原文(original) : https://akord.com/blog/why-web3-storage-matters
I’m sure you’ve used cloud services such as Google Drive and OneDrive?
These services are helpful to store and share your data with friends and family… until they are not. Users store their data on these cloud services, assuming it will not disappear.
我相信您肯定使用过 Google Drive 和 OneDrive 等云服务。
However, most web2 services are controlled by a single company; so, if one day, they decide to close down a service or the company itself, it means that users would lose access to their data.
Conversely, a Web3 service like Akord is decentralized, meaning that no single party can prevent you from accessing your data, ever. Akord’s digital vaults allow you to save your data securely, forever. With the “Pay once, store forever” model, you never need to look back. So, how does this all work? First, let’s understand what Web3 is. Or actually, what Web2 is. Let’s even start with Web 1.0 and have an initial overview of what the internet was back in the day.
但是,大多数 web2 服务都由一家公司控制;因此,如果有一天,他们决定关闭一项服务或公司本身,这意味着用户将无法访问他们的数据。
相反,像 Akord 这样的 Web3 服务是去中心化的,这意味着任何一方都无法阻止您访问自己的数据。 Akord 的数字保险库可让您永久安全地保存数据。使用“一次付款,永久存储”模式,您无需反复付费。那么,这一切是如何运作的呢?首先,让我们了解 Web3 是什么。或者实际上,Web2 是什么。甚至让我们从 Web 1.0 开始,初步了解一下互联网在当时的情况。
Between the years 1990 and 2000, the internet was mostly a bunch of static web pages, meaning that whenever you loaded them, they would just show some content on your screen, and that was it. This is often referred to as “read-only” content. At the time, there were not any interactions between the user and the website. No logging in, no posting comments, no uploading photos. In addition to that, most of the early internet wasn’t profitable because it was mostly just like one big Wikipedia with everything hyperlinked together and no ads.
在 1990 年到 2000 年之间,互联网主要是一堆静态网页,这意味着每当你加载它们时,它们只会在屏幕上显示一些内容,仅此而已。通常这被称为“只读”内容。当时,用户和网站之间没有任何互动。无法登录,无法发表评论,无法上传照片。除此之外,大多数早期的互联网都没有盈利,因为它就像一个大维基百科,所有内容都超链接在一起,没有广告。
Of course, things did improve. First, it became possible to add images and even animations. However, at that time, users went to the internet to consume information. Around 2000, Web2.0 arrived, and the Internet bubble. The main differentiator was that the web became more and more interactive. People could use the Internet for everything: buying products online, chatting with friends and family, booking hotels and restaurants, you name it.
当然,情况确实有所改善。首先,可以添加图像甚至动画。然而,当时用户上网是为了消费信息。 2000 年左右,Web2.0 和互联网泡沫到来。主要区别在于网络变得越来越互动。人们可以在任何事情上使用互联网:在线购买产品、与朋友和家人聊天、预订酒店和餐馆,应有尽有。
However, the way that companies were monetizing their services evolved rapidly.
Companies were striving to collect more and more data about users. Initially, it was simply to customize the products they were offering. Then, it was to customize the ads users were seeing. Eventually, data even ended up being sold to other companies.
然而,公司将其服务货币化的方式发展迅速。 公司在努力收集越来越多的用户数据。最初,它只是为了定制提供的产品。然后是定制用户看到的广告。最终,数据甚至被卖给了其他公司。
Although some Web 2.0 companies have slowly started to take privacy more seriously, their business model makes it impossible to do so. Indeed, most Web 2.0 companies live primarily out of advertising and have to collect vast amounts of data from users to increase their revenues.
One of the main issues with Web 2.0 is that these companies ended up having too much power, to a point where it is now impossible to navigate the web without being permanently tracked by one of the large tech companies. In some way, this can be seen as an extreme centralization of the Internet.
尽管一些 Web 2.0 公司已经慢慢开始更加认真地对待隐私,但他们的商业模式使得它们无法真正这样做。事实上,大多数 Web 2.0 公司主要靠广告为生,所以必须从用户那里收集大量数据才能增加收入。
Web 2.0 的主要问题之一是这些公司最终拥有了太多的权力,以至于现在如果不被一个大型科技公司永久跟踪,就无法浏览网络。在某种程度上,这可以被视为互联网的极端中心化。
This is where Web3 comes in. Gavin Wood, who coined the term Web3, defines it as follows:
这就是 Web3 的用武之地。创造 Web3 一词的 Gavin Wood 将其定义如下:
Web 3.0 is an inclusive set of protocols to provide building blocks for application makers. These building blocks take the place of traditional web technologies… but present a whole new way of creating applications
Web 3.0 是一组包容性协议,为应用制造商提供构建模块。这些构建模块取代了传统的 Web 技术……但提供了一种创建应用的全新方式
The main vision of Web3 is that the web should be decentralized and that companies and content creators should be able to monetize their services directly rather than by leveraging users' data for this purpose.
