account via the Orb, but this is not required. Anybody can create a Worldcoin account using any digital wallet built with our open-source SDK (see Wallet & SDK below). However, accounts created without an Orb do not receive free tokens at launch.

我们希望大多数 Worldcoin 用户通过 Orb 接收他们的帐户,但这是 不是 必需的。任何人都可以使用使用我们的开源 SDK 构建的任何数字钱包创建 Worldcoin 帐户(请参阅下面的钱包和 SDK)。但是,在没有 Orb 的情况下创建的帐户在启动时不会收到免费代币。

扩容和兼容 (Scaling & Compatibility()

Worldcoin’s scalability is provided by an optimistic rollup1617 on top of Ethereum. This "layer 2" scaling solution ensures transactions will remain cheap, fast, and reliable as the Worldcoin network grows. Importantly, this solution maintains the open and permissionless nature of Ethereum: anybody can create accounts, submit transactions, and participate in validation. The optimistic rollup is built using the open-source Hubble project18, extended with a high-performance sequencer implementation that will be open-sourced in the coming weeks.

Worldcoin 的可扩展性由 乐观汇总(optimistic rollup)16、[17](https://worldcoin.org/how-the-launch-works #rf17) 建立在以太坊之上。随着 Worldcoin 网络的发展,这种“laye2”扩展解决方案可确保交易保持廉价、快速和可靠。重要的是,该解决方案保持了以太坊的 开放去审批化 性质:任何人都可以创建帐户、提交交易和参与验证。乐观汇总是使用开源的 Hubble 项目18 构建的,并扩展了一个高性能的排序器实现,并将在未来几周开源。

Worldcoin aims for broad compatibility. The underlying token is based on Ethereum’s popular ERC-20 standard, enabling compatibility with many existing tools and services. In addition, our open-source SDKs (see Wallet & SDK) will make it very easy for developers to interact with the currency and the Layer 2.

Worldcoin要实现广泛的兼容性。底层代币基于以太坊流行的 ERC-20 标准,可与许多现有工具和服务兼容。此外,我们的开源 SDK(请参阅钱包和 SDK)将使开发人员能够非常轻松地与代币和laye2进行交互。

Users are free to withdraw their funds to Ethereum mainnet or migrate through bridges to any Layer 2 on Ethereum (e.g., Optimism, Arbitrum, and many others) or even separate and aspiring ecosystems, such as Solana or Polkadot.

用户可以自由地将他们的资金提取到以太坊主网或通过跨链桥迁移到以太坊上的任何layer2(例如,Optimism、Arbitrum 和许多其他),甚至是独立的和有大志的生态系统,例如 Solana 或 Polkadot。


图. 7

Protocol architecture

  1. The user generates a Semaphore public key and presents it hashed as a QR code to the Orb.
  2. The Orb performs the iris scan and sends the created IrisHash along with the Semaphore key to the current sign-up sequencer.
  3. The sequencer validates the sign-up by checking the IrisHash for uniqueness in the database. If successful, it registers the Semaphore key on-chain.
  4. The proof is verified and the reward is sent directly to the user’s public key in the Hubble rollup.

  1. 用户生成一个Semaphore公钥并将其哈希化为一个二维码发送给 Orb。
  2. Orb 执行虹膜扫描并将创建的 IrisHash 与 Semaphore 密钥一起发送到当前注册序列器。
  3. 序列器通过检查 IrisHash 在数据库中的唯一性来验证注册。如果成功,它将在链上注册Semaphore密钥。
  4. 证明通过验证,奖励直接发送到 Hubble rollup 中的用户公钥。

账号隐私 (Account Privacy)

Worldcoin inherits Ethereum's privacy model: accounts are pseudonymous and transactions are public. Crucially, Worldcoin accounts are never associated with any biometric data from the Orb. Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are the enabling technology behind this privacy-preserving biometric approach. We use the open-source Semaphore19 zero-knowledge proof system to transfer the uniqueness of IrisHashes to the uniqueness of user accounts, without ever linking them.

