简介 (Introduction)
Let’s be upfront: archiving is not a hot topic. It’s not your go-to dinner table chat. And it’s not what most people think of when it comes to cutting edge tech and the blockchain space.
But in this article I’m going to show you how web3 technology, specifically Akord and Arweave, are completely reimagining what an archive can do and how it can be experienced. It’s actually pretty exciting, and I’ll prove it.
但在这篇文章中,我将向您展示 web3 技术,特别是 Akord 和 Arweave,如何完全重新构想存档的功能以及体验方式。这实际上非常令人兴奋,我会证明这一点。
The web3 archive has 11 fundamental properties which we’ll explore in this article: permanent, sustainable, decentralised, immutable, self-sovereign, secure, accessible, cost-efficient, scalable, collaborative and user-friendly.
web3 存档有 11 个基本属性,我们将在本文中探讨这些属性:永久、可持续、去中心化、不可变、自主、安全、可访问、成本高效、可扩展、协作和用户友好。
永久和可持续 (Permanent and sustainable)
Longevity is the key component in an archive. The more resilient and the longer an archive survives, the better.
When we stored information on clay tablets and papyrus as mediums for storing data, they were not particularly permanent for obvious reasons.
The printing press and computer technology represented massive leaps forward, increasing the degree of permanence to an archive by orders of magnitude.
Still, an archive without a shelf life and that didn't need constant maintenance has remained (until now) out of reach.
Current mainstream archiving solutions use either tape or centralised cloud-storage technology. Tapes have a 20–30 year lifespan, but the technology to manage them lasts ~10 years.
当前的主流存档解决方案使用磁带 或中心化云存储技术。磁带的使用寿命为 20-30 年,但管理它们的技术可持续约 10 年。
Centralised cloud storage depends on third party providers and managing monthly payments and complex contracts. Who knows if Google Cloud will exist in 30 years? Will you still want to pay their prices or agree to their terms next year, in 5 years, or 10?
中心化云存储依赖于第三方提供商并需要管理每月付款和复杂的合同。谁知道谷歌云是否会在 30 年后存在?明年、5 年或 10 年后,您是否仍愿意支付他们的价格或同意其条款?
Arweave delivers permanent, user-owned data through a decentralised network, like Bitcoin, and uses a blockchain consensus mechanism called the blockweave.
Arweave 使用称为 blockweave 的机制,通过去中心化网络(如比特币)提供永久的、用户拥有的数据。
When you upload to Arweave, you pay once. And never again. That payment goes into an endowment that can pay for your data’s perpetual storage, because the cost of storage decreases in a predictable fashion over time.
当您上传到 Arweave 时,您只需支付一次。再也不会了。这笔款项将进入一项捐赠基金,该基金可以支付您数据的永久存储费用,因为存储成本会随着时间的推移以可预测的方式降低。

日期与 $/GB 小时对数刻度,1980 年至今。资料来源:arwiki.wiki (Date vs $/GB-hour logarithmic scale, 1980 - present. Source: arwiki.wiki)
The network incentivises miners to store all data uploaded to Arweave, and the endowment is structured to be funded for at least 200 years. Critically, for archives, this permanence means an end to data migrations, which are costly, time consuming and open the door to human error and data loss.
该网络激励矿工存储所有上传到 Arweave 的数据,并且该捐赠基金的结构是至少资助 200 年。至关重要的是,对于档案来说,这种永久性意味着数据迁移的结束,数据迁移既昂贵又耗时,并且容易导致人为错误和数据丢失。
While the traditional data storage industry is scheming at the theoretical level about the anatomy of the 100 year archive, Arweave has 2x that ambition and realised the infrastructure with a sustainable model that will keep running without centralised control and maintenance.
当传统的数据存储行业在理论层面策划 100 年档案的解剖 时,Arweave 有 2 倍的雄心,并实现了基础设施一种无需集中控制和维护即可持续运行的可持续模型。

尝试使用硬件和 web2 技术构建长期归档解决方案。来源:地平线 (An attempt to architect long-term archiving solution using hardware and web2 technology. Source: Horison)
These traditional models at long-term storage attempt to spread data across different geographical locations to increase resiliency. Arweave already has hundreds of nodes spread across the globe, making it an inherently more resilient network for long-term data storage.
