Dear Spacemesh Community Member:

Thank you so much for your support and generous patience for Spacemesh project. For those who haven't been following us more closely, Spacemesh is a layer one protocol that we began working on five years ago, with a daunting task: To invent a radically different approach to L1 blockchain protocols, focused on the qualitative aspect of permissionless decentralization.
十分感谢您对 Spacemesh 项目的支持和慷慨的耐心。为那些还没有更密切关注我们的人来简单概括一下,Spacemesh 是我们五年前开始研究的一个协议,其任务则十分艰巨:为 L1 区块链协议发明一种完全不同的方法,专注可以产生质变的,无许可(permissionless)的去中心化。
Early on the Spacemesh formation process, it became evident to us the Value of Fairness constitutes the domain of Money and that most fair money-system is bound to be rationally chosen by free people. And then disrupted by even more fair money etc. The better given money-system (or cryptocurrency) can protect itself from the interest of its rich minority, the better such system is positioned to sustain fairness, uphold people’s coins position, remain authentic to commons agenda, resisting degeneration longer into the future.
早在 Spacemesh 形成的初级阶段,我们就很清楚公平是货币的领域核心价值,最公平的货币体系必然是自由人的理性选择。然后(整个体系)又会接受更公平货币带来的(毁灭性创新)。给定的货币系统(或加密货币)越能保护自己免受少数富人的利益操控,那么系统就越能保持公平,维护人们代币上的(平等)地位,保持对公共议程的真实性,并在未来更长时间地抵抗退化。
As a result, Spacemesh decision process was guided by asking “what would fairness dictates”? Which turned out to be akin to asking how to remain Fair to Home Miners. What we are after is simple in promise but very hard to actualize: ensure that home mining is permanently fair, accessible, and permissionless. Such that powerful (perhaps adversarial) miners cannot receive a disproportionately high proportion of the rewards. A symptom we have seen unfold in other cryptocurrency
因此,Spacemesh 的决策过程以问“公平会怎么决定(怎么做才公平)?”为指导。结果类似于询问如何保持对 家庭矿工的公平。我们所追求的其实很简单,但很难实现: 确保家庭挖矿永久公平,可访问,和无许可**。如此一来,强大的(也许是敌对性的)矿工就无法获得不成比例的超额奖励。(这种超额奖励)是我们在其他加密货币中看到的一种病症。
Achieving lasting decentralized and permissionless infrastructure is anything but simple and not for the faint of heart. Just try to imagine any team busting for such a long time, under extreme uncertainty, as research flex and shuffle, with effectively no small victories for reassurance, our determination has been tested so many time. But thanks to durable convicted trust in Prof. Tal Moran, Dr. Iddo Bentov and rest of Spacemesh protocol research team, after 5 years and ~500,000 dev-hours, we are finally approaching the launch of our radically different vision for
实现持久的去中心化和无许可的基础设施绝非易事,也不适合脆弱的人。试想一下,任何一个团队在极度不确定的条件下坚持了如此长时间,随着研究的变化和洗牌,实际上一次次“积小胜为大捷”,这充分说明我们的决心已经接受住了重重考验。总之,由于对 Tal Moran 教授、Iddo Bentov 博士和 Spacemesh 协议研究团队其他成员的持久信任,经过 5 年约 500,000 个开发小时,我们终于接近推出我们(与别人)完全不同愿景的

Permissionless, Decentralized, Credibly-Neutral, Provenly-Secure and Fully Programmable Ledger

还缺失什么?(What’s Still Missing)
Our work is based on the premise that the “People’s Coin” ideal has not yet been achieved in existing PoW and PoS networks, as a result of failure to distribute assets (and power) among a wide enough population. To achieve this desired outcome we believe it is vital to always remain open for home-miners with commodity-grade equipment and average technical skills to join the network as mining full nodes. This will lead to a very long tail of one million home miners, which we envision to join in during first few years and never leave. This aspiration is baked deep into Spacemesh protocol construction and economics:
我们的工作基于这样一个前提:即由于未能在足够广泛的人群中分配资产(和权力),现有 PoW 和 PoS 网络尚未实现“人民代币”的理想。为了实现这一预期结果,我们认为,始终保持对拥有商品级设备和平均技术水平的家庭矿工,开放成为挖矿全节点来加入网络至关重要。这将导致 100 万长尾的家庭矿工:假设它们在最初的几年内加入,并且永远不会离开。这种愿望深深植根于 Spacemesh 协议的构建和经济学中:
While from a given cadence perspective, e.g. monthly, there will surly be month where rewards buying power wont redeem any operational cost of mining, if such exists. However, such monthly loss is, anyways, capped to difference in electricity cost for leaving PC on 24/7 and perhaps ‘alternative-cost’ on storage had you mined something else etc. roughly dozen dollars a month. Equilibrium under such economics, given sufficiently extended duration and coin price fluctuations etc., would reasonably favor home miners with near zero marginal cost.
