EulerDAO on-chain governance will soon launch and will use the Tally governance application.

In this guide, users can learn more about how governance will work with Tally and the DAO launch phases. This article explains the Euler on-chain governance process and how users can participate in order to be more prepared for the launch of EulerDAO.
在本指南中,用户可以详细了解治理将如何与 Tally 以及 DAO 启动阶段。本文将详述Euler 链上治理流程以及用户参与方法,以便为 EulerDAO 的推出做好准备。
EulerDAO is based on the OpenZeppelin Governor smart contract for governance. It is a governance protocol which allows delegates to vote on active proposals to make changes to the EulerDAO and Euler protocol. To manage the governance process, Euler will be using the Tally governance dashboard / web application.
EulerDAO 基于 OpenZeppelin Governor 智能合约来进行治理。它是一种治理协议,允许代表对活跃的提案进行投票,进而对 EulerDAO 和 Euler 协议进行更改。为了管理治理过程,Euler 将使用 Tally 治理仪表盘/网络应用。
Through Tally, you can set up your wallet to become a delegate (i.e., delegate your voting power to yourself), create on-chain proposals, vote on active proposals, discover delegates in the community, and delegate your voting power to another community member.
通过 Tally,您可以设置您的钱包成为代表(即自己委托自己投票)、创建链上提案、对活跃提案进行投票、发现社区中的代表以及将您的投票权委托给其他社区成员.
As noted in the Call for Delegates article, delegates represent EUL token holders who have delegated their voting power to vote on their behalf.
正如 Call for Delegates 文章中所述,代表是EUL 代币持有者的代理人,并被授权代理持币人投票。
Delegates are volunteers who actively participate in the EulerDAO governance, such as voting and creating proposals, so the role should be treated as a serious commitment. EulerDAO will aim to fairly and adequately reward its delegates for their significant efforts.
代表是积极参与 EulerDAO 治理的志愿者,例如投票和创建提案,因此该角色应被视为一项严肃的承诺。 EulerDAO 的目标是公平和充分地奖励其代表的重大努力。
如何成为代表?(How do you become a delegate?)
To become a delegate, you must delegate your voting power to yourself or be delegated by another community member, thus giving you the right to use their voting power.
To achieve this, token holders need to execute the delegate function of the EUL token to delegate another user or the token holder themselves to enable the governor contract to determine their voting power.
为了实现这一点,代币持有者需要执行 EUL 代币的委托功能,来委托另一个用户或代币持有者自己,以使治理合约能够确定投票权的归属。
The DAO will be launching soon. When it does, community members will be encouraged to delegate their votes. As part of that process, community members will be presented with a delegates list.
DAO 即将推出。当它启动时,将鼓励社区成员委托投票。作为该过程的一部分,社区成员将收到一份代表名单。
委托对我的代币意味着什么?(What does delegation mean for my tokens?)
When you delegate the voting power of your tokens, you retain 100% ownership of the token itself. There are no changes to the way you use or hold the token.
当您委派代币的投票权时,您将保留代币本身 100% 的所有权。您使用或持有代币的方式没有变化。
A healthy governance system is good for Euler and for all EUL token holders. Choosing a good delegate is in each EUL token holder’s best interest.
一个健康的治理系统对 Euler 和所有 EUL 代币持有者都有好处。选择一个好的代表符合每个 EUL 代币持有者的最大利益。
使用Tally治理仪表板委派投票权(Using Tally Governance Dashboard to Delegate Voting Power)
The first step in the delegation process via the Tally governance application is to visit the EulerDAO page on the Tally governance application and connect your wallet.
通过 Tally 治理应用,进行委托过程的第一步是访问 Tally 上的 EulerDAO 页面并连接您的钱包。
The second step is to click on “Delegate vote” in the top-right corner of the screen.
第二步,点击屏幕右上角的“代表投票(Delegate vote)”。
Users can then decide to either delegate to themselves or to another wallet, delegate, or community member. By delegating to yourself, you retain your voting power. Next time there is an active proposal, you can vote in any way you choose.
If you decide to delegate to an address or delegate, the following screen will be shown instead, where you can enter the address you wish to delegate your voting power to.
This will not transfer any of your tokens to the delegate, you will only be delegating your voting power, i.e., voting via proxy who will be voting on your behalf or representing you at the polls! You can always change the delegate later on or delegate to yourself again. This helps to ensure that there is a good degree of participation from the community on on-chain governance proposals voting.
Finally, regardless of whether you are delegating to yourself or delegating to a delegate, you will be required to confirm the transaction in your wallet which will cost gas.
最后,无论您是委托给自己还是委托给受托人,您都需要在您的钱包中确认交易,这将花费 gas。
To recap, delegates are token holders that have completed a one-time setup process. Once you become a delegate, you can then vote on active proposals, and create proposals if you have enough voting power. If you choose not to directly vote on proposals, you can pass your voting power on to a delegate, as shown above.
关于Euler (About Euler)
Euler is a capital-efficient permissionless lending protocol that helps users to earn interest on their crypto assets or hedge against volatile markets without the need for a trusted third-party. Euler features a number of innovations not seen before in DeFi, including permissionless lending markets, reactive interest rates, protected collateral, MEV-resistant liquidations, multi-collateral stability pools, sub-accounts, risk-adjusted loans and much more. For more information, visit
Euler 是一种资本效率高的无许可借贷协议,可帮助用户从其加密资产中赚取利息或对冲波动的市场,而无需受信第三方。 Euler 具有许多在 DeFi 中前所未有的创新,包括无许可的借贷市场、回应性利率、受保护的抵押品、抗 MEV 清算、多抵押品稳定池、子账户、风险调整贷款等等。有关更多信息,请访问。
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