这些长期存储的传统模型试图将数据分布在不同的地理位置来提高弹性/适应性。 Arweave 已经在全球范围内拥有数百个节点,这使其成为一个本质上更具弹性的长期数据存储网络。
In 2022, Arweave upgraded the protocol to version 2.6, declaring that work on the protocol is for the most part finished. Using Bitcoin as a parallel, a blockchain protocol does not unlock its full value until it is stable – a prerequisite for businesses and organisations to confidently build on the network.
2022 年,Arweave 将协议升级到 2.6 版本,宣布协议的大部分工作已经完成。以比特币为例,区块链协议在稳定之前不会释放其全部价值—这是企业和组织自信地在网络上构建的先决条件。
But unlike Bitcoin, Arweave is an incredibly energy efficient network. In the words of founder Sam Williams, “it’s all about more data, less energy.” Arweave has a Proof of Access consensus mechanism, described as Proof of Work (Eg, Bitcoin) security, with Proof of Stake (Eg, Ethereum) efficiency.
但与比特币不同的是,Arweave 是一个非常节能的网络。 用创始人 Sam Williams 的话说,“一切都是为了更多的数据,更少的能源。” Arweave 具有访问证明共识机制,被描述为工作证明(例如,比特币)安全性,具有股权证明(例如,以太坊)效率。
According to Williams, The system uses ~800 SHA256 hashes per node, per second. For context, a macbook uses 8-10million hashes per second. Further, as the blockweave expands in size, the amount of electricity used in the mining process decreases.
根据 Williams 的说法,系统每秒每个节点使用约 800 个 SHA256 哈希值。具体来说,macbook 每秒使用 8-1000 万个哈希。此外,随着 blockweave 尺寸的扩大,挖矿过程中使用的电量会减少。
The permanent storage that Arweave offers is zero-to-one, meaning this a completely new technological offering; a new paradigm that has been unlocked. It's why companies like Meta have decided to use Arweave to store certain types of data that have indefinite storage needs, because no other solution can offer them truly permanent storage.
Arweave 提供的永久存储是从0到1的,这意味着这是一项全新的技术产品;一个已经解锁的新范例。这就是为什么 Meta 等公司决定使用 Arweave 来存储某些类型的,具有无限存储空间的数据需要,因为没有其他解决方案可以为它们提供真正的永久存储。
去中心化和不可变的 (Decentralised and immutable)
Arweave is a decentralised network, which means that no central authority controls or owns the data on the network. The contracts that govern the dynamics between the network and its participants are in open-source code, making their integrity independently verifiable.
Arweave 是一个去中心化的网络,这意味着没有中心化机构控制或拥有网络上的数据。管理网络及其参与者之间动态的合约采用开源代码,使其完整性可以独立验证。
Because the network is permanent and decentralised, it means the data is immutable and its integrity is guaranteed.
One of the core challenges facing modern archiving is to ensure that digital objects remain unaltered while stored in an archive. When a physical object is tampered with it will often present obvious clues, but this is not so with digital objects that are by their nature designed to be easily edited or overwritten.
Arweave and Akord solves this problem out-the-box. On the Arweave blockchain, every upload will forever be recorded, and stored, unaltered. And in every digital vault in Akord you can easily view a complete immutable timeline of events, where every action in the vault (a file uploaded, moved, renamed, a folder created, a message sent, and so on) can be located and is timestamped on-chain.
Arweave 和 Akord 开箱即用地解决了这个问题。在 Arweave 区块链上,每次上传都将被永久记录和存储,不会被更改。在 Akord 的每个数字保管库中,您都可以轻松查看完整的不可变事件时间表,其中可以找到保险库中的每个操作(文件上传、移动、重命名、创建文件夹、发送消息等)并且是链上时间戳。
Anything in an Akord archive can be objectively proven and verified as being the original at any point in the future.
Akord 存档中的任何内容都可以在未来的任何时候被客观地证明和验证为原件。
自主 (Self-sovereign)
When data is permanent, decentralised and immutable, it follows that it will be self-sovereign, or ‘user-owned’.