虽然从给定的某种节奏来看,例如每月,如果存在的话,肯定会有月度奖励的购买力不会赎回任何采矿运营成本。但是,无论如何,这样,每月的损失仅限于 24/7 打开 PC 的电费差异,如果您每月还开采其他东西,还可能会产生存储的“替代成本”,大约每月十几美元。在这种经济学下,考虑到足够长的持续时间和代币价格波动等情况,均衡(Equilibrium)将合理地有利于边际成本接近零的家庭矿工。
This challenge, achieving this degree of decentralized block production, is HARD or, perhaps as Vitalik Buterinargues in Endgame, even impossible, but we beg to differ. One could say that the entire Spacemesh project and protocol is focused on disproving this hypothesis, and on proving that massively decentralized block production is not only possible but also profitable (for all miners) and sustainable. Our persistent efforts towards massively decentralized block production are either incredibly naïve (if we’re wrong) or incredibly innovative (if we’re right and able to offer a qualitatively different approach).
实现这种程度的去中心化区块生产是非常困哪的,或者可能是 [Vitalik Buterin](https://medium.com/u/587a00dbce51?source=post_page-----5bb168b1bf0a------ -------------------------) 在 Endgame 所说,甚至是不可能的,不过我们不敢苟同。可以说,整个 Spacemesh 项目和协议都专注于反驳这一假设,并证明大规模去中心化的区块生产不仅是可能的,而且是有利可图的(对所有矿工而言)和可持续的。我们对大规模去中心化区块生产的不懈努力要么是非常天真(如果我们错了),要么是非常创新(如果我们是对的并且能够提供一种不同的方法)。
Specifically, with respect to the environmental footprint, while a PoS blockchain is greenest, it is achieved with high cost to its “credible-neutrality.” In any case this “environmental friendliness” fails to factor in the negative externality associated with the inherent failure of PoS to distribute coins more widely, or the upfront cost associated with doing so in the case of, e.g., Ethereum’s PoW to PoS transition (and thus often smacks of greenwashing).
具体来说,就环境足迹而言,虽然 PoS 区块链是最环保的,但它的“可信中立”成本很高。在任何情况下,这种“环境友好性”都没有考虑到以下固有的负面外部性:PoS未能更广泛地分发代币,或者PoW 到 PoS 过渡这样做相关前期成本,例如以太坊(所以经常带有"漂绿"的味道)。
We believe the popularity of PoS must not lead to the conclusion that we can’t be kinder to the environment than Bitcoin without sacrificing “credible-neutrality”.
我们认为 PoS 的流行无法得出这样的结论,即我们不能在不牺牲“可信中立”的情况下比比特币更善待环境。

Spacemesh的方法 (The Spacemesh Way)
From the first week of December (in #18weeks) onward to posterity, there will exist something novel, a new open-sourced technological infrastructure in the commons/public domain, Spacemesh cryptocurrency. In which anyone with an ordinary, consumer-grade PC, free disk space and a decent internet connection (~1 billion people) can directly participate in its fair mining from home and at effectively zero capital cost. Spacemesh distribution model, we believe and will explain, cuts closer than ever before to the ideal of fair distribution:
从 12 月的第一周(第 18 周)值周,将会出现一些新的东西,一种在大众/公共领域的全新开源技术基础设施,即Spacemesh 加密货币。任何拥有普通消费级 PC、可用磁盘空间和良好互联网连接(约 10 亿人)的人都可以在家中直接参与其公平挖矿,而且资本成本实际上为零。我们相信并将解释 Spacemesh 的分配模型比以往任何时候都更接近公平分配的理想:
Magic Internet Money Anyone can Participate via Mining from Home
During the first year, no one (including the Spacemesh team, our investors, and exchanges) has any coins and the only way to get a coin is to mine one yourself; Even very wealthy parties can NOT buy liquid Smesh coins (until enough supply is gathered for trading on exchanges); This part is critical, since it ensure spacemesh team and investors etc. has NO control over who get to mine the coins.