Worldcoin 继承了以太坊的隐私模型:账户是 假名 并且交易是公开的。至关重要的是,Worldcoin 帐户 从不 与来自 Orb 的任何生物特征数据相关联。零知识证明 (ZKP) 是这种保护隐私的生物识别方法背后的支持技术。我们使用开源的 Semaphore19 零知识证明系统将 IrisHashes 的唯一性转换为用户帐户的唯一性,而无需直接关联它们。

A zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) ensures a given statement is true, without disclosing any information about the statement (except that it's true). For Worldcoin, the "statement" is "this account is associated with a unique IrisHash". And that statement is either true or false. The corresponding IrisHash is never revealed. Recent advances in zero-knowledge proofs have made their use on smartphones practical.
零知识证明 (ZKP) 确保给定的陈述是真实的,而不会披露有关该陈述的任何信息(除了它是真实的)。对于 Worldcoin,“声明”的则是“此帐户与唯一的 IrisHash 相关联”。这种说法要么是真的,要么是假的。相应的 IrisHash 永远不会被泄露。零知识证明的最新进展使其在智能手机上的应用变得实用。

Phase 1: Sign-up and uniqueness check

  1. The user generates a Semaphore keypair on her phone.
  2. The user presents the hashed public key (via QR code) to the Orb.
  3. The Orb scans the user’s irises and locally computes the user’s IrisHash.
  4. The Orb sends a signed message containing the hashed public key and the IrisHash to the sign-up sequencer node.
  5. The sequencer node verifies the Orb’s signature, then checks if the IrisHash does not match any already in the database. If the uniqueness check passes, the IrisHash and the public key are saved.


  1. 用户在其手机上生成一个Semaphore密钥对。
  2. 用户将哈希化处理后的公钥(通过二维码)呈现给 Orb。
  3. Orb 扫描用户的虹膜并在本地计算用户的 IrisHash。
  4. Orb 向注册序列器节点发送包含散列公钥和 IrisHash 的签名消息。
  5. 序列器节点验证 Orb 的签名,然后检查 IrisHash 是否与数据库中已有的任何内容不匹配。如果唯一性检查通过,则保存 IrisHash 和公钥。

Phase 2: Claiming Worldcoin

  1. The user’s app locally generates a wallet address.
  2. The app uses Semaphore to prove that it owns the private counterpart to one public key registered in Phase 1. Because it’s a zero-knowledge proof, it does not reveal which public key.
  3. The proof is sent again to the sequencer, which verifies it and initiates the deposit of tokens to the provided wallet address.
  4. A so-called nullifier is sent along with the proof and ensures the user cannot claim the reward twice.

第 2 阶段:声索 Worldcoin

  1. 用户应用本地生成钱包地址。
  2. 应用程序使用 Semaphore 来证明它拥有在第 1 阶段注册的一个公钥的私密对应物。因为它是零知识证明,它 泄露哪个公钥。
  3. 证明再次发送给序列器,序列器对其进行验证并将代币存入提供的钱包地址。
  4. 所谓的 失效器 与证明一起发送,确保用户不能两次领取奖励。

Those two steps - decoupled by the zero-knowledge proof - enable a biometric-based Proof-of-Personhood without linking user accounts to biometric data. A more visual explanation of account privacy can be found in our dedicated privacy blog post.

这两个步骤 - 由零知识证明解耦 - 无需将用户帐户与生物识别数据相关联,即可实现基于生物特征的个人证明。可以在我们专门的 隐私博客文章 中找到更直观的帐户隐私说明。

The "sequencer node" can operate trustlessly via optimistic verification in a smart contract. It also exists for optimization reasons. Users actually don’t submit proofs directly to a smart contract, but the sequencer first verifies and then batches them together with many other proofs.


图. 8 隐私

The whole process consists of two independent actions: Sign-up and Claim. The Orb sign-up links the IrisHash to the SemaphoreHash. This SemaphoreHash is never used publicly for anything that could be directly tied to the user. It is only used to prove membership within a set of registered users. However, this can be done through a zero knowledge proof that does not leak any other information about the user. This makes it possible for the verifier to check whether the user has signed up without knowing any identifiable information from the sign-up.

整个过程由两个独立的动作组成:注册 和 声索。 Orb 注册将 IrisHash 链接到 SemaphoreHash。这个 SemaphoreHash 不会公开用于任何可能与用户直接相关的事情。它仅用于证明一组注册用户中的成员资格。但是,这可以通过零知识证明来完成,该证明不会泄露有关用户的任何其他信息。这使得验证者可以在不知道任何可识别信息的情况下检查用户是否已注册。

钱包和 SDK 的可用性和兼容性 (Wallet & SDKs For Usability And Compatibility)

Worldcoin is designed to be the first widely-adopted cryptocurrency. Making this a reality means going further than having an inclusive launch: Worldcoin must be useful and understandable to people with no prior experience using digital money. In addition, users must be confident in the privacy and security of their accounts. Because of this, we are developing a mobile wallet application.