If you’re archiving data with Microsoft Azure or Amazon S3 Glacier, you are effectively renting access to that data.
如果您使用 Microsoft Azure 或 Amazon S3 Glacier 存档数据,您实际上是在租用该数据的访问权限。
If you stop paying, you don’t get access and your data will be deleted. Considering that it can take up to two years to plan and execute a data migration, many archives are essentially at the mercy of their data landlords.
The web3 archive empowers businesses and organisations with ownership of the most valuable resource they possess – their data.
web3 存档使企业和组织能够拥有他们拥有的最有价值的资源——他们的数据。
True ownership is a fundamental pre-requisite to permanent or perpetual storage – if you don’t own your data in a very tangible way, then you will forever be at the mercy of myriad external factors that will be out of your control.
安全 (Secure)
The web3 archive can be public or private. If you choose to encrypt all your data, then it can be secure in the areas that traditional cloud storage services, like Amazon S3 Glacier, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, are famously prone to attack.
web3 存档可以是公共的也可以是私密的。如果您选择加密所有数据,那么在传统云存储服务(如 Amazon S3 Glacier、Microsoft Azure 和谷歌云)容易受到攻击的领域,数据可以是安全的。
The encryption keys for these services are held on centralised databases vulnerable to being hacked or leaked through human error, which often results in terrabytes of data and hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of user records being exposed.
但如果这些服务的加密密钥保存在易受黑客攻击或 通过人为错误[泄露](https://firewalltimes. com/microsoft-data-breach-timeline/),这通常会导致数 TB 的数据和数十万甚至数百万的用户记录被暴露。
With Akord, our encryption is quantum resistant and end to end. Most importantly, you own the keys to that encryption. We can’t see your data, ever. There are no backdoors. This level of privacy hands you the control and ownership over your digital assets, eliminating the need to trust third parties to properly protect your data.
使用 Akord,我们的加密是抗量子的并且是端到端的。最重要的是,您拥有该加密的密钥。我们永远看不到您的数据。没有后门。这种级别的隐私让您可以控制和拥有您的数字资产,无需信任第三方来妥善保护您的数据。
Decentralised storage is also resistant to ransomware attacks by the very nature of its architecture. As data is spread across hundreds or even thousands of nodes across the globe, hackers would have to attack all nodes simultaneously in order to steal and hold data to ransom.
In The State of Ransomware 2021 report by Sophos, 37% of respondents’ organizations were hit by ransomware that year, and of those over half said the cybercriminals were successful. The average bill for rectifying a ransomware attack, considering downtime, people time, device cost, network cost, lost opportunity, ransom paid etc was US$1.85 million.
在 2021 年勒索软件状况 Sophos 的报告中,37% 的受访者的组织在那一年受到了勒索软件的攻击,其中超过一半的人表示网络犯罪分子得逞了。考虑到停机时间、人员时间、设备成本、网络成本、失去的机会、支付的赎金等,纠正勒索软件攻击的平均费用为 185 万美元。
Cloud services try to protect against ransomware through measures that further lock down the data and tighten access control, with the consequence that data becomes much less readily accessible.
可访问 (Accessible)
Archiving is a serious, meticulously undertaken process with a long history. But the idea around what is involved in this process is changing with the possibilities of digital technology and the interactivity that web2 has ushered in.
存档是一个严肃、精心进行的过程,历史悠久。但是随着数字技术的可能性和 web2 引入的交互性,围绕这个过程所涉及的内容的想法正在发生变化。
Archiving used to be characterised with a file-it-and-forget-it mentality. The focus and majority of work was centred on the initial archiving away of data. Physical archives have been passive and static, difficult to access due to a fixed geographic location.
But digital archives don’t have these physical restrictions; they have collapsed space, requiring only an internet connection, in theory. Digital technology and user-friendly apps have opened up the idea that archives don’t necessarily need to be passive; they can be active, living and breathing tools, where their intrinsic value can be more readily accessed and used by many people, not just a few gatekeepers.
But web2 has failed to deliver on this potential. The big cloud services offer special archiving tiers for their storage, but this data can take up to 48 hours to retrieve and cost you money to do so.