第一年,没有任何人(包括 Spacemesh 团队、我们的投资者和交易所)拥有任何代币,获得代币的唯一方法是自己去挖;即使是非常富有的任也无法购买流动的 Smesh 代币(直到收集到足够的供应去交易所进行交易);这部分至关重要,因为它确保 spacemesh 团队和投资者等无法控制谁能开采代币。
Once joined, thanks to “cooperative” (non- rivalrous) mining process, all parties receive precisely same reward per unit of storage (e.g. GB), the cheaper the drive the most cost effective; This part is critical, to protect the interest of smaller miners.
一旦加入,由于“合作”(非竞争性)采矿过程,各方每单位存储(例如 GB)获得完全相同的奖励,驱动器越便宜,成本效益最高;这部分至关重要,可以用来保护小型矿工的利益。
Wallet & Mining Application (for MacOs, Windows and Linux that’s dead-simple to use, very basic “office level” skills will do the job. This part is critical, to allow more demographics (predominantly younger and less privileged) to join.
钱包和挖矿应用程序(对于 MacOs、Windows 和 Linux,使用起来非常简单,非常基本的“Office级别”技能就可以完成这项工作。这部分至关重要,可以让更多的人(主要是没什么特权的年轻人)加入。
To clarify: Spacemesh cannot guarantee that the revenues are greater than the expenses (if such exists), it depends on the total amount of storage committed to the network, and whether the system is attractive/popular so that the purchasing power of the rewards that miners collect is high enough.
澄清:Spacemesh 不能保证收入大于支出(如果存在的话),这取决于承诺给网络的存储总量,以及系统是否具有吸引力/受欢迎程度,从而让购买力矿工收集的奖励足够高。
Due to this being predominately psychology experiment, no certainty to be expected, yet it’s reasonable to expected for miner reward purchasing power, for base unit of storage, to remain very low. Thereby, shall you spend money to purchase anything to better mine Spacemesh you are unlikely to recoup the investment. And even more unlikely shall you endure reoccurring marginal cost operate home/cloud mega-miner.
由于这主要是心理学实验,因此没有定数,但可以合理地预期矿工奖励的购买力,对于基本存储单位,会保持非常低。因此,如果您花钱购买任何东西来更好地挖掘 Spacemesh,您不太可能收回投资。你更不可能忍受反复产生的边际成本运营家庭/云超级矿工。
After MAKING SURE that rewards likely be tiny, is well absorbed.
What’s novel however tiny the rewards would become, is that home miners using whatever they already have at home have the lowest marginal cost of mining (compared with home/cloud mega-miners) and are therefore likely to continue to mine profitably while industrial miners might drop.
全新的是,无论奖励会变得多么微小,家庭矿工使用他们在家中已有的任何东西都有最低的采矿边际成本 (与家庭/云超级矿工相比),因此可能会继续开采有利可图,而工业矿工可能会离开。
Such Setup represents, the very best team Spacemesh knows how to achieve, on the vector of optimal fair distribute of a digital asset to a very longtail of home miners, which is a brilliant starting point towards good, community-driven governance: it stands Spacemesh in good stead to protect the interests of small miners for a very long time.
这样的设置代表了 Spacemesh知道如何实现:最优最公平将数字资产分配给长尾家庭矿工。这是实现良好、社区驱动的治理的绝佳起点:它代表 Spacemesh在很长一段时间内致力于保护小矿工的利益。
Spacemesh Construction Highlights
A Novel Approach for Consensus in the Permissionless Setting, used for general purpose programmable Cryptocurrency:
Instead of the commonly used PoW or PoStake, Spacemesh uses PoST (Proofs of Space-Time) — “reusable” PoST allows miners to use disk space rather than CPU as the scarce resource, a far less energy-intensive alternative. Many home users already have large disks with plenty of empty space. For these users, the marginal cost of participating as a miner is extremely low, since instead of generating a new proof for every challenge, and the resulting electricity charges, Spacemesh miners reuse original proof continually, resulting in extremely low energy use and near-zero ongoing cost for operating a miner.
