SeiNetwork长推-20221004 (SeiNetwork twitter threads-20221004)


What does it mean to be optimized for #DeFI? Block times, finality, and latency are crucial when optimizing for financial applications. Sei optimizes for these from the ground up. A thread on why Sei gives #DeFI an unfair advantage

针对 #DeFI 进行优化意味着什么?在优化金融应用时,出块时间、最终性和延迟至关重要。 Sei 从头开始优化这些。这是关于 Sei 为何给予 #DeFI 无与伦比优势的主题(长推)

Short block times mean small price changes between blocks, tighter spreads, and less risk to MMs. Large block times are impractical for high-frequency finance. A standard #Cosmos L1 has ~6s block times which makes orderbooks suboptimal. However, Sei is different.

较短的区块时间意味着区块之间的价格变化较小,买卖点差较小,并且对做市商的风险较小。冗长的区块时间对于高频金融来说是不切实际的。标准的 #Cosmos L1 有大约 6 秒的阻塞时间,这使得订单簿不是最理想的。然而,Sei不一样。

Sei focuses on making changes to overload consensus to make it as fast as possible (~300-600ms). The three biggest areas of focus are to foster the best environment for DeFi: optimistic block processing intelligent block propagation parallel order execution

Sei 专注于对重载共识进行更改,以使其尽可能快(~300-600ms)。有三大重点领域为 DeFi 营造最佳环境:乐观区块处理 智能区块传播 并行订单执行。

Sei does this by leveraging ABCI++. ABCI++ adds programmability to every step of consensus, allowing applications to reorder, modify, drop, delay, or add transactions, and speed up block times by introducing the ability to optimistically process blocks.

Sei 通过利用 ABCI++ 来做到这一点。 ABCI++ 为共识的每一步增加了可编程性,允许应用重新排序、修改、删除、延迟或添加交易,并通过引入乐观处理区块的能力来加快出块时间。


By optimistically processing the state changes, Sei speeds up block times and reduces latency. Allowing validators to construct blocks locally rather than waiting to receive block chunks over the network, leading to blocks finalizing faster.

通过乐观地处理状态变化,Sei 加快了出块时间并减少了延迟。允许验证者在本地构建区块,而不是等待通过网络接收,从而更快地完成区块。

To learn more about Twin-Turbo Consensus, check out the #Cosmoverse talk by @jayendra_jog
要了解有关 Twin-Turbo(双生涡轮) 共识的更多信息,请查看 @jayendra_jog#Cosmoverse 谈话

In addition to Twin Turbo Consensus, Sei implements parallel order execution and is able to see 75-90% reductions in block times.

除了Twin-Turbo(双生涡轮) 共识之外,Sei 还实现了并行订单执行,并且能够实现 75-90% 的区块时间减少。


Sei has also added: native price oracle:
Sei 还添加了:

  • oracle built into the base layer

  • single block order execution

  • order bundling: updating prices on multiple markets in 1 tx

  • frequent batch auctioning: aggregating orders at the end of the block to clear at a single price

To learn more about how Sei creates an environment custom-built for #DEX applications in-depth check out our GitBook:…

要深入了解 Sei 如何为 #DEX 应用程序创建定制环境的更多信息,请查看我们的 GitBook:https://docs.…

Huge shoutout to the@Delphi_Digital

@Delphi_Digital 大声感谢!

team for writing in-depth research about Sei! Read the full report here

撰写有关 Sei 的深入研究的团队!在此处阅读完整报告