但是 web2 未能发挥这种潜力。大型云服务为其存储提供特殊的存档层,但这些数据可能需要长达 48 小时才能检索,而且这样做会花费你很多钱。
These services are so complex to manage, that centralised cloud archiving has become the domain of IT departments or specialist contractors, locking out or creating huge barriers of entry for a company, organisation or public at large.
这些服务管理起来非常复杂,以至于集中式云存档已成为 IT 部门或专业承包商的领域,将公司、组织或广大公众拒之门外或设置巨大的进入壁垒。
经济高效且可扩展 (Cost-efficient and scalable)
Archives, ideally, last for a long time. A very long time. There are many areas of archiving where storing data “forever” is mission critical: social and cultural, media and entertainment, science and research, to name the obvious.
With this long-term view in mind, it’s worth thinking about your archival solution’s cost over decades, not years.
“Total cost of ownership”, or TCO, is a phrase used to define the lifetime cost of buying an asset. In the case of data storage, to define the TCO we need to know how long we want to store the data for. With cloud storage solutions, it is impossible to define the total cost of ownership if you pay monthly for storage, and have an indefinite retention period for that data. Also, as discussed previously, even if you did have a fixed period of time in mind, you would never truly own that data.
“总拥有成本”或 TCO ,是用于定义购买资产的生命周期成本的短语。在数据存储的情况下,要定义 TCO,我们需要知道希望将数据存储多长时间。使用云存储解决方案,如果您按月支付存储费用,并且数据的保留期限不确定,则无法定义总拥有成本。此外,如前所述,即使您确实有一个固定的时间段,您也永远不会真正拥有该数据。
With Akord and Arweave, TCO is effectively known on day 1. That’s because you pay upfront for storage and never again. And you control the data, not a centralised third party.
借助 Akord 和 Arweave,TCO 在第一天就有效地为人所知。那是因为您预先支付了存储费用,以后再也不会了。并且您控制数据,而不是中心化的第三方。
This means you pay what may feel like a premium to start your archive, but after a decade you've already started paying more with monthly payments on a traditional cloud service. That doesn't even take into consideration all the costs associated with managing that service and inevitable data migrations as services change terms and prices. After 20 years the difference is stark.
这意味着您可能会为开始存档支付额外费用,但十年后您已经开始在传统云服务上每月支付更多费用。这甚至没有考虑到与管理该服务相关的所有成本,以及随着服务条款和价格的变化而不可避免的数据迁移。 20 年后,差别就很明显了。
不包括出口或合同管理成本。(Doesn’t include egress or contract management costs.)
With a service like Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud, the cumulative cost of every GB of data stored never stops going up over time. And the more data you add to the archive, the more you compound the effect, spiralling the cost of your archive over the years.
使用 Microsoft Azure 或 Google Cloud 等服务,存储每 GB 数据的累积成本永远不会随着时间的推移而停止上升。添加到存档中的数据越多,效果就越复杂,多年来存档的成本呈螺旋式上升。
不包括出口或合同管理成本。假设固定的相对定价。(Doesn’t include egress or contract management costs. Assumes fixed relative pricing.)
This is why Akord is a truly scalable archiving solution, especially for organisations that are continually archiving more and more data. Many archives are funded through unpredictable sources – grants, public funding, private donations from patrons. You can't scale an archive when you're beholden to gatekeepers whose continued support cannot be counted on.
这就是 Akord 是真正可扩展的存档解决方案的原因,特别是对于不断归档越来越多数据的组织而言。许多档案馆的资金来自不可预测的来源——赠款、公共资金、赞助人的私人捐赠。当您受制于无法指望持续支持的看门人时,您无法扩展档案。
Without knowing the TCO for the data in an archive it’s difficult to scale an archive without potentially risking its very existence by arriving at some point in the future where the business or organisation can no longer afford its maintenance.