Spacemesh 没有使用常用的 PoW 或 PoStake,而是使用 PoST(Proofs of Space-Time,时空证明)——“可重用”PoST 允许矿工使用磁盘空间而不是 CPU 作为稀缺资源,这是一种能耗低得多的替代方案。许多家庭用户已经拥有带有大量空闲空间的大磁盘。对于这些用户而言,作为矿工参与的边际成本极低,因为 Spacemesh 矿工不会为每个挑战生成新的证明以及由此产生的电费,而是不断地重复使用原始证明,从而导致能耗极低且接近于零运营矿机的持续成本。
Rather than a Chain topology (i.e., a blockchain), Spacemesh uses a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), a.k.a. a “mesh”. Spacemesh miners generate multiple blocks in parallel — and they can all be “accepted” as valid blocks, avoiding lottery, allowing a very high transaction throughput, even in networks with high latency.
Spacemesh 不是 链 拓扑(即区块链),而是使用 DAG(有向无环图),也就是“网格”。 Spacemesh 矿工并行生成多个块——它们都可以被“接受”为有效块,避免了抽奖(获得产生区块的权力),从而允许非常高的交易吞吐量,即使在具有高延迟的网络中也是如此。
Additionally, rather than single-winner leader-election via Lottery (“Competitive Mining”) used by all Nakamoto based consensus, Spacemesh uses lottery-free non-competitive “leaderless” voting (“Collaborative Mining”). Spacemesh is designed to be a race-free protocol — honestly generated blocks always become valid, implying that a powerful (perhaps adversarial) miner cannot receive a disproportionately high portion of the rewards. This makes it much easier to prove the protocol is incentive-compatible.
此外,与所有基于中本聪的共识所,使用的通过 抽奖(“竞争性挖矿”)的单一获胜者领导者选举不同,Spacemesh 使用免抽奖的非竞争性“无领导者”投票(“协作挖矿”)。 Spacemesh 被设计成一个无种类的协议——诚实生成的块总是有效的,这意味着一个强大的(也许是敌对性的)矿工不能获得不成比例的超额奖励。这使得证明协议与激励兼容变得更加容易。
The Spacemesh protocol is highly robust. Like PoW and unlike PoStake Spacemesh can self-heal from an arbitrary violation of our security assumptions — even if the system is under continuous attack from an adversary controlling a constant fraction of the spacetime resources. That is, honest parties will converge to consensus from any initial condition, once the security assumptions are satisfied again. We believe this is an important measure of protocol robustness that has been largely ignored by previous work.
Spacemesh 协议非常稳健。与 PoW 和 PoStake 不同,Spacemesh 可以从任意违反我们的安全假设的情况下 自愈 ——即使系统受到控制一定比例时空资源的敌方持续攻击。也就是说,一旦再次满足安全假设,诚实的各方将从任何初始条件收敛到共识。我们认为这是衡量协议稳健性的一个重要指标,而以前的工作在很大程度上忽略了这一点。 -
We also prove that the Spacemesh protocol is secure as long as the adversary controls less than a 1/3 fraction of spacetime resources in the system, and under reasonable network synchrony assumptions (specifically, we assume that every message seen by an honest party at time t will be seen by All honest parties at time t+δ, where time is measured in “rounds”; for concreteness, one can think of δ as 30 seconds, but the exact number depends on empirically measured network latency. If the assumptions are temporarily violated (i.e., the network is asynchronous or the honest miners control less than a 2/3 fraction of spacetime), then the Spacemesh protocol will self-heal when these assumptions hold again: after the self-healing period (whose length depends on the duration and severity of the violations), the honest miners are guaranteed to be in consensus on the entire history. We give a rigorous security proof of the self-healing guarantee of Spacemesh.
我们还证明,Spacemesh协议是安全的,只要:敌方控制系统中不到 1/3 的时空资源,并且在合理的网络同步假设下(具体而言,我们假设每条信息都在时间t被一个诚实方看到,t+δ 后就会被所有诚实方看到,其中时间t以“轮数”来衡量;具体而言,可以将 δ 视为 30 秒,但确切的数字取决于经验测量的网络延迟。如果假设暂时违反(即网络是异步的或诚实的矿工控制的时空不到 2/3),那么当这些假设再次成立时,Spacemesh 协议将自我修复:在自我修复期之后(其长度取决于关于违规的持续时间和严重程度),保证诚实的矿工在整个历史上达成共识。我们对Spacemesh的自愈保证给出了严格的安全证明。
Spacemesh Protocol Theoretical Achievements:
The Spacemesh protocol is Fairer to smaller miners (read: those mining from home). Miners are paid their fair share of the rewards collected every EPOCH (~2 weeks) based only on their storage commitment size. Therefore powerful (even adversarial) miners cannot receive a disproportionately high proportion of the rewards.