Web3 的主要愿景是网络应该是去中心化的,公司和内容创作者应该能够直接通过他们的服务获利,而不是为此目的利用用户数据。
However, only decentralizing payments does not solve the issue fully. If the data is still centrally owned by large companies, we are back at square zero. This is where Akord comes in. Akord allows users to store their data permanently and privately. This means that only the user who uploaded the data can access it and that nobody can ever prevent the user from accessing his data. To achieve this, Akord leverages a blockchain called Arweave, whose goal is to store data permanently.
然而,仅仅去中心化支付并不能完全解决问题。如果数据仍然由大公司集中拥有,我们又回到了原点。这就是 Akord 的用武之地。 Akord 允许用户永久且私密地存储他们的数据。这意味着只有上传数据的用户才能访问它,并且没有人可以阻止用户访问他的数据。为了实现这一点,Akord 利用了一个名为 Arweave 的区块链,其目标是永久存储数据。
Arweave is a blockchain where all the participants running the network have to periodically prove that they are currently storing all data. In exchange for this service, these participants receive rewards paid in the network cryptocurrency $AR. This incentive is distributed not only when storing the data, but also in the form of an endowment to incentivize these providers to store data in the long term and to pay for their costs. All the data on the Arweave blockchain is unencrypted, which works well for public content but not for personal, private data.
Arweave 是一个区块链,运行网络的所有参与者都必须定期证明他们当前正在存储所有数据。作为这项服务的交换,这些参与者将获得以网络加密货币 $AR 支付的奖励。这种激励不仅在存储数据时分配,而且还会有捐赠来激励这些提供者长期存储数据并支付他们的成本。 Arweave 区块链上的所有数据都是未加密的,这适用于公共内容,但不适用于个人、私人数据。
Arweave's "Proof of Access" (PoA) is a simple extension of PoW. Each PoW puzzle round is related to a block from the past (a recall block), and only miners who have stored the selected recall block are eligible to participate in the PoW competition. Since recall blocks are randomly determined and cannot be predicted in advance, the more blocks a miner stores, the higher the chance of participating in the PoW competition and the higher the probability of getting a block reward. If a miner has limited storage space to save the entire block history, he will prioritize the blocks that have fewer copies in the network. Because each block has an equal probability of being selected as a recall block, when a scarce block is selected as a recall block, only a few miners are eligible to participate in the PoW contest, so it is more beneficial for miners to store scarce blocks. This ensures that scarce data is also stored by miners.
Arweave 的“访问证明”(PoA)是 PoW 的简单扩展。每轮 PoW 拼图都与过去的一个区块(召回区块)相关,只有存储了所选召回区块的矿工才有资格参加 PoW 竞赛。由于召回区块是随机确定的,无法提前预测,因此矿工存储的区块越多,参与 PoW 竞赛的机会就越高,获得区块奖励的概率就越高。如果矿工存储整个区块历史的存储空间有限,他将优先考虑网络中副本较少的区块。因为每个区块被选为召回块的概率相等,所以当一个稀缺块被选为召回块时,只有少数矿工有资格参加 PoW 竞赛,因此矿工存储稀缺块更有利。这确保了稀缺数据也由矿工存储。
Unlike other centralized or decentralized storage solutions, Arweave makes data persistent and reliable. As of today, several NFT markets or organizations have adopted Arweave as a solution, such as Mintbase, Avastars.io, and so forth.
与其他集中式或分散式存储解决方案不同,Arweave 使数据持久可靠。时至今日,已有多个 NFT 市场或组织采用 Arweave 作为解决方案,例如 Mintbase、Avastars.io 等。
However, all the data on Arweave is public by default, meaning that it is not appropriate to store any sort of private data.
Akord provides a missing privacy layer. When a user uploads data through Akord, the data is encrypted and can only be decrypted by the user himself/herself or other users with whom the data has been shared. The encrypted data is then uploaded to Arweave to be stored forever. This altogether provides the next level of security and resilience for storing data.
但是,默认情况下,Arweave 上的所有数据都是公开的,这意味着不适合存储任何类型的私有数据。
Akord 提供了一个缺失的隐私层。当用户通过 Akord 上传数据时,数据是加密的,只能由用户本人或共享数据的其他用户解密。然后将加密的数据上传到 Arweave 永久存储。这为完全存储数据提供了更高级别的安全性和弹性。
Akord also inherits this feature as the upper layer application of Arweave network, whether it is family group photos, songs of favorite bands, or NFT metadata, Akord is able to store them permanently.
So, if you have data you truly care about, start using Akord today. Sign up and get started with 500MB for free: https://app.akord.com/signup
Akord 作为 Arweave 网络的上层应用也继承了这一特性,无论是家庭合影、喜欢的乐队的歌曲,还是 NFT 元数据,Akord 都能永久存储。
因此,如果您有真正关心的数据,请立即开始使用 Akord。注册并开始使用500MB 的免费空间 :https://app.akord.com/signup