在不知道存档中数据的 TCO 的情况下,很难在不冒着潜在风险的情况下扩展存档,因为在未来的某个时间点,企业或组织将无法再承担其维护费用。
What's more, the Arweave protocol itself is designed to be scalable. As the Arweave team themselves explain:
更重要的是,Arweave 协议本身被设计成可扩展的。正如 Arweave 团队自己解释的那样:
The blockweave is… designed to enable scalable on-chain storage in a cost efficient manner for the first time. As the amount of data stored in the system increases, the amount of hashing needed for consensus decreases, thus reducing the cost to store data.
Blockweave 旨在首次以经济高效的方式实现可扩展的链上存储。随着系统中存储的数据量增加,达成共识所需的哈希量减少,从而降低存储数据的成本。
-What is Arweave? Explain Like I’m Five, Arweave Team
Pay once, store forever. This is the only way an archive can confidently scale.
协作和用户友好 (Collaborative and user-friendly)
Akord’s vaults are beautifully designed, interactive and collaborative.
Akord 的保管库设计精美、互动和协作。
You can invite other team members and set access-level rights, send them messages and receive notifications informing you of activity in the vault.

Managing the data in a vault can be handled through our Command Line Interface and developer tools, or through our web app. Akord, and specifically the web app, is designed to remove all the normal web3 barriers: you don’t need tokens or third party crypto wallets – create your Akord wallet on signup in a few clicks and pay for storage with your credit card. We work with organisations or businesses who are working with large amounts of data to buy storage on the network at a competitive price.
可以通过我们的命令行界面和开发人员工具,或通过我们的网络应用,来管理保险库中的数据。 Akord,特别是网络应用,旨在消除所有一般性 web3 障碍:您不需要代币或第三方加密钱包——只需点击几下即可在注册时创建您的 Akord 钱包,并使用您的信用卡支付存储费用。我们与处理大量数据的组织或企业合作,以具有竞争力的价格购买网络存储。
The Akord app works just as well on your mobile as it does on your desktop. We’ve focused on making the overall user experience feel intuitive and straightforward, taking the best of web2 app experiences and combining that with web3 technology under the hood.
Akord 应用在您的手机上和在桌面上一样好用。我们专注于让所有用户体验感觉直观和直接,充分利用 web2 应用体验并将其与 web3 技术相结合。
With the web3 archive anyone in your team, regardless of their technical skills, can easily access and contribute to the archive.
使用 web3 存档,您团队中的任何人,无论他们的技术技能如何,都可以轻松访问存档并为存档做出贡献。
Akord’s versatile media viewer is particularly powerful for public archives, where sharing and presenting digital objects in an accessible way to the public is a priority.
Akord 的多功能媒体查看器对于公共档案馆特别强大,其中优先考虑以一种可访问的方式向公众共享和展示数字对象。
Our media viewer supports many file and image formats as well as video and audio. You can switch between focusing on single image at a time or a gallery mode, zoom in on images and PDFs, flick through the pages of a PDF document, change between light and dark mode, and print directly from the media viewer.
我们的媒体查看器支持多种文件和图像格式以及视频和音频。您可以在一次聚焦于单个图像或图库模式之间切换、放大图像和 PDF、轻拂 PDF 文档的页面、在明暗模式之间切换以及直接从媒体查看器打印。
支持最重要的档案 (Supporting archives that matter most)
Archives no longer need to be hidden away. They can be accessed instantly by anyone in your organisation, or with anyone across the globe if that’s what you want.
We believe that a great archive needs a great experience. If your data is valuable enough to be stored forever, then you should do it the justice of being easily accessed and presented in the best possible light.
The tools we have are just the beginning. We’re constantly working on improving the Akord experience, and we have exciting new features in our roadmap for 2023 to further elevate your web3 archives.
我们拥有的工具仅仅是个开始。我们一直致力于改善 Akord 体验,我们在 2023 年的路线图中拥有令人兴奋的新功能,以进一步提升您的 web3 档案。
If you’re archiving data that is valuable for the social good, preserving what matters most to humanity, then you may be eligible for specialist support and even storage grants for you project. Please reach out and let me know more about your work.
如果您要归档对社会有益的数据,保存对人类最重要的数据,那么您可能有资格获得专家支持,甚至为您的项目提供存储补助。 请联系 我们让我们知道更多关于你的工作。