Spacemesh 协议对较小的矿工(那些在家挖矿的人)来说更公平。仅根据他们承诺的存储大小,矿工在每个 EPOCH(约 2 周)收集的奖励中获得公平份额。因此,强大的(甚至是敌对的)矿工无法获得不成比例的超额奖励。
Much lower Barriers to Entry compared to existing permissionless cryptocurrencies: in order to join the network as a miner, all one needs is a PC with free drive space and a reliable Internet. There is no need for special-purpose mining equipment and the ongoing power usage is low (hence, no huge electricity bills). Moreover, there’s no need for any deposit, a bank account or a credit card.
Critically, the low marginal costs for home users (with sufficient unused disk space), combined with the race-freeness property (that ensures rewards are proportional to the contributed spacetime resources) encourages small miners to join, leading to a “long tail” of small miners that unlikely to be priced out.
4.Low Variance/Predictability of Rewards
A giant coin price with a low probability in a winner-takes-all system like BTC or CHIA triggers the gambling circuit in your brain and the question, “what if the next HDD I buy gets me that $3000 win?” in the back of your mind. This leads to hordes of people making stupid gambles, buying massive farms of HDDs and slowly realizing just how bad the odds are because everyone like them had the same get-rich-quick idea. In contrast, with Spacemesh, the rewards you get on Day 1 will probably be very small (assuming well after genesis), but you can estimate much more reliably what your earnings will be over time, and there’s no massive payday possibility to trigger your gambling instinct/high.
在像 BTC 或 CHIA 这样的赢家通吃系统中,一个高企的代币价格很可能会触发你大脑中的赌博回路和疑问,“如果我购买的下一个 HDD 让我赢了 3000 美元怎么办?”在你的脑海里。这导致成群结队的人进行愚蠢的赌博,购买大量的硬盘驱动器,然后才慢慢意识到可能性的问题,因为如他们此类的每人,都有类似快速致富的想法。相比之下,使用 Spacemesh,您在第 1 天获得的奖励可能非常少(假设在创世之后很长时间),但您可以更可靠地估计随着时间的推移您的收入将是多少,并且没有巨大的发薪日可能触发您的赌博本能。
Other novel features of Spacemesh (technical features we’re proud of):
1.Proof-of-Space-Time done right for the first time: miner fills up their disks once and forever, joy-full low-key mining experience
2.Very expressive future-proof smart-contracts platform (user-generated templates, account abstraction, flexible nonce scheme, etc.)
3.Strong guarantees of permissionless access and censorship resistance (baked deeply into our consensus design)
4.Built-in resistance to front-running and other flavors of MEV (thanks to randomized mechanism of proposals and unified block construction)
内置对抢跑和其他类型的 MEV 的抵抗(提案的随机机制和统一的块构建)
5.Scalability via consensus-execution decoupling
As I turn 50 and lookback at the frightened kid I once was, I’m forever grateful to Satoshi Nakamoto (person or group) for the legacy, grateful for the transformative experiences Cryptocurrency Industry delivers**.**
Above all grateful for you dear Spacemesh community, for the Trust, Commitment, Joy and Creativity you’ve show us, throughout this long wait period, pursuing together, slowly, the same aesthetics for the future.
最重要的是感谢你们亲爱的 Spacemesh 社区,感谢你们在漫长的等待期间向我们展示的信任、承诺、快乐和创造力,我们将在一起,游刃有余地追求未来相同的美学。

Main Milestones:
Spacemesh v1.0 Feature Complete (single-sig and muli-sig wallet accounts only) — Sept. 7
Spacemesh v1.0 功能完成(仅限单签和多签钱包账户)-9月7日 -
Testing Done, v1.0 Code Freeze — Nov. 24
测试完成,v1.0 代码冻结 — 11 月24日 -
Open Source Campaign and Bug Bounties — During Nov.
开源活动和漏洞赏金——11 月期间 -
Mainet Launch (v1.0)- Dec. 5–12
Mainet 发布 (v1.0)- 12 月5–12日 -
Mainnet upgrade to v2.0 full smart contracts support — Q3 2023
主网升级到 v2.0 完整智能合约支持——2023 年第三季度
Expect the Spacemesh community to ‘further reduce the barriers to entry and make it as easy as possible for more demographics to join the crypto revolution’ well into the future
期待 Spacemesh 社区在未来 “进一步降低进入门槛,让更多人口尽可能轻松地加入加密革命”