Worldcoin立志在成为第一个被广泛采用的加密货币。实现这一目标意味着比推出包容性产品更进一步:Worldcoin 必须对没有使用数字货币经验的人 有用可理解 。此外,用户必须对其帐户的 隐私安全 有信心。因此,我们正在开发一个移动钱包应用程序。

The wallet allows users to learn about Worldcoin and other cryptocurrencies, find Orb Operators, claim their share, view their balance, send global peer-to-peer payments, and use their Worldcoin throughout the Ethereum ecosystem. No central authority mediates transactions; users always have full control and ownership of their Worldcoin (i.e., the wallet is “non-custodial”), which they can back up if they choose.

该钱包允许用户了解 Worldcoin 和其他加密货币、找到 Orb 运营商、声索他们的份额、查看他们的余额、发送全球点对点支付,并在整个以太坊生态系统中使用他们的 Worldcoin。没有中央机构调解交易;用户始终对其 Worldcoin 拥有完全的控制权和所有权(即钱包是“非托管的”),当然他们可以选择备份。

图. 9 钱包

Illustrative wireframe, not actual product images.
For most people, Worldcoin will be their first contact with a cryptocurrency, and for some, their first with any kind of digital money. The applications of crypto are far bigger, but as the initial use-case for first-time users, the wallet will enable instant peer-to-peer payments to anyone in the world.

对于大多数人来说,Worldcoin 将是他们第一次接触加密货币,而对于某些人来说,他们将是第一次接触任何类型的数字货币。加密应用要大得多,但作为首次使用的用户的初始用例,钱包将实现对世界上任何人的即时点对点支付。

In addition to the wallet, we are developing a collection of open-source Software Development Kit (SDKs) to help developers build products around Worldcoin—things like alternative clients, tools for niche use-cases, digital tipping, in-store payments, and professional interfaces. These SDKs, coupled with pre-existing decentralized financial protocols, will allow anyone to serve the needs of local, regional, and global markets.

除了钱包之外,我们还在开发一系列开源软件开发工具包 (SDK),进而帮助开发人员围绕 Worldcoin 构建产品——例如其他替代型客户端、小众用例工具、数字小费、店内支付和专业的界面。这些 SDK 与预先存在的去中心化金融协议相结合,将允许任何人满足本地、区域和全球市场的需求。

Most excitingly, these SDKs will eventually include zero-knowledge Proof-of-Personhood for third-party applications, maintaining user privacy as described in the Account Privacy section. While we built the Orb to help make Worldcoin a reality, we know this primitive can unlock much more. That’s why we want to give everyone the ability to reuse their already issued proofs to access other projects.

最令人兴奋的是,这些 SDK 最终将包括适用第三方应用的零知识证明,进而维护用户隐私,正如“帐户隐私”部分所述。虽然我们构建 Orb 是为了帮助实现 Worldcoin,但我们知道它可以解锁更多。这就是为什么我们想让每个人都能够复用他们已经发布的证明来访问其他项目。

We believe the wallet and SDKs will help make Worldcoin — and the larger crypto ecosystem — more accessible and useful. We’re excited to share more details about these tools over the coming months.

我们相信钱包和 SDK 将有助于使 Worldcoin 以及更大的加密生态系统更易于访问和使用。我们很高兴在未来几个月内分享有关这些工具的更多详细信息。

接下来:互联网的新纪元 (What’s Next: A New Era For The Internet)

There are many ways in which Worldcoin can have substantial positive effects on our society. Still, we strongly believe that how we accomplish this project is just as important as what we achieve. Our design approach is based as much on our own deeply-held values as on technical reasoning. We are choosing to prioritize user privacy, data security, openness, and broad accessibility, even when it means tackling some of today's toughest engineering and operational challenges.

Worldcoin 可以通过多种方式对我们的社会产生重大的积极影响。尽管如此,我们坚信我们 如何 完成这个项目与实现 什么 一样重要。我们的设计方法既基于我们自己根深蒂固的价值观,也基于技术推理。我们选择优先考虑用户隐私、数据安全、开放性和广泛的可访问性,即使这意味着要应对当今一些最棘手的工程和运营挑战。

For example, building on Ethereum at this scale is more challenging than operating a custom, centralized blockchain, at least in the short-term. The same applies to the privacy approach using zero-knowledge proofs, which is on the edge of current research. But we think this is the right way to launch Worldcoin, and the effort will pay off in the long run for all of us.

例如,至少在短期内,以这种规模在以太坊上构建比运营定制化的中心化区块链更具挑战性。这同样适用于使用零知识证明的隐私方法,这是当前研究的前沿。但我们认为这是推出 Worldcoin 的正确方式,从长远来看,我们所有人的努力都会得到回报。

If successful, Worldcoin will, within the first year, onboard hundreds of millions of new people who didn’t have access to this technology. This will hopefully result in many developers integrating Worldcoin into new and existing products. We believe the internet has entered a new era: Web3, where finally economic value and ownership are natively integrated into the web, and proof of personhood is critical. It is hard to imagine what new products this coming era will bring. Certainly, it will involve wider adoption of novel technologies and models of collaboration, like DAOs, NFTs, and decentralized exchanges.

如果成功,Worldcoin 将在第一年内吸引数亿无法使用这项技术的新人。这有望使许多开发人员将 Worldcoin 集成到新的和现有的产品中。我们相信互联网已经进入了一个新时代:Web3,最终经济价值和所有权被原生地整合到网络中,而人格证明至关重要。很难想象这个即将到来的时代会带来什么样的新产品。当然,这将涉及更广泛地采用新技术和协作模式,例如 DAO、NFT 和去中心化交易所。

There’s still a lot of work to do to enable and support a rapidly sprawling ecosystem of developers, entrepreneurs, and community builders. We are in the early stages of designing Worldcoin’s long-term governance strategy, grant programs, and partnerships roadmap. We are committed to following credible neutrality20 as a key guiding principle in setting up these mechanisms.

要赋能和支持由开发人员、企业家和社区建设者共同组成的快速扩张的生态系统,还有很多工作要做。我们正处于设计 Worldcoin 长期治理战略、赠款计划和合作伙伴关系路线图的早期阶段。我们致力于以可信中立20 为关键指导原则建立这些机制。

There are still many challenges left, and we will continue our research on many of them, such as blockchain scalability, digital identity, and pseudonymous economies.


On a final note, while we are deeply committed to giving Worldcoin to everyone on Earth, legal uncertainty in some places means we will not deploy Orbs in these countries right away. That said, we will continue to explore ways to make this possible, including pushing for clearer rules, so that we can give Worldcoin to everyone, regardless of who they are or where they are from.

最后一点,虽然我们坚定地致力于将 Worldcoin 提供给地球上的每个人,但某些地方的法律不确定性意味着我们不会立即在这些国家部署 Orbs。也就是说,我们将继续探索使这成为可能的方法,包括推动更明确的规则,以便我们能将 Worldcoin 提供给所有人,无论他们是谁或来自哪里。

Join us and let’s build together!


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要及时了解 Worldcoin 的所有信息,请订阅

参考文献 (References)

  1. Measuring Global Crypto Users
  2. An Internet for Humans: Proof-of-Personhood Explained
  3. Who Watches the Watchmen? A Review of Subjective Approaches for Sybil-resistance in Proof of Personhood Protocols
  4. Hard Problems in Cryptocurrency: Five Years Later
  5. Digital identification: A key to inclusive growth
  6. Counting the uncounted: 1.1 billion people without IDs
  7. CAPTCHA: Using Hard AI Problems For Security
  8. Using Human Cognitive Limitations to Enable New Systems
  9. Proof of Humanity
  10. BrightID
  11. Theoretical
  12. Birthday problem
  13. Probing the Uniqueness and Randomness of IrisCodes: Results From 200 Billion Iris Pair Comparisons
  14. ISO/IEC 29794-6:2015
  15. How iris recognition works
  16. Roll_up / roll_back snark side chain ~17000 tps
  17. Minimal Viable Merged Consensus
  18. Hubble
  19. Semaphore
  20. Credible Neutrality As A Guiding Principle

作者 (Authors)

Akarsh Sanghi, Alex Blania, Christian Brendel, Chris Waclawek, Dan Girshovich, Luis Wenus, Misha Wilcockson, Philipp Sippl, Philipp Strack, Remco Bloemen, Sam Altman, Sandro Herbig, Shravan Nageswaran, Sven Seuken, Shuby Deshpande, Tiago Sada, and the rest of the Worldcoin Team

